Friday, July 26, 2024

Can I Be Addicted To Food

Signs And Symptoms Of Food Addiction

Are You Addicted to Food?

When someone has developed a food addiction, the individual will present numerous signs and symptoms that can be recognized. If you or someone you care for is experiencing any of these signs of food addiction, then find professional treatment immediately.

The following are potential indications of a food addiction:

  • Significant weight gain
  • Eating more food than can physically tolerate
  • Continuing to eat even if not hungry
  • Eating in secret, seclusion
  • Going out of your way to obtain certain foods
  • Sleep disorders, such as insomnia or oversleeping
  • Restlessness
  • No longer enjoys hobbies or activities
  • Avoidance of social events or functions
  • Jeopardized finances or career

Other Common Feelings For Those Struggling With Food Addiction And Overeating

If you have lost control and believe you have an addiction to food, you may be experiencing the feelings listed below.

  • You are tired of dieting.
  • You are tired of losing weight just to put it back on again.
  • You want to avoid having weight loss surgery.
  • You want to maintain weight loss after a diet or surgery.
  • You have lost hope of finding an answer to your struggle with food.
  • You feel like there is a battle waging in your head over food.
  • You want to feel happy again.
  • You want a new way of living without using food as a coping mechanism.

Sugar Addiction And What Causes The Most Food Addiction Problems

While it isnt technically impossible to develop an addiction to, say, vegetables, its a lot more common to hear about someone eating an entire tray of Oreos than someone binge eating a bag of carrots.

The reality is, sugar is a bigger problem than anyone in the food industry wants to admit. Sugar addiction is real and is realistically one of the main culprits of food addiction. Junk food in general tends to trip these addictions most often. Many of these foods have similar features:

  • high sugar content
  • carbohydrate-rich
  • low in vitamins, minerals and other nutritional values

The low nutritional value causes the body to absorb that sugar faster than usual, causing a rush to the brain and a spike of glucose a simple carbohydrate that can be used for energy in the bloodstream.

Put in simpler terms, eating junk food makes you feel good. It sets off your brains reward circuit that makes you feel like youre doing a good thing for it even when youre not. Again, this is very similar to how drugs activate your brain, just in a slightly less-invasive way. Sugar also activates the cells in your brain, which makes it hard to ignore when its also sending you positive reinforcement for your consumption of junk foods.

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Dangers Of Food Addiction

You may not consider food addiction a serious condition it is nonetheless. Food addiction does not necessarily have the same kinds of immediate impacts associated with alcohol and drug addiction, but the danger is every bit as real. Food addiction and binge eating disorder can lead to a whole host of problems, including:

There is no doubt that food addiction is a serious problem that can lead to physical and mental issues. Not treating the addiction only makes matters worse. A person who is struggling with food to any extent, whether through binging or compulsive eating, needs to seek out treatment right away.

Statistics On Food Addiction

The Truth About Food Addiction

Obtaining further information about food addiction is helpful in better understanding this condition and those who it can potentially affect.

The following are important statistics about food addiction that give greater insight about how sufferers are impacted:

  • An increasing number of scientific studies suggest that food, like drugs or alcohol, can have addictive qualities .
  • Human genetic research, animal studies, brain imaging and biochemical studies of the digestive processes all indicate that some people could experience addictions to food .
  • According to estimates by David Kessler, professor at UCSF and former commissioner of the FDA, there are more than 70 million food-addicted adults in the United States .
  • Animal studies have indicated that drugs of abuse increase levels of dopamine in part of the brain, activating the reward system, which is likely what is mimicked in a food addiction .
  • About 50% of the obese, 30% of those overweight, and 20% who are at what are considered a healthy weight, are actually addicted to a specific food, combinations of foods, or a volume of food in general .
  • An estimated 400,000 adult deaths each year in the United States are associated with obesity. Total costs, which include medical costs and days lost from work because of illness, disability or premature death, from obesity in 2000 were estimated to be $117 billion .

Recommended Reading: How To Get An Addict To Seek Help

How Does Food Addiction Happen

True food addiction works just like addictions to drugs or alcohol: by hijacking the reward pathways in your brain.

Food addiction develops just like drug and alcohol addiction, by affecting the way your brain works. Research shows that certain types of foods can influence neurological patterns in your brain, and some patterns overlap in people with obesity and drug addiction.

While no one can say for sure if there’s any one underlying psychological issue to point to, Masterson notes that the general theory is that “people who tend to become dependent on a substance have a deficiency in the reward mechanism in the brain.”

Ingestion of palatable foods can fill that gap, she says, which is what makes the food so satisfying. As for what causes the reward mechanism deficiency, Masterson says that any number of factors in your history or genetic or biological makeup could be the culprit.

Food Addiction: Facts And Treatment Options

Our culture does not normally associate overeating with food addiction. Nonetheless, there are a number of medically recognised eating disorders that would constitute some sort of compulsion toward eating. These compulsions are every bit as powerful as the compulsions that might lead someone to take drugs, drink excessively, or engage in reckless gambling or sexual behaviour. Whether we apply the term food addiction really is irrelevant in terms of treatment. People who eat compulsively need some of the same kinds of treatments applied to other compulsive behaviours.

UKAT is the UKs leading provider of treatment services for people dealing with addiction and/or compulsion. We include services for eating disorders. When you get to the end of this guide, we encourage you to contact us for more information about how we can help. If you are struggling with any level of food addiction, regardless of how minor or serious, we can help you find and access the treatment you need.

Read Also: How To Overcome Food Addiction

Treatment For Food Addiction

Now that you understand the science behind food addiction, Id encourage you to reach out to us if you think that you have a problem with compulsive eating. We are happy to discuss treatment options available at our eating disorder clinic with you.Ralph Carson, RD, PhD, is a nutritionist and exercise physiologist with over 40 years of experience. He is currently Vice President of Science and Innovation for Eating Recovery Centers . Dr. Carson is an active member on the board of the International Association of Eating Disorder Professionals and author of The Brain Fix: Whats the Matter with Your Gray Matter.

How Does It Work

Am I ADDICTED to food? | Change Podcast

Food addiction hijacks your brains reward system in the same way as other addictions.

Studies reveal that high-fat, high-sugar, processed foods affect the brain in the same way as drugs such as heroin and cocaine. These foods affect neurotransmitters such as dopamine in the brain eating these foods makes us feel good temporarily and crave more.

Foods that are high in refined sugar, wheat, or salt or a factory developed combination of all three ingredients to create a highly palatable food are the most problematic when it comes to addiction. Most of todays junk foods are designed to be as addictive as possible, which keeps people coming back for more .

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To Answer This Question Ask Yourself The Following Questions And Answer Them As Honestly As You Can

  • Have you ever wanted to stop eating and found you just couldn’t?
  • Do you constantly think about food or your weight?
  • Do you find yourself attempting one diet or food plan after another, with no lasting success?
  • Do you binge and then “get rid of the binge” through vomiting, exercise, laxatives, or other forms of purging?
  • Do you eat differently in private than you do in front of other people?
  • