Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Questions To Ask About Drug Addiction

What Happens After A Client Has Completed Rehab

10 Questions You’ve Always Wanted to Ask a Cocaine Dealer

Depending upon the individual needs at the time of treatment completion, a patient may be given an aftercare plan. Part of that plan may include moving into a half way house before returning home, or it may call for attending outpatient treatment. To continue to build upon the work done in treatment, the addict or alcoholic will need to continue therapy while attending.

Will Treatment Change If I Relapse

Knowing how your addiction psychiatrist will handle a relapse is also an important part of understanding your treatment expectations and minimizing surprises. Relapsing can be a setback, but it shouldnât be viewed as a failure or reason to give up on treatment.

âYou want to know how your treatment team addresses relapse, whether that be additional visits, medication adjustments, or referral for a higher level of care,â Sarsfield says.

Even if you relapse, your addiction psychiatrist should be able to guide you back to the path of treatment and recovery and make appropriate changes to your treatment protocol.

Pressing Questions About Addiction And Mental Health: Part 2

Weill Cornell Medicine, in conjunction with the 92Y, presented a full-day summit about mental health for the public. Throughout the day, experts from Weill Cornell Medicine shared insights about mental health, mental illness, and other important topics, answering questions along the way.

During one session, Dr. Richard Friedman joined Dr. Mitchell Rosenthal to answer questions from attendants about addiction.

Dr. Richard Friedman is a Professor of Clinical Psychiatry and Director of the Psychopharmacology Clinic at Weill Cornell Medicine. His clinical and research specialties include anxiety and mood disorders, as well as psychopharmacology and refractory depression. In addition to treating patients and conducting research, Dr. Friedman also frequently contributes to The New York Times as an op-ed columnist.

Dr. Mitchell Rosenthal founded the Phoenix House in 1967 in New York City. Under his leadership, the organization grew to become the nations leading provider of alcohol and drug treatment. Currently, there are 52 locations across nine states that offer 97 programs for 3,530 patients. Dr. Rosenthal also founded the Rosenthal Center for Addiction Studies, an organization that provides information to individuals and families grappling with addiction, healthcare professionals, and policymakers.

Here is a summary of part of this important discussionand be sure to read part one for more.

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Question: How Are People With Drug Addiction Treated

– Limely lu

Answer: Limely Lu, good question! Drug treatment can take different forms depending on the drug and needs of the individual. In some cases, medications can be used to treat addiction. Cognitive-behavioral treatment can be useful by helping people better understand the reasons they use drugs and address them, such as learn how to deal with stress and cravings for drugs, and develop different friends and activities to replace drug use. More information about drug treatment can be found at:

-Redonna Chandler

Question: How Many Drugs Does It Take To Become A Addict

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– chamness_a

Answer: Hi chamness_a, Although we know what happens to the brain when someone becomes addicted, we can’t predict how many times a person must use a drug before that happens. The only way to be sure that a person will never become addicted to a drug is if they don’t use it.There are many things that influence whether a person will become addicted. Their biology and their environment like whether their friends or family use drugs or positive influences like sports or music play a role. We also know that the younger someone is when they start to use drugs or alcohol, the more likely they are to become addicted. If you don’t use before your brain is fully developed your risk for addiction is MUCH lower!

– Marsha Lopez

Also Check: Stages Of Recovering From Addiction

How Long Is Teenage Addiction Recovery

Treatment should be tailored to the individual, so the time spent in a recovery program can vary widely. As a VERY general rule-of-thumb, here are the approximate lengths of some of the different levels of treatment:

  • Detox â A few days to 2-3 weeks, depending upon on the personâs drug history.
  • Inpatient rehab â 30 days to several months.
  • Outpatient treatment â 3-6 months.
  • Sober living â A MINIMUM of 6 months
  • 12-Step meetings â Recommended 90 meetings in the first 90 days of sobriety, and as-needed moving forward

Professional opinion holds that treatment services need to last a minimum of 90 daysâin any combinationâto be effective. An article published in the Los Angeles Times found that the rates of first-year relapse among individuals who stayed in treatment 90 days-plus is half that of people who left treatment sooner.

Seeking Help At Tennessee Wellness Center

If your loved one agrees to get outpatient help, our team is ready to walk alongside them on their journey to recovery. Our intensive outpatient program and partial hospitalization programs involve a range of therapies individualized to each client. We follow a whole-person approach to address every aspect of their overall well-being. With us, they can develop the necessary skills to move forward in their recovery process.

Tennessee Wellness Center recognizes the importance of family, which is why it is our goal to provide your loved one and your entire family with the personal attention and care you need. At Tennessee Wellness Center our family is dedicated to yours. Take the first step to wellness, and contact our team today.


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Is Marijuana Really Dangerous

People think marijuana is not harmful but it can lead to drug addiction and studies are showing that it can also cause health issues, just like cigarettes. There are more teens in treatment with a primary diagnosis of marijuana dependence than for all other illegal drugs combined. Marijuana is often considered a gateway drug, leading to more illicit drugs such as heroin.

