Thursday, July 25, 2024

Side Effects Of Percocet Addiction

What Are The Signs Of Percocet Overdose

Effects of Percocet Addiction On The Body

Many people taking Percocet are rushed to the emergency room due to nonmedical use of opioids, while others were also admitted to detox centers for opioid withdrawal due to addiction. Some even die due to opioid overdose.

If you are taking this medication and are concerned about overdose, pay attention to symptoms. Some primary signs of Percocet overdose are pinpoint pupils, respiratory depression, and unconsciousness. You should also call for immediate help if you are having trouble breathing after taking the drug. This way, you can end further risk and increase your chances of surviving an overdose.

How To Address Percocet Addiction

For those struggling with addiction, getting off Percocet can be a lengthy and challenging process. However, there are many Percocet addiction treatment options available that can facilitate recovery.

Treatment for Percocet addiction will often start with detoxing, which is the process of Percocet completely leaving the system. The recovery process can also include various types of individual or group therapy. Therapy focuses on building skills and strategies that help people cope with addiction and recovery.

Contact The Recovery Village Columbus to speak with a representative about how professional addiction treatment can help you address your Percocet addiction alongside any co-occurring mental health disorders. You deserve a healthier future, call today.

Percocet Withdrawal And Overdose Risk

Suddenly stopping Percocet use may result in withdrawal, especially if you take it for a long time or in high doses. Withdrawal means that your body had gotten so used to the drug and needed it to function that it struggles without it when suddenly stopped. To help avoid withdrawal, your doctor will usually taper the Percocet dose .

Symptoms of Percocet withdrawal include:

  • Vomiting
  • Passing out
  • Going in and out of consciousness

If you experience Percocet withdrawal or overdose, go to a hospital as soon as possible. Percocet addiction treatment usually involves medication to alleviate or avoid painful symptoms.

If you are concerned about your level of Percocet use or you have continued to use it despite negative consequences, please consider getting an initial consultation with a licensed mental health professional, preferably someone that specializes in substance use issues. Getting treatment earlier helps to reduce future risks.

If you think you or a loved one is experiencing overdose or withdrawal due to Percocet, call 911. If you are concerned about your level of Percocet use or that of a loved one, call for 24/7 help.

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Sheryl Abrams Amft/cadc Ii

Program Director

Sheryl is an Associate Marriage and Family Therapist and Certified Addiction Treatment Counselor with the California Consortium of Addiction Programs and Professionals, CCAPP. She began working as a Substance Use Abuse Counselor at Pasadena Recovery Center in 2012 after overcoming her own struggle with addiction and quickly realized that she wanted to dedicate her life to helping others find the same happiness she found through recovery. This motivated Sheryl to enter graduate school where she earned her masters degree in Clinical Psychology with a specialty in Addiction from Antioch University in 2020. Sheryl began working at Friendly House as a Substance Use Abuse Counselor in 2018 and has since taken on the role of Program Director. She is passionate about helping woman and their families overcome the disease of addiction and puts her heart and soul into accomplishing this goal.

How Does Percocet Addiction Affect Pregnant Women


Pregnant women are at risk for Percocet addiction for a number of reasons. First, they may be taking Percocet for legitimate medical reasons. Second, Percocet can mask pain and make it easier to cope with pregnancy-related pain. Third, pregnant women may be more likely to develop an addiction to Percocet because of the physical and emotional demands of pregnancy.

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How Much Percocet Can I Take Before I Risk Overdose

Percocet can cause some pretty bad damage when overdosed: stopped breathing and stopped heartbeat are the most lethal effects. Roughly 40 mg of percocet can precipitate overdose in a person without any opioid tolerance.

Because there are nearly 100 times more acetaminophen than oxycodone in a single Percocet pill, people are much more likely to overdose from acetaminophen than oxycodone. By the time a person manages to overdose from oxycodone, he or she would have long been in the hospital for liver toxicity.

The daily acetaminophen dosage should not exceed 4,000 mg, and no more than 1,000 mg at one time, which means no more than 2500 mg doses every 6 hours. Although 1000 mg of acetaminophen wont kill an individual, chronic use will result in serious liver damage.

Learn More About Percocet Abuse

Prescription drug abuse is on the rise leaving many who struggle with chronic pain and the doctors who treat them unsure what to do. Narcotic pain medication, such as Percocet, has been the answer for so many who struggle through each day with persistent pain. Thanks to the side effects these opioid analgesics offer, such as unabashed joyfulness and emotional calm, prescription painkillers are quickly becoming one of the most abused drugs in the United States.

Percocet, also called White Collar Heroin is a controlled substance that contains a combination of oxycodone and acetaminophen. Often, other drugs are added to narcotics to increase analgesic properties in a process known as drug synergy. In large quantities, people who abuse Percocet feel a similar high as those who abuse heroin, which is why Percocet is so addicting.

The oxycodone in Percocet is a time-release medication which can make getting wasted a challenge for those looking to get high. A Percocet addict may simply chew or crush the pill rather than swallowing it as prescribed, as this allows for a more rapid absorption into the bloodstream. Some addicts may snort Percocet to achieve an even more rapid high. Still others may dilute the tablets and inject it directly into their bloodstream, which increases the risks for blood-borne pathogens associated with shared needles such as HIV/AIDS and hepatitis.


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What Are The Causes Of Percocet Addiction

Percocet abuse may develop due to biological, psychological, and social factors. The causes of Percocet addiction are listed below.

  • Biological factors: Some biological factors that can contribute to someones risk for Percocet addiction include genetics and gender. Addiction can run in families and someone who has a blood relative with prescription drug addiction may be more likely to abuse Percocet. Research suggests that women are also more likely to abuse prescription opioids because they experience more severe pain than men.
  • Psychological factors: People with co-occurring mental health disorders, novelty-seeking personalities, and impulsivity are more likely to be addicted to Percocet. Certain mental illnesses such as anxiety and depression and substance use disorders often coexist. Meanwhile, novelty-seeking personality and impulsivity are both associated with risk-taking behaviors that are commonly seen in different kinds of addictions.
  • Social factors: peer pressure, ease of access to prescription medications, and inadequate knowledge about prescription drugs and their risks all contribute to an increased risk of developing Percocet addiction.

What Are The Symptoms Of Percocet Addiction Withdrawal

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The symptoms of Percocet addiction withdrawal can manifest in both physical and emotional ways, including but not limited to nausea and vomiting, abdominal cramps, cold chills, intense cravings for Percocet, depression, agitation, increased irritability, mood swings, and anxiety.

Withdrawal symptoms can vary from person to person and can range from mild to severe. The intensity and duration of withdrawal from Percocet also depend on the severity of dependence. In general, symptoms tend to peak on the second or third day of abstinence from the substance.

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Timeline Of Long Term Effects Of Percocet

When people visit a detox center, the first thing that they want to know is the long term effects of Percocet abuse. Its only natural to want an idea of how long to expect the symptoms to last. Unfortunately, theres no exact timeline because everyone detoxes at different rates. Despite that, they can use a general guideline to get an idea of the duration.

Percocet withdrawal usually starts within the first eight to 16 hours after the last dose. Thus, people want to be in a Percocet detox center before the symptoms manifest. The most common symptoms that people experience during these early hours include:

  • Runny nose
  • Sweating
  • Twitching

Over the next couple of days, the more long term effects of Percocet set in. In fact, Percocet withdrawal typically peaks at around 36 hours. During this part of Percocet detox, people experience flu-like symptoms. They also have problems such as anxiety, irritability, and insomnia.

Once they get over the peak, the symptoms start to decrease in intensity. However, its not time to leave the Percocet detox center just yet. During the next week, they continue to feel the long term effects of Percocet withdrawal. Once these effects finally wear off, they can leave the treatment center and head into rehab.

What Is The Proper Dosage

Dosages generally vary from one person to the other. Levels of pain can differ, as well as tolerance level. Percocet comes in various formulations, such as 2.5mg/325mg up to 10mg/325mg dosages. A doctor will assess your needs and bodily functions to determine your correct dosage.

