Friday, July 26, 2024

Addiction Recovery Services Portsmouth Nh

Sleeping At Home For Outpatient Rehab

Video Tour – Northeast Rehab Hospital in Portsmouth, NH

The differences between inpatient and outpatient are not all boiled down to where you will sleep, though that is sometimes the easiest way to explain them. There are more similarities than there are differences, which of course makes it easier to use the sleeping example.

For instance, the intensive outpatient program at Addiction Recovery Services utilizes group therapy and education for three hours a day. This is similar to some inpatient programs. Sessions are scheduled at Addiction Recovery Services four days a week, and run for a total of five weeks.

This is not necessarily the only length for our program, however. We conduct clinical assessments of every person who enrolls and know that each one may need something different. That means we can extend treatment past the five weeks, depending on individual needs and progress.

Along with that, our IOP includes a weekly consultation with a board-certified addiction psychiatrist or psychiatric nurse practitioner at no additional charge. Its one of the ways we set ourselves apart from other programs, which normally dont offer this.

Another aspect we know is important to address is the continuing management of possible cravings and relapse. Youve maybe heard of medication-assisted treatment , which normally begins during an inpatient treatment program. It can also be continued after a person has checked out of inpatient rehab.

Real Alumni And Fellow Practitioners Speaking To Their Experiences With Ars

I attended their 5-week I.O.P. and theIr aftercare classes and it was very helpful. The counselors they have there are very knowledgeable and made me feel welcome and comfortable. So I definitely recommend ARS to anyone looking for help. Thank you guys for everything.

I attended many IOP programs before finding this one and this one was by far the best. The program was great I felt really comfortable there and the staff was the best Ive ever worked with. Ive been sober over 3 years since attending and I am lucky I found them.

I attended many IOP programs before finding this one and this one was by far the best. The program was great I felt really comfortable there and the staff was the best Ive ever worked with. Ive been sober over 3 years since attending and I am lucky I found them.

John is a phenomenal advocate in the world of addiction and mental health services who has a wealth of knowledge and experience that translates easily into a variety of supervisory and consultation settings. His laidback personality, coupled with his professionalism, makes you feel at ease while discussing the challenging aspects of mental health and addiction work. John is flexible, dependable, and will work with you to strengthen your own knowledge and skills

10 years addicted

Alive. Happy. Thriving.

Richard C. –

Staying Overnight For Inpatient Rehab

This is a treatment program that requires someone to enroll and stay on-site. Depending on the person and their needs, the enrollment could last a month, but could last for as long as two. That all depends on the individual and their needs for recovery.

Inpatient rehab may include a period of detoxification where someone is abstaining from a drug or substance. That can be a stressful, uncomfortable, and even dangerous period of time, so detox should always be medically supervised.

Some facilities dont make a distinction between detox and inpatient rehab, but someone who has enrolled into an inpatient rehab program may not need to detox. However, if someone has completed detox they would most likely benefit greatly from an inpatient rehab program.

They would sleep at the facility, wake up and eat breakfast, and utilize some form of therapy. Sometimes there is a mix of individual and group therapy sessions that also depends on the individual. Almost universally, each of these programs is aimed at giving the person in treatment the skills to continue living a sober life as safely as possible.

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Alcohol & Drug Rehab Centers In Portsmouth New Hampshire

Professional assistance with your recovery is one way to support yourself as you work toward the goal of ending your misuse of drugs or alcohol. Three kinds of treatment plans are usually offered at Portsmouth drug rehab programs or Portsmouth alcohol rehab programs. Your specific recovery plan can be tailored to your history and other health issues.

As an outpatient, youll still participate in classes and mandatory drug tests, checkups and therapy. However, you wont have to spend as many of your waking hours at the center or facility when youre in an outpatient recovery plan. You can maintain a work or school schedule with some programs. If youve recently come out of a more intensive rehab program, experts often suggest that you enroll in a less intensive outpatient plan to help you continue down the path to recovery.

Only you know the best course of action for your recovery program. You know the things you can let go for a while and the things you must continue to manage. However, you may not be aware of the recovery resources available through your workplace, your union or your church at a Portsmouth drug rehab center or a Portsmouth alcohol rehab center.

Choose Your Recovery At Addiction Recovery Services

Senior Care Facility &  Amenities

We hope you can make an informed choice about your recovery now, after seeing all the ways we utilize our treatment for IOP. We respect you before, during, and after your treatment. That includes respecting the path you choose to take to long-term recovery.

Our mission is not to make you feel like a failure, no matter if that is when you enter or when you are enrolled in IOP. Its hard to begin and it can be hard to maintain long-term recovery. We focus on harm reduction because we believe its been shown to help people recover effectively.

If you or someone you know is ready to begin recovery, let us know. Addiction Recovery Services has multiple pathways to recovery, each defined and chosen by what the person in recovery needs. Give us a call at and lets see about starting you on the way to recovery.

