Other Problems Associated With Adderall Addiction
Adderall stimulates the heart, and this can cause arrhythmia, other heart issues, stroke or seizure if the addict takes more than is prescribed in a short period of time. Those who continuously take Adderall for a long time also are in danger of experiencing the symptoms listed above. Adderall addicts might also be taking other drugs, such as cocaine, ecstasy and marijuana. If Adderall addicts are taking Adderall along with another substance, the possibility of overdose is high.
Causes And Risk Factors For Adderall Addiction
The causes and risk factors that can contribute to the onset of Adderall use disorder are briefly described below:
Environmental: According to the APA, the environment that surrounds an individual can play a dramatic role in impacting their likelihood of starting to abuse Adderall. Having others around who abuse illicit drugs or prescription medications can increase ones risk for participating in similar behaviors. Also, having an unstable home life and/or being exposed to community violence as a child can increase ones chances of developing an addiction to Adderall.
Risk Factors:
- Ease of access with which one can obtain Adderall
- Being surrounded by others who abuse Adderall or other types of substances
- Working in a highly stressful environment or feeling immense pressure to succeed academically
- Suffering from childhood conduct disorder
- Being highly impulsive or having other similar personality traits
- Growing up in an unstable home environment
- Abusing other types of substances
- Being a college student
- Suffering from comorbid antisocial personality disorder, schizophrenia, or bipolar disorder
- Being a female between the ages of 20 and 44
- Exposure to violence during childhood
Signs and Symptoms
The Difference Between Adderall Abuse And Adderall Addiction
Not everyone who abuses Adderall will develop an addiction. However, anyone who uses Adderall compulsively and excessively is at a greater risk of becoming addicted to it. There are also a number of risk factors which can increase your chances of developing an Adderall addiction including:
- An underlying mental health issue
- Significant stress or difficulties in your life
- A history of substance abuse or addiction
- Parents or other close relatives with substance abuse or addiction issues
- Exposure to drug use during childhood
- Peer pressure from friends, particularly if you are a young person
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Common Symptoms Of Adderall Addiction
Adderall addiction is challenging to spot in a person.
There are fewer physical symptoms than with, say, meth or heroin addiction. However, there are similar symptoms that get experienced by the user.
Some of the more common symptoms associated with Adderall abuse may include:
- Needing larger doses to feel the drugs effects
- Not being able to finish work without the help of Adderall
- Spending a lot of time getting the money to buy a prescription drug like Adderall and a lot of time recovering from what is known as an Adderall high.
- Feeling unusually sleepy, tired and sluggish when not using the drug
- Neglecting other normal activities in favor of using Adderall
- Nausea, vomiting and chest pain
- A lack of sexual appetite
- A change in blood pressure
Adderall Abuse And Mental Illness
Adderall abuse and addiction are not only linked to damaging physical side effects. Many studies have found that the abuse of Adderall very frequently goes hand-in-hand with mental illness. Because Adderall can change your brains neurocircuitry, the overuse or misuse of it can cause you to develop mental illnesses such as depression or psychosis, a mental condition that causes you to lose touch with reality.
Developing psychosis from Adderall use is even more likely if you have an existing mental illness. If misused or overused for an extended period of time, you may also experience suicidal thoughts from Adderall. If you seek treatment with us for Adderall abuse, we will be sure to examine any possible resulting mental conditions.
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Treatment For Adderall Addiction
The treatment for Adderall addiction may involve a few steps.
For example, some people need to detox from Adderall at a facility or hospital. The detox process helps an individual taper off the medication and manage the effects of withdrawals. It also helps to break the physical addiction.
After detox, a program to remain off Adderall is helpful. Treatment programs available include inpatient facilities and outpatient programs.
A person may be prescribed medications to treat the short-term symptoms of withdrawal and long-term cravings. However, there are currently no FDA-approved medications for these purposes.
Different types of therapy and counseling may help during a treatment program, including:
- assessment to determine specific needs
- support group meetings
- cognitive behavior counseling to develop new coping strategies
The prognosis for someone with an Adderall addiction that seeks treatment is good. However, getting the needed support is essential.
A person can find a treatment facility for substance misuse near them through FindTreatment.gov. The website also offers information on treatment options and costs.
The outlook for someone with Adderall addiction depends on various factors, such as how long they misuse the drug, availability of treatment, and treatment goals.
Signs Of Adderall Abuse
Adderall is a potent stimulant, and it can be hard to recognize when someone is abusing the drug. People often abuse Adderall to enhance alertness and productivity. They are often motivated individuals that dont look like a stereotypical drug user. Most often, those who abuse Adderall are students and young professionals.
Stimulants will help anyone focus better. And a lot of young people like or value that feeling, especially those who are driven and have ambitions. We have to realize that these are potential addicts drug addicts dont look like they used to.