Whatever the recommended formulations, however, you would normally have to take one or two tablets every four to six hours. However, a patient may keep taking the drug thinking it is not working, increasing their dosages in an attempt to manage their pain. Unfortunately, this can lead to an overdose that can be extremely dangerous. If you find that your use of Percocet does not seem to address the pain you are feeling, contact your doctor.

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What Does Percocet Do

Percocet is prescribed for short-term relief of moderate to severe pain that is not typically chronic in nature . Like heroin and morphine, Percocet affects the brain and the central nervous system, changing the way the brain perceives pain.

Percocet acts at opioid receptors throughout the body to initiate a cascade of chemical events that, ultimately:

  • Modify pain perception.
  • Elicit a dopamine response in key regions of the brain. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that plays an important role in the brains reward system circuitryinstrumental in delivering feelings of pleasure and motivation, as well as reinforcing behaviors that initiated the dopamine release to begin with.

When taken in large doses, Percocet can cause a high similar to heroin that is characterized by:

  • Euphoria.
  • Feelings of claim and relaxation.
  • Heightened pleasure.

Percocet and other prescription drugs are often mistakenly viewed as a safer way of getting high than using illicit street drugs, like heroin and cocaine. People may think that since a doctor is prescribing the medication that it must be safe and effective for their needs. Unfortunately, however, Percocet abuse can lead to the same dangerous problems of dependence and addiction as the illicit street drugs that share their origin.

How To Get Off Percocet

Percocet Abuse And Addiction

It can take anywhere from a few weeks to months to get off Percocet. Self-realization is the first step in any addiction treatment process. Once an addiction is recognized, there are several treatment options, each tailored to the requirements of the patients.

  • Detox. The first step of any treatment strategy includes getting rid of any residual drug from the system. Percocet addiction retrains the brain to a different state of reality. Percocet detox results in severe withdrawal symptoms including hallucinations, muscle weakness, fatigue, tremors, and nausea.
  • Residential. There are many facilities that provide residential treatment. Patients can stay at Percocet rehab centers to undergo therapy and participate in group activities to improve their overall well-being. Also, at treatment centers, withdrawal symptoms are closely monitored by medical professionals.
  • Outpatient. In this case, a patient regularly visits a facility for treatment appointments, but the overall process happens at their own home. Outpatient treatment options are riskier in nature. The patients determination and family support play a huge role in this method.
  • Dual Diagnosis.Dual Diagnosis refers to when an individual has a substance use disorder and a co-occurring mental health disorder. Both conditions should be treated to increase the chances of a successful recovery.

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How Long Do The Effects Of Percocet Last

Once consumed, Percocet works fairly quickly in the body. It can be felt within 15-20 minutes oral ingestion, reaches maximum effect in 30-60 minutes, and lasts around four to six hours.

The euphoric effects of Percoct is even shorter, although the duration varies considerably from person to person. A Percocet high may last anytime from minutes to hours, depending on the method of administration, dosage, and personal tolerance. After your body becomes tolerant, or used to the drug, the high lasts shorter and it takes more Percocet to produce the same high. By this time, the person will be at high risk for overdoseboth from the oxycodone and acetaminophen.

When Is Percocet Addiction Counseling Necessary

Percocet addiction counseling is necessary when addressing not only the symptoms but also the root causes of the disorder. Additionally, when combined with medically-assisted treatments, counseling plays an important role in preventing relapse.

The individual, group, and family counseling sessions are also useful in teaching the best ways on how to approach a loved one who is struggling with Percocet addiction. Family members may need counseling to maintain healthy communication with their loved ones and make them understand the importance of getting help and undergoing an appropriate treatment plan.

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What Drugs Interact With Percocet

Drug/Drug Interactions with Oxycodone

Opioid analgesics may enhance the neuromuscular-blocking action of skeletal muscle relaxants and produce an increase in the degree of respiratory depression.

Patients receiving CNS depressants such as other opioid analgesics, general anesthetics, phenothiazines, other tranquilizers, centrally-acting anti-emetics, sedative-hypnotics or other CNS depressants concomitantly with Percocet tablets may exhibit an additive CNS depression. When such combined therapy is contemplated, the dose of one or both agents should be reduced. The concurrent use of anticholinergics with opioids may produce paralytic ileus.