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How Do I Help Someone With A Cocaine Addiction

A cocaine habit can damage chemical pathways in the brain, and that damage can make mental clarity and decision-making difficult. People with a cocaine addiction may not even be aware they have a problem. Families can bring issues to the persons attention through interventions, and when treatment begins, they can provide love and support to ensure the person stays in treatment.

Drug Rehab Treatment And Medical Detox Near Portsmouth

It doesnt matter how you got addicted to drugs once you already are, but knowing the why can help. Inpatient addiction treatment centers in New Hampshire can help you get clean and their addiction treatment programs can help you get over the reasons for addiction at the same time.

If you, or a loved one, is experiencing severe addiction related issues, including underlying mental health issues and co-occurring mental health disorders, then the level of care at an inpatient treatment facility is probably the best option to treat physical dependence and the heightened risks of withdrawal symptoms.

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The Way Our Principles Define Our Treatment

The IOP at Addiction Recovery Services utilizes therapy, medication when needed, and even can move into continuing care. The ways we utilize these treatments are all guided by our principles, things we hold as deep beliefs and will not compromise.

We respect each and every person who is struggling with addiction and wants to enroll in treatment. In order for our counseling to have a lasting impact and prepare you for the road ahead, trust and respect have to be there from the start.

Listening is important. We want to hear how you feel, we want to hear how you are doing and see how that plays into your recovery. It doesnt matter what goals you have in mind for recovery or how your belief in yourself manifests: well be here, listening.

Treatment results show definitive improvements when someone has sought help and found themselves in a setting that encourages choice. Taking responsibility for the path of recovery and seeing the results from decisions made during treatment really does make a huge difference.

Thats why we give every person we treat information about the resources we utilize and encourage them to make choices about their best route forward. All the coping skills, community resources, and medications are here and ready to be one more part in your way forward. You will be the one deciding what resources you utilize.

Alcohol Addiction Treatment In Portsmouth Nh

New Hampshire Initiative Helps Those In Recovery For Addiction Find Jobs | NBC Nightly News

Alcohol addiction treatment in Portsmouth, NH is a dangerous process. The main problem with alcohol addiction programs is that they are not effective in the long run. Most people who go through these Drug Rehab Centers end up relapsing and going back to their old habits after a few years or months. Our alcohol rehab center has been treating patients for years, and we have an excellent track record of helping our patients Get Rid of Alcoholism permanently. We do this by using both holistic medicine and traditional western medicine techniques to treat your body as well as your mind so that you can recover from alcoholism safely, effectively, and quickly. If you want to know more about how we can help you with your addiction problems.

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Treating Mental Health And Addiction

As youll see in our principles of treatment below, we pride ourselves on treating the person. Thats because all our lives are unique and the factors that influence how each person is struggling with addiction can be very different.

Things like relationship conflict, difficulty with emotions such as anger, sadness, and boredom, and negative thinking can lead to the use of drugs and alcohol, but also to problematic mental health symptoms. All these factors can shift how treatment will unfold for someone. We want to make that process go as smoothly as possible.

With that in mind, groups at Addiction Recovery Services include discussions and skill-building activities about communication and improving relationships, changing our thoughts, identifying and coping with our emotions, and having fun. All of us have emotions, but each of us use them in different ways. We always address the unique inner landscape of someone we are helping.

What Is Alcoholism Or Alcohol Use Disorder

Its important to know that the term alcoholism isnt a formal, clinical term. Its used in everyday conversation and refers to when a persons drinking habits start to have a negative impact on important aspects of their life. The current medically preferred term is alcohol use disorder or simply AUD.

As described by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism , AUD is a chronic relapsing brain disorder characterized by an impaired ability to stop or control alcohol use despite adverse social, occupational, or health hazards.

While other drugs may get more attention from the media, alcohol consumption has been a major public health issue over the last decade. One NIAAA study from 2016 found that the citizens of New Hampshire consume more alcohol per person than people in any other state in the nation. While citizens of the United States were reported to have consumed 2.35 gallons of alcohol on average for the year 2016, people who live in New Hampshire consumed an average of 4.76 gallons. This far exceeds any other state and is more than twice the recommended alcohol consumption limit of 2.1 gallons per year.

The nationwide alcohol consumption numbers suggest this is hardly just a local issue.

According to NIAAA in 2018, 15 million people in the United States suffer from AUD. Thats roughly 15% of the population. Of those 15 million, 65% are men and 35% are women.

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How Can Someone Stop Cocaine Addiction

People who consume cocaine on a regular basis will start to form a powerful physical and psychological addiction. Because of this, it can be a very difficult habit to overcome on your own. It is highly recommended that anyone who is trying to overcome an addiction to cocaine do so under the supervision of a licensed addiction treatment facility.