– Clinical neuropsychologist Dr. DeAnsin Parker, New York Times, 2013
Telltale signs of Adderall abuse may include:
- Being overly talkative
- Impulsive behaviors
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Therapies For Stimulant Use Disorder
Therapy for stimulant use disorder is conducted by a trained therapist and can be done either in an individual or group setting.9 Two approaches to behavioral therapy are recommended for stimulant use disorder:
- Cognitive-behavioral therapy helps you identify the problematic behaviors that led you to misuse Adderall. From there, therapists teach new ways to correct those behaviors in a number of settings. An important tenant to CBT is learning to anticipate parts of your life that could cause your recovery a problem, and learn how to cope in those instances.10
- Contingency management includes providing tangible rewardslike vouchers for things or events that promote a drug-free lifestyle or small cash prizesfor behaviors that encourage abstinence from Adderall.11
How Is An Adderall Addiction Diagnosed
If youve noticed that your use of Adderall makes you need higher doses or makes you feel very bad when you stop taking it , make an appointment with your doctor.
During your appointment, your doctor will first take your medical history. Theyll ask you questions about your Adderall usage, including what dose you take and how often you take it. Your doctor will also want to know what other medications youre taking. This includes over-the-counter ones, vitamins, and supplements.
Your doctor will also ask you questions about the symptoms you experience when the Adderall effects wear off. They may also perform a physical exam and measure your heart rate and blood pressure.
To make an official diagnosis, your doctor will likely refer to the latest diagnostic criteria from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.
If your doctor determines that you have an addiction to Adderall, they may refer you to a rehabilitation center or detox facility to help you recover.
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Treating An Adderall Addiction
Addiction treatment programs often begin with medical detox. Here, doctors offer therapies that can help people stay calm and healthy as their bodies process all remaining drugs. The World Health Organization says that some people moving through stimulant withdrawal can become distressed and agitated, and some develop hallucinations. Medical monitoring and antipsychotic medications can help to ease these symptoms and keep everyone safe. Thats why enrolling in a medical detox program is wise, as families may not be able to provide this level of care at home.
There are no medications that have been approved in the treatment of stimulant addiction, according to Harvard Medical School, but doctors may choose to use medications like Modafinil and Topiramate to help people deal with cravings that can lead to drug use.
The mainstay of stimulant rehab programs, however, is counseling. Counseling is focused, according to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, on helping people to stop their abuse by developing a recovery program and sticking to that plan.
A recovery plan might include components such as finding employment, taking parenting classes, and obtaining housing assistance. It might also include assessing relapse risks and developing skills so the person can deal with those risks without relapse. Counseling might also include family members, so poor decisions made while under the influence can be explained to the group and rifts can be healed.
Adderall Addiction In Young Adults
Adderall is a stimulant medication most commonly prescribed to adolescents and young adults who have been diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder, or ADHD. Composed of amphetamines and dextroamphetamines, Adderall is a brand name drug that targets a users central nervous system, and increases ones ability to focus, pay attention, and control behavior.
In recent years, however, Adderall has become a favored drug of choice among young adults nationwide. Because it is prescribed by a doctor and lacks outwardly dangerous side effects, Adderall is seen as a good drug and considered by many to be harmless. Its good often masks its bad: Adderall is one of the most addictive prescription drugs on the market today.
It is also one of the most misused. According to the 2014 Monitoring the Future Study, Adderall is the third most common drug abused among high school seniors. Originally, the prescription Adderall was intended to treat patients who have trouble paying attention or committing to routine tasks. It aids in limiting impulsive behaviors in youth with ADHD, and keeps them focused on priorities such as school and work. But as the drugs availability has increased, so has its popularity. Students have learned to take advantage of Adderalls instantaneous effects. Because the drug is associated with amplified energy, alertness, and concentration, Adderall has obtained a reputation as a study drug on campuses across America.
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Symptoms Of Adderall Withdrawal
Stimulants in the amphetamine class like Adderall are addictive and misuse can lead to the development of stimulant use disorder.2 Physiological dependence is one of the criterion for a stimulant use disorder. A person who has a physiological dependence on Adderall or other stimulants will experience adverse effects when trying to stop using or significantly reducing their use. These adverse effects are known as withdrawal symptoms.2
Symptoms of Adderall withdrawal and its severity can differ from person to person, and may include:2
- Strong cravings for Adderall.
- Mood swings that can range from feeling depressed, agitated, and anxious to even feelings or thoughts of suicide.
- Feeling fatigued.
Adderall Addiction: Intervention And Next Steps
An intervention is an excellent way for friends and family to persuade someone with a substance use disorder to get help.
Staging an intervention for someone addicted to Adderall may sound like a drastic measure, but it could save a persons life and help them achieve sobriety, long-term happiness and better health outcomes.
All this improves the lives of those around the addict and provides information that they may not have been exposed to before.
Its important to catch and treat an Adderall addiction as early as possible before the addict reaches the various stages that can cause long-term harm or extreme health concerns.
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Adderall Addiction Signs And Symptoms Physical
As Adderall addiction develops, some users smoke or snort the crushed pills for a faster effect. Usually, individuals who start to use higher than needed doses of these drugs are unaware of the negative effect of drug use on their lives. Adderalls euphoric effects cause someone to overestimate their own performance and to neglect the negative response of others.