Can Drug And Alcohol Abuse Lead To Mental Health Issues

Self-Harm Questions – ‘Is drug and alcohol abuse self-harm?

Itâs not uncommon for a person with a drug or alcohol addiction to have another mental illness. However, scientists say itâs difficult to know whether addiction is a cause of mental illness or whether people with a mental health disorder are more likely to turn to drugs or alcohol and develop an addiction. Itâs also likely that some of the same genes and brain regions involved in addiction are also involved in other mental health disorders, such as schizophrenia and depression. People with mental health issues and addictions are often treated for co-occurring disorders.

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How Can I Identify Teen Drug Use

You can identify teen drug use by looking for some of the following warning signs:

  • When your teen doesnt seem like themselves without any known reason, and you see things like:
  • Irritable or hostile behaviors
  • Depression and withdrawing from others
  • Frequently tiredness or sleeping in
  • Change in peer group and reluctance to let you meet new friends
  • Secretive behaviors
  • Poor hygiene and grooming habits
  • Skipping school, missing class, or getting into disciplinary issues at school
  • Losing interest in hobbies, sports, and other activities
  • Changes in sleeping habits and appetite
  • Strained relationships with longtime friends or family members
  • Other physical signs, such as:
  • Bloodshot or red eyes
  • The smell of smoke or alcohol on breath or clothing
  • Being giddy or laughing for no reason
  • You might overlook signs of drug abuse in your teen, thinking these behaviors are due to teenage hormones or puberty.

    However, when you notice unhealthy changes in your teens social life, mental health and physical health, and other concerns, they might be abusing drugs or alcohol. When your child doesnt seem like the same person, it is best to look for additional signs of drug abuse.

    Ask your teen in a straightforward manner if they use drugs or alcohol when you suspect an issue. By getting your child into alcohol or substance abuse treatment early, you can prevent them from developing addiction and mental health issues as they grow into young adults.

    Can You Become Addicted To Prescription Drugs


    Drug addiction isnt only limited to street drugs. You can become addicted to drugs prescribed to you to help you through a painful period, such as surgery or chronic pain. As a result, you may become dependent on the drugs and go through various means to get them.

    Some people doctor shop, or complain about pain and ask to be prescribed opioids by doctors they havent seen before. As many states are cracking down on opioid prescriptions, some people obtain these prescription pills illegally.

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    Is Medication A Part Of Treatment

    Medication-assisted treatment is the use of prescribed medications in combination with counseling and behavioral therapy to treat substance use disorders. According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, medication-assisted treatment can provide a more comprehensive and individualized approach to treatment which can help sustain recovery, prevent relapse, and decrease withdrawal symptoms.

    âMedications not only significantly increase likelihood that patients are able to maintain sobriety but decrease chances of overdoses,â Elina Drits, DO, Addiction Psychiatrist and Director of Addiction Services at Staten Island University Hospital, tells WebMD Connect to Care.

    Every case of substance use disorder is handled differently to address your individual needs, but prescribed medication may be an important part of your recovery. Itâs important to know whether your addiction psychiatrist will prescribe medication, as well as details about dosing, frequency, and potential side effects, before starting treatment.

    It Seems Like A Full Recovery Requires Multiple Stays In Treatment And May Take Years Is This True


    Dr. Rosenthal has spent his career creating treatment centers that help patients recover successfully. We’ve done the research on this, he explained. We have looked at our patients a year, three years, five years after treatment and said, okay, what’s happened? How many are sober, and how many are in school? How many have not gotten back into trouble with the criminal justice system?

    A successful outcome is predicted by time in the program, he stated. Somebody who’s been there nine months is going to have a much better chance of being successful than somebody who was there for three weeks. So, it’s not just talking the talk. It’s walking the walk and really working at sobriety and behavior.

    He continued, Somebody is not going to get a three-week cure. Now, does it happen? Yes. But, if you look at big numbers of people who’ve been in treatment, time in the program is going to be the predictor of success.

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    How Do You Perform Your Initial Assessment

    Youll no doubt need a psychological and a physical evaluation so that you can be treated holistically. Treatment will not be effective if you are not made aware of what is happening with your mind and your body. Find an addiction recovery center that covers all of the bases with regard to an initial assessment, so that you can move toward sobriety with confidence that all of your needs will be met in treatment.

    Treating Your Addiction To Drugs Or Alcohol

    Fortunately, if you have discovered that you are addicted to a substance, there is help available to you. Treatment is successful for those that make a commitment to sobriety. If you are ready to get help, The Discovery Institute has a long list of programs that are available to you. We know that addiction is different for everyone, which is why we help you come up with an individualized treatment plan to place you in the direct path for long-term recovery success!

    Call us today to learn more at 844-433-1101.

