Wednesday, September 11, 2024

What Percentage Of Addicts Recover

What Percentage Of Addicts Stay Clean

Federal funds could help recovering heroin addicts

When a Hollywood celebrity or Washington politician is arrested for driving under the influence or prescription shopping, the media presents story-after-story on substance abuse disorders. Many times the people in the news have been on-and-off the substance abuse ride for years. It causes people to wonder what percentage of addicts stay clean after going through detox and rehab. WhiteSands Treatment Center in Fort Myers, FL helps people to get off the substance they are addicted to and teaches them how to stay clean.

A basic knowledge of addiction makes it easier to understand the challenges a substance abuser faces when struggling to stay clean. There are some facts people should know.

  • Addiction is not a respecter of human life. It doesnt care about your age, gender, race, education, or socioeconomic status.
  • Addiction is a disease and not a matter of choice. No one knows if their first drink will start a downward spiral into alcoholism. No one knows the pain pill they are prescribed following surgery is going to cost them their job. Teenagers succumb to the pressure of their peers to have a drink or pop a pill, and for some it is the end of their emotional freedom.
  • Treatment and counseling are the best options for people suffering with addiction. We dont jail people for having cancer or heart disease, and we shouldnt jail everyone who is suffering from addiction.
  • Substance abuse treatments do work. Addicts can and do recover and go on to live happy and productive lives.
  • Statistics On Addiction In Canada

    The majority of people who use substances such as drugs or alcohol do so to relax or have fun. Unfortunately, for some people, using substances or engaging in certain behaviours can become problematic and may lead to abuse or addiction.

    In Canada, approximately 21% of the population will experience a substance use disorder or addiction at some point in their lifetime.

    According to the Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction, the top addictions in Canada are:

    • Alcohol
    • Methamphetamine
    • Opioids & prescription drugs

    Keep reading to learn more about the trends of each of the above addictions in Canada.

    Ways To Get In Contact With Us

    If you believe you or someone you love may be struggling with addiction, let us hear your story and help you determine a path to treatment.

    There are a variety of confidential, free, and no obligation ways to get in contact with us to learn more about treatment.

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    In The United States 91% Or 2235 Million Adults Have Resolved A Substance Use Problem

    See below for figures with breakdowns of demographic & clinical characteristics.

    About half were in the Assisted pathway, with mutual-help organizations as the most commonly used service, followed by treatment, recovery support services, and anti-craving/anti-relapse medications for opioid or alcohol use. These services were not mutually-exclusive: someone might have used anywhere from one type of service to all four types.

    See below for figure with breakdown of the percent of the sample who used each service.

    Importantly, although medications was the least commonly used resource, individuals who resolved their problem more recently were significantly more likely to have taken this type of addiction medication: 15% who resolved their problem less than 5 years ago vs. 11% who resolved their problem 5-15 years ago vs. 8% who resolved their problem 15+ years ago.

    Factors that were related to an Assisted pathway were broadly indicative of a more severe profile. These included:

    • having used 2 or 3+ substances vs. 1
    • opioid as ones primary substance compared to alcohol
    • first use of any substance younger than age 15
    • receipt of a mental health or substance use diagnosis by a medical professional
    • having been arrested and, especially, having been referred to drug court.


    Point #: Moderate Use Is A Possible And Probable Outcome For Resolution Of Substance Dependency

    Addiction Treatment Statistics

    In the table above, the groups of numbers directly below those highlighted blue represent non-abstinent recovery from Substance Dependence. A large number of people fit into this gray area where they are drinking, but not to a threshold that qualifies them as addicted. The categories are defined in the study as follows:

    Five categories of past-year status were used in this analysis:

    1. Still dependent: had 3+ positive criteria for alcohol dependence in the past 12 months.

    2. Partial remission: did not meet the criteria for alcohol dependence in the past 12 months, but reported 1+ symptoms of either alcohol abuse or dependence.

    3. Asymptomatic risk drinker: past-year risk drinker with no symptoms of either abuse or dependence in the past 12 months.

    4. Low-risk drinker: past-year drinker with no symptoms of either abuse or dependence and who was not classied as a past-year risk drinker.

    5. Abstainer: did not consume any alcohol in past year.

    People with PPY alcohol dependence were classied as being in full remission in the past year if they were in categories 3, 4 or 5. They were classied as being in recovery if they were in categories 4 or 5 .

    Some may take issue with my further interpretations of this data, and they may have legitimate points, which is why I posted the table for you to look at and judge on your own, and cited the source below. The basic point though, I believe holds strong: most people recover from substance dependence, with or without treatment.

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    Opiate And Opioid Recovery Statistics:

    • Research studies show that relapse rates for people with addiction are comparable to the relapse rates for people with hypertension and diabetes. Like other chronic diseases, addiction requires continuing care to manage and prevent relapse.
    • People who complete an opiate addiction treatment program of at least 30 days have a higher degree of success in achieving sobriety and remaining abstinent long-term.
    • People who leave rehab with a comprehensive continuing care plan that provides tools for living a sober life will transition to abstinence more successfully and have better rates of sustained recovery.
    • Healthy alternatives to pain management are critical to overcoming opiate addiction. More than 90% of people recovering from opiate addiction say they used heroin because it was cheaper and easier to get than prescription painkillers.

    Are Rehab Programs Successful

    Rehabilitation programs experience higher success rates when they practice evidence-based treatments . Some recovery programs do not practice EBTs and rely on outdated methods for treatment. These recovery centers dont see as much success, since they are not focusing on solving the right issues and tackling addiction in a lasting and meaningful way.

    The best addiction recovery programs use EBTs to give people greater control over their lives. They focus not only on stopping people from using, but on how to change their life and avoid relapsing in the future. Long-term treatment and support is key to successful recovery, and its the one thing that unsuccessful recovery programs dont give enough time and resources to accomplish.

    Rehab centers are almost always successful at stopping someone from using an addictive substance when they complete a residential program. But, rehab doesnt end when the patient walks out the door after their stay. They also need to stay committed to long-term, outpatient treatments, and support groups. Many of these groups exist around the US for people to get connected and stay stronger together with other recovering addicts.

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    Relapse Prevention: How To Prevent Relapse In Heroin Recovery

    Seeking addiction treatment for heroin use disorder is the number one way to help prevent relapse in recovery.

    Evidence-based treatment services, such as medication-assisted treatment, are shown to help reduce relapse rates and reduce the severity of a relapse when it does occur.

    Furthermore, many rehab programs for heroin addiction offer relapse prevention services, such as relapse prevention groups, individual counseling, and relapse prevention planning.

    People Grow And Change

    Addiction Statistics

    Personally, I am skeptical that many people substitute addictions. In my experience, people who are addicted tend to have a particular affinity for a particular class of drug, not for all drugs and alcohol. This is probably based on some combination of their neurochemistry and their psychological makeup. I was addicted to opiates, but didnt have difficulties with substances in other classes. I have seen this to mostly be the case with thousands of my brothers and sisters in recovery who I have had the honor to interact with. People continue to add to their coping skills toolbox throughout life, so the unhappy 18-year-old who is struggling is not the well-adjusted 50-year-old who has worked through many of their problems, or who has improved their life circumstances. Vulnerabilities can improve over time. People arent static, which is what reminds us to never give up hope when dealing with an addicted loved one, no matter how dire the circumstances appear to be.

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    Why Is Alcoholism Recovery A Challenge

    Unfortunately, the percentage of those who recover from alcoholism is low, while relapse rates are high. The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism estimates that 90 percent of alcoholics will have at least one relapse during their first four years sober. However, how a recovering alcoholic handles their relapse is the key to long-term sobriety.

    Its not a secret that completing an alcohol treatment and rehab program will increase the chances of avoiding a relapse and minimize the adverse effects that come with relapse.

    The Myth Of The Addictive Personality

    The recently deceased writer and television personality Anthony Bourdain was criticized by some for recreationally using alcohol and cannabis, in what was seemingly a very controlled and responsible manner, decades after he quit heroin and cocaine. Was this a valid criticism? Can a person who was addicted to drugs or alcohol in their teens safely have a glass of wine with dinner in their middle age?

    It depends on which model of addiction and recovery you subscribe to. If you are a traditionalist who believes that addictions last a lifetime, that people readily substitute addictions, and that people have ingrained addictive personalities, the answer is: absolutely not. This would be playing with fire.

    I learned early in my own recovery how critical it is to apply logic and evidence to the field of addiction, and that just because things make sense, and because we have thought about them in a certain way for an extended period of time, that doesnt mean that they are necessarily true. While in rehab, I was actually told a lot of other things that turned out to have no basis in scientific evidence. For example, I was told on a daily basis that a drug is a drug is a drug. This mentality doesnt allow for there being a difference between, for example, the powerful opiate fentanyl, which kills thousands of people every year, and buprenorphene which is a widely-accepted treatment for opioid use disorder.

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    What Percentage Of Opioid Addicts Recover

    Between 40 and 60 percent of people with any addiction relapse back into substance misuse, so it is difficult to know how many people truly recover from opioid addiction. In the US, governments do not keep thorough track of recovery rates. This might encourage more people to seek help.

    Millions of people around the world struggle every day with addiction to opioids, and about half a million people have died in the US alone since 1999 due to an opioid addiction. Getting evidence-based treatment improves outcomes, but only about 10 percent of the global population has access to, and receives, this treatment. Unfortunately, many people do not remain in treatment for numerous reasons.

    Relapse is a symptom of all chronic illnesses, including addiction. Returning to treatment helps the ongoing recovery process. With continued help, recovery is possible for opioid addicts.

    Statistics On Nicotine Addiction And Abuse

    Drug Addiction Statistics in the UK

    As of 2019, anyone over the age of 21 in the US can easily purchase a box of cigarettes. Although cigarettes are legal and accessible, they cause a variety of fatal health conditions and are also addictive.