Agonist/antagonist analgesics should be administered with caution to a patient who has received or is receiving a pure opioid agonist such as oxycodone. These agonist/antagonist analgesics may reduce the analgesic effect of oxycodone or may precipitate withdrawal symptoms.

Drug/Drug Interactions with Acetaminophen

Alcohol, ethyl: Hepatotoxicity has occurred in chronic alcoholics following various dose levels of acetaminophen.

Anticholinergics: The onset of acetaminophen effect may be delayed or decreased slightly, but the ultimate pharmacological effect is not significantly affected by anticholinergics.

Oral Contraceptives: Increase in glucuronidation resulting in increased plasma clearance and a decreased half-life of acetaminophen.

Charcoal : Reduces acetaminophen absorption when administered as soon as possible after overdose.

Withdrawal And Addiction Treatment

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According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administrations National Survey on Drug Use and Health, in 2007 approximately 20.8 million persons aged 12 or older needed treatment for a substance abuse problem but did not receive help. Prescription drug abusers make up a significant portion of those in need.

Withdrawal symptoms can occur when a dependence or addiction has occurred and the drug is stopped suddenly or rapidly tapered. Withdrawal symptoms can be extremely uncomfortable, and detoxification in a medically supervised setting is strongly recommended for anyone trying to end their use of Percocet or other opiates. Withdrawal symptoms vary, but can include:

  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Muscle and joint pain.
  • Seizures.

The severity and duration of withdrawal symptoms generally depends upon the severity of the addiction and the level of tolerance and dependence. Generally, symptoms peak on the second or third day and subside within a week or two.

Addiction treatment is delivered in a wide variety of settings using an array of approaches. Treatment may be conducted in places such as inpatient facilities, outpatient facilities or residential settings. Detox centers and rehab centers focus on recovery and learning new patterns of behavior. Treatment modalities usually include individualized therapy, both in individual and group settings, as well as medication therapy.

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Signs Symptoms & Side Effects Of Percocet Abuse

Percocet is a pain medication belonging to the opioid family that is often abused. Taking Percocet for pain can be an effective way to manage symptoms, but non-prescribed or recreational use can come with serious risks.

There are many side effects to using Percocet that must be considered because there is a risk of developing a Percocet addiction. Addiction can happen regardless of whether Percocet is prescribed or used recreationally. Learning the risks and side effects of taking Percocet can encourage the safe use of Percocet or help you find help if you need it.

Risk Factors For Addiction

Some hereditary risk factors include personal or family history with addiction to either opioids or other substances, including alcohol, and co-occurring mental illness, while environmental risk factors include early childhood trauma, poverty and unemployment.

One of the biggest risk factors for addiction thats often overlooked is simple access, Lembke said. If you have more access to a drug, for example to a doctors prescription, you are more likely to be exposed to that drug and more likely to get addicted.

Nevertheless, individuals who have none of these risk factors may still become addicted, she added.

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How Percocet Addiction Changes Your Life

The negative consequences of Percocet addiction are enormous. Devastating to the individuals affected, their families, and to society at large, Percocet touches all aspects of life and is often the cause of death by overdose.

The 2011 White Houses Office of National Drug Control Policy Epidemic: Responding to Americas Prescription Drug Abuse Crisis report, cited that approximately 5.1 million U.S. individuals abuse prescription opioids and prescription opioid overdose rates have tripled over the past 2 decades.

Prescription opioids are given to patients at such a high rate in the U.S., that the CDC reported in 2011 that in 1 year, enough painkillers are disbursed to medicate every American adult around-the-clock for one month.

Approximately 5.1 million U.S. individuals abuse prescription opioids .ONDCPBecause of the high potential for abuse of the oxycodone component, becoming physically and psychologically dependent on the use of Percocet is possible even when the medication is used as prescribed over an extended period.

This abuse potential is exacerbated among those using Percocet non-medically. Doctor shopping can become a part of daily life, and the attendant stress on the individuals mental and physical health and his/her relationship with family, friends and work colleagues, if still employed, are marked.

Addiction to Percocet can spiral a life totally out of control rapidly.

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