Friday, July 26, 2024

How Long Does Addiction Recovery Take

How To Choose The Appropriate Residential Rehab Program

How Long Does Addiction Rehab Take? Questions About Rehab

Residential rehab programs are structured in-patient rehabilitation programs for people who are not ready to return to their everyday lives after a detox. People in residential rehab programs live at their rehab center and receive around-the-clock support from medical professionals.

These rehab Programs can last from days to multiple years, depending on how each person adapts to treatment. Many rehab programs have pre-set stay lengths that can be chosen depending on the severity of the persons addiction.

  • 30-Day Inpatient Treatment
  • Long-Term Inpatient Treatment

How Long Does A Detox Last

On average, the process of completely eradicating the presence of drugs or alcohol in ones system takes up to two weeks. However, the length of detox can vary depending on a variety of factors, including:

  • Severity of Withdrawal Symptoms
  • Quantity of Alcohol and Drugs Being Consumed
  • The Individuals Mental and Physical State

Learning To Create Balance

To maintain a healthy relationship while struggling with addiction, it may come as no surprise that you need to work really hard. Finding someone who supports you throughout your recovery process is essential.

Still, you need to put in the work too! You cant expect your partner to do everything for you and support you through everything if you arent trying your hardest to get better.

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There Are 7 Stages Of Opioid Recovery You Should Be Aware Of If You Or Someone You Love Is Struggling

If you havent heard about the opioid epidemic in America, youve been living under a rock because its been raging an ugly war on this country for years now. Its hard to imagine that you dont know someone who has been impacted by this epidemic, whether at work, at home or in the family. But, as we start to learn more about opioid addiction and recovery, its critical to understand how opioid recovery works. Especially if you are trying to support someone who is opioid addicted.

Attend A Drug Rehab Program In New Jersey

How Long Does It Take a Couple to Recover from Sexual Betrayal?

Moving Mountains Recovery was born from the idea that recovery is about more than just getting off of drugs or alcohol. It is about creating a new life so full of passion that there is no room left for substance abuse. If recovering addicts are going to thrive beyond their addiction, they need to fulfill the needs of their mind, body, and soul. The option available at Moving Mountains no doubt stands out from the typical, monotonous treatment curriculum often found in modern-day substance abuse treatment programs. We believe that this approach will help us keep our clients engaged in the treatment and recovery process, significantly improving client retention and overall client success upon completing our program.

Dont wait any longer. Call now to begin your recovery journey.


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Will I Ever Get Back To Normal Undoing The Damage Of Drug Abuse

The editorial staff of is comprised of addiction content experts from American Addiction Centers. Our editors and medical reviewers have over a decade of cumulative experience in medical content editing and have reviewed thousands of pages for accuracy and relevance. Our reviewers consistently monitor the latest research from SAMHSA, NIDA, and other reputable sources to provide our readers the most accurate content on the web.

How Quickly Does Heroin Affect The Body

Heroin provides users one of the quickest highs but the feelings change throughout several stages. Typically, a person will feel nauseous for about 20 seconds before experiencing a high for about 10 to 20 minutes the higher their tolerance, the shorter amount of time a person will feel that high.

In the last stage, a user will typically feel dizzy and heavy for anywhere from 30 minutes to two hours.

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Continuing Care & Long Term Recovery

Substance abuse treatment is based on two important principles:

  • Maintaining long-term sobriety is challenging. While triggers may lessen over time, the urge to use substances remains for many people in recovery.
  • Relapse is a part of recovery. Though unfortunate, relapses happen in recovery, just as they do in other chronic conditions like hypertension, diabetes and asthma.
  • Part of maintaining long-term recovery requires a person to accept these aspects of addiction. A relapse is certainly a troubling event, but if the person gives up on their recovery when this happens, they will never succeed. Instead, people can benefit from using the relapse as a new opportunity to reevaluate and reinvestigate their treatment.

    A relapse may indicate the need for:

    • Increased involvement with professional treatment
    • More frequent appointments
    • A higher level of care
    • A medication change as recommended by a prescriber
    • Additional lifestyle changes to decrease stress and increase support

    Not only does long-term recovery need the assistance of professional treatment, but it always benefits from other recovery-focused activities, like support groups. Support groups lack the guidance of professional therapy, and instead, rely on the sense of community and fellowship they create. Attending a support group connects someone to an entire network of people in recovery who are willing to share their experience and expertise on the subject of sobriety.

    Physical Proof In Brain Scans

    How Long Does It Take To Recover From Cocaine Addiction?

    Not only do drugs and alcohol change the chemical milieu of the brain, but they also cause structural changes. Brain scans in drug-addicted individuals show that the flow of dopamine to different areas of the brain changes in individuals who misuse drugs. Dopamine flow is reduced in areas associated with decision-making and risk-taking behaviors. Dopamine levels also change in areas associated with feelings of pleasure, making it more likely that a person will take drugs again and again.