About Road To A Better Life

Northeast Rehab: Portsmouth, NH Inpatient Rehabilitation Hospital

At ROAD to a Better Life, the goal for all of our clients is permanent freedom from cravings, drug misuse, and addiction. Our most successful clients come in ready to listen, take suggestions, and start making real changes in their lives. In return, we offer a friendly, respectful environment staffed by addiction professionals committed to helping you get well and stay well.

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Get Successful Addiction Treatment In Portsmouth Nh From Our Professional Physicians Our Drug Addiction Treatment Center Has Comprehensive Rehabilitation Programs For Alcohol Addiction & Drug Addiction Treatment For Patients To Control Their Drug Problems In Portsmouth Nh

Alcohol addiction is a serious problem that can destroy relationships, careers, and even lives. There are many Alcohol Addiction Treatment Centers in Portsmouth, NH but they do not offer the full range of treatment services required to help people overcome their addictions and lead healthy, sober lives. Portsmouth Total Care Rehab Center has helped thousands of people successfully overcome their addictions by providing them with the best tools for recovery from alcoholism. Portsmouth Total Care Rehab Center’s clients learn skills that will enable them to avoid relapse so they can enjoy a life free from Alcohol Dependency forever. Addiction treatment center in Portsmouth, NH offers a full range of evidence-based treatment options including detoxification programs, individual therapy sessions, group counseling sessions, and 12-step support groups all aimed at helping you achieve long-term sobriety without relapsing into Drug Abuse or alcoholism again.

Your Continuing Recovery Our Continuing Commitment

Coming to the end of your scheduled IOP sessions is a big deal and a reason to celebrate. Recovery isnt a simple process though, its not as easy as marking off a list and when the list is completed youre done. Once you are done with IOP your recovery continues.

We utilize aftercare support to help you keep the forward momentum you gained from IOP. Our aftercare group can be utilized by every person to finish one of the intensive treatment groups we offer. So, anyone who has enrolled in and completed our IOP is eligible.

We dont turn people away from this group. There is a small cost to join, only $10, but if you cant pay were not going to shut the door. Your recovery is the most important thing to us!

Along with that, we host alumni engagement services. This allows people who have successfully moved into long-term recovery to stay on top of their health and well-being and allows us to see the results going forward.

We also know that not everyone needs or likes the same style of recovery. So, if youre an Addiction Recovery Services IOP alumni and are interested in getting more support without being in a group setting, call 965-8112. We always want to support you.

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Recovery Meetings Near You In Portsmouth

Isolation and loneliness arent good for anyone. People with substance use disorders especially may need fellowship and social support after completing drug rehab in Portsmouth, New Hampshire or an alcohol rehab in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. Recovery organizations provide that safety net during aftercare by offering meetings where you can cry, laugh and be yourself as you work your way to recovery goals. On holidays, you can usually find a meeting to ease your feelings of being left out. When you have a successful week, you can attend a meeting and share your happiness. The moral support and educational resources offered at meetings are a plus for anyone going through recovery. There are groups for the loved ones of people who are in recovery, too.

Peer Recovery Support Services

Portsmouth, NH Chiropractor Dr. Duke Lovetere, Best of the Northeast

Recovery Community Organizations are peer-led and peer run agencies that provide services to support people in their recovery from substance misuse. The RCOs support all pathways to recovery and offer peer recovery coaching, telephone support, and mutual aid groups. Find your Recovery Community today.

Individuals looking to find a recovery house, or recovery house operators looking to learn how to certify and/or register their recovery house, or someone wishing to file a complaint concerning a recovery house.

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Serving New Hampshire Massachusetts And Southern Maine

With our convenient Seacoast locations in Greenland, New Hampshire, we are accessible to people in both Northern Massachusetts and even Southern Maine. No matter if you are coming from Massachusetts Southern Maine , or New Hampshire if you can make it here safely and regularly for IOP meetings we can accommodate.

ARS has also been offering services via telehealth throughout the pandemic. We will continue to give people the choice to be in person or on telehealth as long as there is a need.

Also we are happy to discuss out-of-state insurance plans and how they work. Please contact us for more information.

Addiction Treatment Centers In Portsmouth Nh

Alcohol addiction is a chronic disease that can destroy your life and the lives of those around you. It’s important to seek help as soon as possible, but it can be difficult to know where to start looking. There are many treatment options available, each with its own pros and cons. If you’re struggling with drug or AlcoholismAbuse, don’t wait any longer. Alcoholism and drug addiction treatment centers lie in Portsmouth, NH. Portsmouth Total Care Rehab Center provides information on alcohol rehab centers in Portsmouth, NH for patients suffering from substance use disorders including alcohol dependence, and Drug Addiction. Portsmouth Total Care Rehab Center also provides access to an online directory of local facilities that offer detoxification programs for opiate addicts such as Methadone maintenance therapy and Suboxone treatment.

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