    • About 34 million Americans smoke cigarettes.
    • Each day, roughly 1,600 young people smoke a cigarette for the first time.
    • About 15% of American men and about 13% of American women smoke cigarettes.
    • People who are disabled, live below the poverty line, or lack a college education are more likely to smoke cigarettes.
    • Over 16 million Americans have a smoking-related illness.
    • Smoking cigarettes is the cause of over 480,000 deaths every year in the United States.
    Common Questions About Rehab

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    What Percentage Of Alcoholics Recover: Alcoholism Statistics

    Alcohol has a firm grip on the United States and abroad. The legal substance, and one of the most addictive, is easily accessible for the entire nation for people of all ages. The 2019 National Survey on Drug Use and Health found that 85.6 percent of those age 18 or older drank alcohol at one point in their lives. The survey found 69.5 percent reported drinking in the past year, while 54.9 percent drank in the past month.

    Binge drinking affected 25.8 percent of the population over age 18 in 2019, while 6.3 percent reported heavy alcohol consumption in the previous month. Nearly 14.1 million in the group deal with alcohol use disorder . Research from the 2018 survey found that 7.9 percent of adults with AUD received treatment in the past year.

    Despite its legality, alcohol is a killer, and the figures back it up. Nearly 95,000 people die from alcohol-related causes each year, making it the third leading preventable cause of death in the country, only behind tobacco and poor diet & physical inactivity.

    An estimated 20 to 50 percent of all enrollments into substance treatment are for alcohol addiction treatment, and those who seek professional treatment for their addiction have higher rehab success latest. Nearly 40 percent remain sober for at least 12 months after rehab, especially if theyre enrolled in aftercare programs. This is compared to a meager 23 percent who try to get sober without help.

    What About Relapse Rates

    Scientific American looks at the often-cited problem with formalized treatment programs: so many people who attend them suffer relapses. In examining the now-famous case of singer Amy Winehouse, who died from alcohol poisoning after years in which she cycled in and out of rehab, the magazine interviewed Bankole Johnson. Professor of neuroscience at the University of Virginia School of Medicine and author of Addiction Medicine, Johnson has worked on developing the latest generation of medication-based approaches to addiction. Johnson tells Scientific American that he believes traditional self-help rehabilitation referring to 12-Step and/or therapy programs that look askance at pharmaceutical solutions is not particularly effective. He feels that medicines should be in the treatment mix wherever they can be helpful.

    When asked what he would call the medication-based approach, Johnson stressed that medications can often be more effective than psychological therapy on its own. Johnson also points out myths that tend to feed the self-help model, including the idea that one must hit rock bottom before entering treatment.

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    What Do Relapse Numbers Mean

    Other puzzling data show that pretty consistently across programs and addictions, the greatest amount of change occurs early in treatment. Arguments on both sides of the does rehab work? question have used this data. Either rehab is not helping at all, or rehab is now necessary to carry these easy gains beyond the early easy stages.Looking for answers to this question,TIME writer David Sheff, who almost lost his son to drug addiction, spoke to Joseph A. Califano, Jr., former Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare and founder of the National Center on Addiction and Substance. Califano told Sheff, The therapeutic community claims a 30% success rate, but they only count people who complete the program. Califano adds that the other 70-80 percent have dropped out by the 3-6 month marker.

    Sheffs own son spent six years racking up treatment programs, 10 or 11 of them in all, both inpatient and outpatient. I thought he might die, writes Sheff of the experience.

    Like Johnson, Sheff points to outdated philosophies and one-size-fits-all programs as reasons for the ineffectiveness of so many programs. The successful approaches, in Sheffs assessment, dont rely on best guesses or tradition. Like Johnson, Sheff sees hope in treatments that are evidence-based treatments and facilities that emphasize research-based therapies, such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Motivational Interviewing, and Contingency Management, in addition to medication.

    Myth: Treatment Failure Due To Relapse

    What Percentage Of Heroin Addicts Relapse?

    When a person relapses after treatment, its common for people to consider the treatment a failure however, this is not the case. Relapse does not mean treatment is ineffective or has failed.

    The best way to understand why is to look at other chronic diseases that have similar rates of relapse. Hypertension, for example, has similar relapse rates , and while being actively treated, the patient will have reduced symptoms. However, if the treatment stops, then symptoms will also return. Addiction treatment is much the same way, and abandoning treatment, not partaking in aftercare programs and plans, or not spending enough time in treatment can result in addiction symptoms returning.

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    Alarming Addiction Statistics And Facts For 2021

    written by Hristina Nikolovska / January 10, 2021

    Weve compiled the following list of addiction statistics from several verified sources to help educate you. Addiction is a big problem throughout the world, with a lot of people battling various forms of the disease. Because of addictions prevalence in the world today, it has become necessary to know the various forms this problem takes and the effects these substances have on us.

    These statistics cover several substances, including cocaine, alcohol, and prescription medications, to give a better idea of the challenges those with an addiction face. As the following data will show, these substances affect people across all genders, races, and economic backgrounds.

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