Friday, July 26, 2024

How To Help An Opioid Addict

How To Help A Loved One Dealing With Opioid Addiction

Why the drug that can help treat opioid addiction is hard to prescribe

You may not know what to do if someone you love is showing signs of substance abuse or dependence. If so, you are not alone.

Individuals who are addicted to any substance have very little control over their behaviors. Most would like to think that they have everything under control, but they do not. Opioid addiction affects an individuals memory, impulse control, and even basic decision-making skills.

If you have seen possible signs of addiction, there are some things you can do to help. Of course, they are going to need to feel safe when you are discussing your thoughts and feelings on the subject. Most individuals realize they have a problem but do not understand how to stop. With love, help, and encouragement from you, they may have everything they need to start making the right decision.

Find A National Takeback Location

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    Google is working with the National Drug Enforcement Agency to make it easier for people to find permanent drug takeback locations near them using Google Maps. Michigan, along with Alabama, Arizona, Iowa, Massachusetts, and Pennsylvania, are part of this Google Maps Integration Pilot.

Discuss With The Doctor

Before taking opioids or agreeing to have a plan for pain management that involves opioids, the patient should have been able to give ample consideration for alternatives that do not have addiction risks.

If the doctor says that taking opioids is the best option, then the patient should ask about the ways on how to minimize the side effects and the risks that come with taking them. To do this, the person should be completely honest with the doctor and talk about their medical conditions. For example, if theyve taken opioids in the past and felt that they easily build a dependence on them, then the doctor ought to know that.

Another important information to tell the doctor is if the patient has any history of alcohol or drug addiction. If this is the case, then there have got to be precautions in prescribing opioids because people who had addiction histories are more likely to be vulnerable to drug abuse.

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A Life Must Be Rebuilt

A person has to recover his own self-respect, integrity, and ability to make drug-free decisions. He must learn how to deal with those whose friendship would lead him back to drug abuse. These life skills and many others are taught in the Narconon program. By the time a person goes home after eight to twelve weeks , he has confidence in his own personal morals and values, his problem-solving ability and his emotional self-control. He has also overcome the cravings that drive drug abuse so that every day is not a struggle for sobriety.

This is why so many parents say that they have their loved one back in their lives again.

Learn how the Narconon program can provide the help for opiate addiction you are looking for.

Learning The Physical Symptoms Of Opioid Addiction

Physical Signs of Opioid Addiction

For someone who is addicted to opioid drugs, it’s important to take notice of the following physical signs. These signs don’t all occur with all types of opiates. However, with many of them, they’re fairly common. If you or a loved one is addicted, you may notice:

Lying About Pain

To get a prescription for opioids, one must be in pain. Many people who are addicted to opioids will over-exaggerate how much pain theyâre in. They may get into a minor accident and still claim that theyâre in a lot of pain. They may even lie that their prescriptions were stolen or lie about getting into an accident. Those who were prescribed opioids due to an accident will continue to claim that theyâre in pain even when they arenât.

Another important thing to note is that some addicts actually will be in pain when they stop taking drugs. This is because their body has developed a physical or chemical dependence to the drugs. With that said, the abusers will be in denial that they have an addiction. Instead, theyâll continue to attribute the pain to the accident or injury.

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Getting Help For An Opiate Addict

The Treatment Specialist will connect you with a treatment center who will provide you with information on intervention and rehab options for opiate addiction. Dealing with an opiate addict can be frustrating and difficult, but with the right guidance, help is an option. Call to speak to a Treatment Specialist who will provide an initial assessment and free insurance check to get the specific plan benefits for treatment and recovery services. For more information about getting help for an opiate addiction, please contact a Treatment Specialist today at 644-7911.

What Is Opiate Addiction

Now that you understand what abuse is, letâs see what constitutes as an addiction.

When someone has an opiate addiction, his or her behaviors are slightly different. For them, using is something that is constantly on their minds. They may even think about using the moment they wake up in the morning. They experience a deep desire to use these drugs. Many times, it’s for their pain-relieving effects. Other times, it’s because they like the way it makes them feel.

One classic sign of opioid addiction is that addicts often just don’t feel right without the drugs. They need to take them to feel normal. When there are no drugs in their system, they may experience withdrawal symptoms. Some of these opioid withdrawal symptoms might include:

  • Headaches
  • Anger or agitation
  • Anxiety or depression symptoms

Only a qualified professional can tell you for sure if you have an addiction. If you do, it’s important to get treated for it right away. If youâre unsure of whether you are struggling with an addiction, get a free addiction assessment from our professionals.

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Other Support For Opiate Addiction

Other types of help and support you may be offered while you come off heroin include:

  • talking therapies you may be offered a talking therapy like CBT if you need help with anxiety or depression while you’re detoxing
  • support groups your key worker will give you details of local self-help groups, such as Narcotics Anonymous or SMART Recovery
  • support for family and carers your key worker can organise support for people close to you who are affected by your addiction
  • help to stay healthy this could be anything from advice on healthy eating to tests for infections such as HIV
  • incentives you may be offered rewards, such as vouchers or doses of methadone to take at home, for sticking with your treatment and staying off heroin

The Changed Set Point Model

Local company creating implant to help fight opioid addiction

The changed set point model of drug addiction has several variants based on the altered neurobiology of the DA neurons in the VTA and of the NA neurons of the LC during the early phases of withdrawal and abstinence. The basic idea is that drug abuse alters a biological or physiological setting or baseline. One variant, by , is based on the idea that neurons of the mesolimbic reward pathways are naturally set to release enough DA in the NAc to produce a normal level of pleasure. Koob and LeMoal suggest that opioids cause addiction by initiating a vicious cycle of changing this set point such that the release of DA is reduced when normally pleasurable activities occur and opioids are not present. Similarly, a change in set point occurs in the LC, but in the opposite direction, such that NA release is increased during withdrawal, as described above. Under this model, both the positive and negative aspects of drug addiction are accounted for.

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How Can You Tell If Someone Is Withdrawing From Opioids

Withdrawal symptoms are telltale signs of an addiction. These symptoms only appear if an individual has developed a chemical or physical dependence on the drugs. Itâs one of the first signs that addiction specialists look for when assessing whether a person is addicted to opioids.

The types of withdrawal symptoms experienced, as well as the intensity of the symptoms, can give experts a good indication of the severity of the addiction.

What Methods Are Most Effective For Opioid Recovery

Most forms of treatment for opioid recovery involve a three-pronged attack: medication, behavioral therapy, and counseling. If you go to a rehab facility or a clinic specializing in drug treatment, this is often the approach that they will take. You might think that it sounds weird to treat drug addiction with more drugs, but its one of the most effective treatment methods.

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How Long Does Opioid Withdrawal Last

Some types of opioids will cause signs of withdrawal sooner than other types of opioids and withdrawal from some opioids will last longer than others.5, 6 In addition to the type of opioid taken, the severity of symptoms, time of onset and duration of symptoms, the course of withdrawal include the duration of use, the dose taken, and the time between doses.5, 6

Heroin and short-acting opioid withdrawal symptoms can typically be seen within the first 8-12 hours after last used, peaks within 1-3 days and continues up to 7 days.6, 7 Short-acting opioids, such as morphine and immediate release formulations of the medications oxycodone, hydrocodone, and fentanyl, will result in withdrawal symptoms within the first 8-24 hours after the last use, and withdrawal symptoms can continue up to 10 days.8 Long-acting opioids, such as methadone and extended- or controlled-release formulations of the medications morphine, oxycodone, hydrocodone and fentanyl will result in the first withdrawal symptoms appearing up to 36 hours after last use and can continue up to 14 days or more.8

How To Get Treatment For Heroin

Virginia researchers seek rapid way to treat opioid ...

Heroin is an opiate drug . Other opioids include codeine, opium and morphine.

If you need treatment for addiction to heroin or another opioid you can either see a GP or contact your local drug treatment service.

At your first appointment the doctor or drugs worker will ask you lots of questions including:

  • how much heroin you take
  • whether you’re using any other drugs or alcohol
  • what your physical and mental health are like
  • what your personal circumstances are for example, where you live and who you’re living with
  • whether you’ve had treatment for drugs before

They’ll also ask you for a pee sample. This will be tested to confirm that you’re using heroin.

You’ll be given a key worker who will help you put together a personalised treatment plan. You’ll meet them regularly throughout your treatment.

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How Successful Is Opioid Treatment

The success of therapy for substance use disorder varies by patient and by severity of the disorder, and also can be influenced by complications of comorbidities, such as alcohol use or mental illness. Research has shown that there is a higher rate of substance use in patients with diagnoses such as depression and those who use other substances such as alcohol.

Integrated treatment for both mental health and substance use disorders are needed in cases where these occur together. The environment and family or friend relationships can also play an important role. Some patients will repeat therapy and relapse many times before having success.

Taking Painkillers Can Lead To Opioids Addiction

Being free of pain is an important part of healing and recovery from drug addiction. To help you heal, your doctor may prescribe pain-relieving medication to block pain signals to your brain. These medications are in a class of drugs called opioids. While this medication can help you feel better more quickly, it can also cause you to become dependent on, or even addicted to it. Talk to your doctor often about your pain and your medications.

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Seeking Help For Opiate Addiction In Idaho

If youâve read the information about what an opiate addict looks like and it sounds like you or someone you love, you need to seek professional help immediately.

Northpoint Recovery is located in Boise, Idaho. We are a modern facility that offers 24-hour inpatient care for our residents. We treat opiate addiction along with other substance abuse disorders through individualized treatment plans to meet the unique needs of each person.

Chronic Use Of Opioids And Risk Of Overdose

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Anyone can become dependent on opioid medication. If you have become dependent, you may need a higher dosage to relieve your pain or simply to feel good. However, taking a larger amount of opioid pain medication can cause an overdose. You could get very sick and you could die from taking too much at once.

Pleasetalk to your doctor. Be honest about your feelings of dependency or addictive behaviors. We are here to help you, not judge you. There may be other less-addictive medications available to relieve your pain. In some cases, you may benefit from short-term use of opioids and then transition to another type of medication as your body begins to heal.

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Get Opioid Addiction Help Today

Theres never a perfect time to seek treatment for yourself or a loved one, but you can always get started today. Drug detox for opioid addiction is the first step to achieving a stable lifestyle of sobriety.

At Briarwood Detox Center, we provide medically assisted drug and alcohol detox for all addictive substances. We create individualized detox programs for each client to address the unique physical, emotional and psychological needs of the person. In providing this personalized approach, we are able to make changes to the detox protocol as necessary and ensure that the client receives the highest-quality treatment possible.

If you or a loved one is addicted to opioid drugs, the addiction treatment professionals at Briarwood Detox Center can help. Please call our admissions team today to learn more about our detox programs and detox centers in Houston and Austin, Texas.


Living With Opioid Addiction

The first step toward recovery is recognizing that you have a problem with opioids. If you think you are addicted to them, know that there is help for you. The first step in breaking addiction is realizing that you control your own behavior.

The following steps will help you fight your addiction:

  • Commit to quitting. Take control of your behavior and commit to fighting your addictions.
  • Get help from your doctor. They can be your biggest ally, even if youre trying to quit a drug they prescribed. Your doctor may be able to prescribe medicine that will help ease your cravings for the addictive drug. Talking with your doctor or a counselor about your problems and your drug use can be helpful, too.
  • Get support. Certain organizations are dedicated to helping people who have addictions. They want you to succeed and will give you the tools and support you need to quit and move on with your life. Ask your family and friends for support, too.

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The Messy Path To Getting Clean

Finally, I couldnt take it anymore and asked for help. I had a great, nonjudgmental primary care physician who helped me find a treatment program. I stayed there for a month and truly enjoyed being sober. Once I got past the acute withdrawals, things really started to look positive. I thought after 30 days in treatment, I would be cured and back on the right path. But getting sober is not that easy. I relapsed multiple times and was kicked out of the halfway house where I had been living.

My parents let me live with them as long as I didnt use. That lasted about a week. After several months, I found myself at a crossroads give treatment another shot, or get out. I had no money, no job and nowhere to go. So I begrudgingly went back to inpatient care for another 30 days. From there I was sent to an extended care facility out of state for two months, then to a halfway house for another two months. I then went to a sober living house for nine months. All said and done, I was in supervised care for 13 months. I had over a year of sobriety before I was on my own again, and I dont think I would have made it if not for that intensive treatment.

Tips For Cutting Down

Routine, coordinated treatment of opioid abuse can stem ...

Many people who develop opioid addiction want to cut down and reduce the problems associated with use rather than quit altogether. Eventually, most learn about their need to stop completely. Deciding how to start the processgradually or abruptlyis something each person should work out or discuss with the help of a clinician.

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Treatment For Opiate Addiction

There are many treatment options to choose from, but research suggests the most effective form of treatment for Opiate addiction is inpatient detox followed by inpatient rehab. Inpatient rehab centers have specialized programs for individuals suffering from this type of substance use disorder. These programs help patients dig deep within themselves to uncover the root cause of their drug use. Knowing what caused patients to use drugs or alcohol in the first place will help prevent future triggers while in recovery.

Many individuals quickly find that the rewards of progressing through a treatment program far outweigh the high they formerly gained from drug use.

Effective forms of therapy used during treatment often include cognitive behavioral therapy, individual and group counseling, and 12-step programs.

  • About

Jeffrey Juergens earned his Bachelors and Juris Doctor from the University of Florida. Jeffreys desire to help others led him to focus on economic and social development and policy making. After graduation, he decided to pursue his passion of writing and editing. Jeffreys mission is to educate and inform the public on addiction issues and help those in need of treatment find the best option for them.

Clinically Reviewed:

Theresa Parisi

  • About

All of the information on this page has been reviewed and verified by a certified addiction professional.

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