    Studies have also found that parts of the brain that can potentially stimulate cravings are highly active in drug abusers. These changes explain why people with substance use disorders can relapse during or after addiction treatment. When exposed to triggers, the active areas can lead to strong drug cravings, increasing the likelihood of relapse.

    Research has found that certain pathways in the brain are especially vulnerable to getting rewired in individuals who abuse drugs and alcohol. As a result of the rewiring, the individual is more likely to continue consuming illicit substances.

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    The Two Phases Of Addiction Recovery

    There are essentially two primary phases of addiction recovery: the detox your body goes thorough and the process of rewiring your brain. In other words, the physical phase and the mental phase.

    The recovery process typically begins with a medical detox. This is where your body learns to function without the substance, and youll probably experience a variety of symptoms, ranging from mildly unpleasant to downright uncomfortable. Depending on the severity of addiction and substance used.

    The second phase is the psychological detox, or neurological reprogramming. This is where your brain regains sober functionality and learns how to process and focus, relax and experience joy without the assistance of a substance.

    Determining The Length Of Drug Or Alcohol Treatment

    Once you decide to seek help, the specialists at your rehab facility will diagnose your substance abuse problem. Depending on the specific addiction, treatment professionals will establish a blueprint for your rehab program.

    The staffs at these facilities are looking out for your best interests, and they will try to ensure you are comfortable every step of the way. You may decide to go the route of residential treatment or elect outpatient treatment instead.

    Certain rehab centers offer shorter rehabilitation, offering 28- or 30-day substance abuse recovery programs.

    A NIDA-funded study tracked nearly 550 rehab clients who struggled with drug use and a number of other problems. For those who stayed in residential treatment beyond 90 days, relapse rates steadily declined. However, those who left rehab before reaching 90 days had relapse rates comparable to clients in treatment for one to two days.

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    How Do You Know If Your Liver Is Detoxing

    According to the NHS, the liver is very resilient and is capable of regenerating itself. However, a portion of your liver cells die each time your liver has to process alcohol. The liver can regenerate cells, but chronic heavy drinking can result in damage to the liver.

    If you have damage to your liver, then lifelong abstinence is recommended, because not drinking alcohol is the only way to prevent your liver damage from getting worse. Blood tests and liver function tests can help determine if your liver is healing. If you were experiencing any symptoms of liver disease from your drinking, then you may see these symptoms begin to dissipate within a few weeks after quitting drinking. However, depending on the severity of the damage, healing could take longer.

    âWe monitor liver function through liver function tests, which evaluate the levels of a few important enzymes made by the liver, including alkaline phosphatase, alanine transferase, aspartate aminotransferase, γ glutamyl transferase.â Shelton explains. âMost importantly for alcoholic liver disease are AST and ALT. Decreasing AST/ALT suggests improving liver function.â

    Substance Use Disorder And Addiction

    Breaking Addiction

    Ready to start therapy? Our Find a Therapist resource may help.

    Substance use disorder and addiction affect all people, independent of their age, gender, or economic or social status no population is above it.

    In fact, more than 20 million Americans ages 12 and older had a SUD in 2018.

    You may know someone who started taking pain relievers like opioids they were prescribed after an injury. Then, as their body experienced dependence, efforts to cut back or quit on their own proved to be extremely painful or next to impossible.

    Regardless of how substance use begins, recovery is possible. Most people with moderate to severe addiction need additional help, however, as its not easily overcome on your own.

    Substance use disorder is a complex condition stemming from the recurrent use of alcohol or other substances despite the harmful life and health consequences it may cause.

    A SUD can be mild, moderate, or severe.

    Addiction often occurs when the substance overactivates the brains reward center, which involves an abnormally high release of the neurotransmitter dopamine.

    Continued use of the substance results in changes to the brains function and structure, which eventually leads to cravings, tolerance, and withdrawal symptoms when the substance isnt used.

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    How Long Does Rehab Last For Different Rehab Programs

    The possibility of a patient recovering from addiction has a whole lot to do with the programs offered at the rehabilitation facility. As every case is different depending on the nature and type of addiction, the programs are tailored to the individuals needs. How long is rehab for alcohol, and how long is drug rehab for inpatient and outpatient programs?

    Heroins Effects On The Body

    More often than not, young adults who use drugs are doing so to experience the initial effects that substance has on their body they want to feel that initial high. However, when that persons drug of choice is heroin, the effects of that drug last far longer.

    Whether you have a loved one struggling with addiction or you are recovering yourself, its important to understand how long heroin affects the body so you can be proactive in avoiding dangerous consequences.

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    Why Do People Prefer Longer Drug Rehab Programs

    People are often concerned about how long rehab lasts. This is because those interested in getting help are always worried about the amount of time theyd have to dedicate to getting help. Even though shorter addiction treatment periods are more convenient, long-term drug rehabs are best for those who have experienced numerous relapses after short-term programs.

    Other Reasons Why People Go for Long-Term Treatment Include:

    • Enough time to engage in learning essential life skills
    • Fully immerse in other exceptional treatments after detox
    • Allows adequate brain time to adjust to positive changes
    • Gives the patient more time to interact with counselors and peers
    • Helps rebuild relationships with family, friends, and contacts
    • Helps patients adjust to their recommended nutritional program for better health

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    How To Get Heroin Out Of Your System

    How long does it take to get addicted to Suboxone?