The following are some of the Adderall addiction signs that may be experienced right after Adderall abuse:
- A decline in personal hygiene
- Lack of appetite
- Sleeping difficulties
Signs Of Adderall Addiction
Some of the most common signs of an addiction to Adderall include:
- Sluggishness whenever you are not on the drug
- Being unable to function without Adderall
- Spending a lot of time and money acquiring the drug, typically through illegal means
- Taking larger and larger doses because you no longer feel the effect of the drug when taking small doses
- Continuing to take Adderall even after you begin to notice its adverse effects on your mind and body
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Risk Factors For Adderall Overdose
In 2017, more than 2% of all drug-related overdose deaths involved prescription amphetamines, such as Adderall.9 There are certain risk factors that make an Adderall overdose more likely, however. As with some other prescription medications, your risk of overdose toxicity may increase if you:2,10
- Take a medication not prescribed for you.
- Take a medication in a way it wasnt prescribed, such as snorting it or injecting it.
- Taking more than was prescribed.
Prior to initiating treatment with Adderall, prescribing doctors may first obtain a full medical history from you to assess for the presence of conditions such as cardiac disease.1,2 They may also ask about any family history of cardiovascular issues such as any cases of sudden death or ventricular arrhythmia In your family.1,2 The presence of certain issues such as these could increase the likelihood of someone experiencing Adderall toxicity due to the drugs inherent cardiovascular effects.
Mixing opioids with a stimulant such as amphetamine or cocaine can lead to overdose risks that exceed those of the individual agents alone. For example, opioid confer their own risks for respiratory arrest in overdose by slowing breathing rate down. However, since stimulants like Adderall may increase the bodys oxygen requirements, simultaneously combining opioid and stimulant use could make overdose toxicity and death more likely in such a situation.13
Other Health Effects Of Adderall
Adderall and other amphetamines may cause mild increases in blood pressure and heart rate , although it is typically mild when used as directed by a doctor at therapeutic dosing levels. Misusing the medication at higher doses, however, puts a person at increased risk of experiencing both short- and long-term adverse health effects. These may include:7, 16
- Heart problems, including a rapid or irregular heart rate , stroke, myocardial infarction , and even sudden death .
- The worsening of undiagnosed psychiatric conditions.
- Long-term suppression of growth in children.
- Worsening of certain vascular conditions, like Raynauds Phenomenon.
Other harmful adverse health effects of chronic amphetamine use, especially if misused in high doses, include:2
- High body temperature and skin flushing.
- Memory loss, problems thinking clearly, and even strokes.
- Mood problems and increased aggressiveness or violent behavior.
- Depression and suicidal thoughts.
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Intervention And Next Steps
Interventions are a good way for friends and family to persuade an addicted person to get help.
The most important aspect of an intervention is for loved ones to explain that they care about and want to help the addicted person.
Staging an intervention for someone who has an Adderall problem may seem like a drastic approach for some. Yet, it could save their life as some people addicted to Adderall dont realize they have a problem.
Adderall users are also likely to start abusing other drugs like cocaine and meth. If it turns out your loved one has a polydrug addiction, its imperative to get them into treatment as soon as possible.
Interventions are carefully planned meetings between loved ones and the addicted individual. An intervention specialist can help you find the right words to say and outline consequences if the addict doesnt accept treatment. Because people addicted to Adderall can become violent or self-destructive, its important to plan for a worst-case scenario.
Break free from addiction.
How Harmful Is Adderall Addiction
Adderall addiction may lead you to several health problems or issues from mild to fatal. It leads our body to physical and psychological effects. Dependency on Adderall may lead to mood swings and emotional complications as well as anxiety, depression, and lack of concentration. Sometimes it may cause a stroke/attack of the heart or liver.
As per deaddiction centre in Pune, the most vulnerable group of people to Adderall abuse are:-
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Commonly Overlooked Signs Of Adderall Addiction
Adderall, a Schedule II narcotic amphetamine drug, is commonly used to treat children and adults affected by attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. Though Adderall requires a doctors prescription, this drug carries many of the same addictive properties as cocaine.
Amphetamines, in general, stimulate the bodys central nervous system , which affects a wide range of bodily processes, some of which include respiratory, cardiovascular and metabolism functions. While not addictive when taken as prescribed, those who do abuse the drug enter into a cycle of cravings and dependency that takes an enormous toll on the body over time.
According to the University of California Irvine School of Medicine, increasing tolerance levels become the driving force behind Adderall addiction as the brain comes to require increasingly larger doses of the drug. Without needed dosage amounts, users develop withdrawal effects that make it difficult to function in everyday life.
Adderall, which is commonly prescribed to treat ADHD, is an addictive stimulant. Stopping use of marijuana is associated with withdrawal symptoms.
Signs of Adderall addiction closely resemble those experienced with cocaine addictions. While signs like tremors and weight loss can easily be identified, other less noticeable signs can also develop. Here are 10 commonly overlooked signs of an Adderall addiction in progress.