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    What Can I Do For My Loved One Struggling With Addiction

    Dr. Rosenthal reminded all attendees that addiction issues are extremely common, so its important for all of us to understand what we can do for a loved one struggling with addiction.

    Silence is not a great idea, he asserted, but how do you enlist somebody on their own behalf? How do you give back to them? How do you let them know that you’re worried about them? That you’re troubled about this behavior? That you wonder if they’ve considered this or that?

    Engaging in the relationship with friendship and care over time is the most important action, explained Dr. Rosenthal. It may not be a single act. It may be a conversation that goes on for six months.

    Dr. Friedman agreed, It can take a long time. With addiction, you’re essentially dealing with a person who is using somethingand they’re using it for a reason. They think it makes them feel better. So, when you say to somebody, You know, you have a problem, you should stop doing this, you’re basically taking away something that’s pleasurable. They don’t see that it’s linked to these other terrible consequences, like poor relationships and problems at work. They may not actually see it and have insight.

    Dr. Rosenthal assured those who may be feeling hopeless, I like to remind people that we have more than 20 million people in America who are in recovery. He has seen many patients recover from addictions and go on to lead healthy, fulfilling lives.

    Start A Conversation: 10 Questions Teens Ask About Drugs And Health

    Prescription drug addicts talk doctor shopping | You Can’t Ask That

    At the National Institute on Drug Abuse , our goal is to help people get accurate, science-based information about drugs and health. To help you start a conversation about drugs and health, weve compiled teens’ 10 most frequently asked questions from more than 118,000 queries weve received from young people during National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week®. Its okay if some of this information is news to youlots of other people are asking, too!

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    Questions To Ask And Answer About Addiction

    A doctor’s questions are just as critical on the way to recovery

    The following is a list of questions for discussion with your doctor about addiction from Second Opinion.

    Asking your doctor the right questions about a condition is always important. But in the case of addiction, answering the doctor’s questions may be even more important.

    Doctors diagnose substance abuse and addiction by considering a person’s behavior, and how that behavior is being affected by the substances the person is using. Therefore, the doctor needs complete and honest answers to questions about your behavior.

    If you is abusing a drug or in danger of becoming addicted, you might ask yourself, or have the doctor ask you:

    On the other hand, if you are considering entering a treatment program , these are some questions to ask:

    This article reprinted with permission from Second Opinion, a public television health program hosted by Dr. Peter Salgo and produced by WXXI , West 175 and the University of Rochester Medical Center.

    Have I Noticed Drugs Interfering With My Loved Ones Life

    Sometimes you may know when a family member or friend is using drugs. Perhaps they started out using a drug recreationally, or maybe they had a prescription for the drug. For example, opioids are a common class of drugs prescribed to manage pain. Approximately 2.1 million people in the United States have developed substance abuse disorders stemming from prescription opioid use, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse.

    Often, your instinct is to allow your loved ones to make their own decisions. They tell you they can handle the drug, and you think it is not your place to tell them what to do. It can be difficult to break away from that line of thought, but when you ask yourself if youve seen drugs starting to affect your loved ones life, youll start thinking about how to speak up. You can ask yourself if youve noticed your family member or friend:

    • Skipping important obligations in favor of finding or using drugs
    • Taking the drug more often and in higher doses
    • Continuing to use the drug even though it affects them poorly
    • Exhibiting any withdrawal symptoms

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    Common Drug Addiction Questions And Answers

    What is drug

    The dividing line between drug abuse and drug addiction canbe rather fine sometimes, but simply put, drug addiction is the point at whichthe user has developed a psychological or physiological dependence on asubstance and can no longer make the choice whether or not to use.

    What is drug abuse?

    Drug abuse is using any drug for something other than itsintended purpose, or using it improperly.That can include using too much prescription medication, or using it toooften, other than the prescribed way as directed by the doctor. It is using alcohol to the point where youget intoxicated. Drug abuse is aconscious choice.

    Not all agree with our answers to these drug addiction questions but most do.

    Do all people who usedrugs for recreation become addicts?

    No. There are many factors that go into addiction, such asgenetics, personality and of course the substance itself. Not everybody who drinks is an alcoholic andnot everybody who uses heroin for recreation will become an addict. Its anindividual occurrence. People are bornwith the inclination to abuse and become addicted, but it is not until thesubstance is introduced to the brain that the cycle begins.

    Is drug addiction adisease?

    Yes. Drug addictionand alcoholism are diseases of the brain. It also cause moral changes and affects a persons whole being.

    Is drug addiction achoice?

    These are controversial drug addiction questions and answers but this represents the opinion of this website.

    Is the brain damage

    Question #2 What Is Drug Addiction

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    Let your teen know how substance abuse takes over the life of the user. They cant stop taking the drug, even if they want to. Despite the fact that it causes physical, relational, emotional and financial harm, the urge becomes too strong to control. It leads to problems with friends, family and can even land them in jail or the ER.

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