    Heroin is metabolized quickly and is not detectable by most standard drug tests after about three days. The only way to get heroin out of your system is to stop using the drug and allow your body time to metabolize and eliminate it.

    Stopping heroin cold turkey can often lead to severe withdrawal effects, however, so talk to your doctor about your treatment options. Staying healthy by getting regular exercise and drinking plenty of fluids may help you metabolize the substance more quickly.

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    Medical Detox Isnt The End

    A medical detox program can reduce your risk of relapse in the early stages of recovery, but its not enough on its own to avoid relapses in the future.

    Relapse rates for all types of substance use disorders are high. The potential to relapse is significantly decreased if you participate in treatment following detox. Generally, this means getting involved in some type of addiction treatment program where therapy is the backbone. When you complete a structured program, an aftercare program should be your next step.

    In therapy, youll address the types of issues that caused your substance abuse in the first place. Youll learn strategies to deal with these issues. With your therapist, youll develop a plan for avoiding alcohol or drugs long term. The longer you remain in treatment for your substance abuse disorder, the greater your chances are of remaining sober.

    Are you looking to detox from drugs or alcohol in a safe, compassionate environment? Contact our team at Footprints to Recovery. We can help!

    The Four Major Dimensions Of Recovery:

  • Health: overcoming or managing ones disease or symptoms, and making informed, healthy choices that support physical and emotional well-being
  • Home: having a stable and safe place to live
  • Purpose: conducting meaningful daily activities, such as a job, school volunteerism, family caretaking, or creative endeavors, and the independence, income, and resources to participate in society
  • Community: having relationships and social networks that provide support, friendship, love, and hope
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    Lifestyle Adjustments After Drug And Alcohol Addiction

    How important is it to find the right aftercare program for your loved one? The right aftercare program will enable your loved one in these ways:

    • Improve relationships while in recovery
    • Device coping mechanisms against relapse
    • Achieve a sense of purpose and fulfillment

    Up to 70-80% of patients drop out of aftercare contact and relapse. This reinforces the need for a longer rehab time as therapeutic communities30% success rates are primarily those that finish the extended programs.

    Aftercare provides mental, spiritual, emotional, and physical wellness. Recovery will be a lifelong journey. Many people can rewire their brains to never desire a substance again simply because of all the pain it has caused them. Others may struggle for longer.

    Regardless of whether a person reaches that point completely, the struggle does get easier over time.

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    Heroin Detox and Withdrawal: Whatâs It Like and how Long Will it Take?

    Stopping drug use is just one part of a long and complex recovery process. When people enter treatment, addiction has often caused serious consequences in their lives, possibly disrupting their health and how they function in their family lives, at work, and in the community.

    Because addiction can affect so many aspects of a person’s life, treatment should address the needs of the whole person to be successful. Counselors may select from a menu of services that meet the specific medical, mental, social, occupational, family, and legal needs of their patients to help in their recovery.

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    Early Recovery From Addiction

    There is another answer to the general question, How long does addiction recovery take? This answer relates to early recovery from your addiction, the time period when you practice what you learn in treatment.

    During this phase, you feel fragile and new to sobriety. You must focus and use what you learned to avoid relapse because of cravings, daily stress, triggers, temptations, social pressures, and family problems. In essence, you learn how to live well during this time. You also practice having fun and socializing without using drugs or alcohol.

    Once you stay sober for at least 90 days, you enter the maintenance phase of your recovery. During this next phase of your life, you focus on using everything you learned in your first three months of recovery. You must work hard not to feel overwhelmed or stressed by your life changes. At this time, you benefit from community support and other healthy people around you.

    What Are The Stages Of Opioid Recovery

    Stage 1: The first 30 days

    During the first 30 days of getting sober, a person is most likely to be the least comfortable during this whole process. They are getting the drugs out of their system and attempting to recuperate physically. During this time, someone may be in a treatment facility, jail, or struggling through the daily obstacles of normal life. Everything feels uncomfortable and new. This period may include medically assisted treatment, that is medicines that curb the craving, which we will discuss in another article.

    Newly sober opioid addicts are just working toward a solution. It is not easy if it were, no one would be struggling with active opioid addiction. Many of us face legal repercussions, damaged relationships, brutalized finances, health issues, etc. Consequences from active addiction are the heavy hitters making for guilty consciences which have been numb for who knows how long.

    The interesting paradox of this stage is that it can also be paired with a pink cloud. This is a feeling of euphoria that develops in newly sober people. It can be consistent or come in ebbs and flows. Some people start to have bursts of pleasure as the receptors in their brain kick start.

    Stage 2: The first 90 days

    At 90 days sober, one recovering addict asked her sponsor: Why am I not happy at 90 days? The sponsor shared with her that she was still crazy and this was only the beginning. There is so much work to do and the craziness is still there.

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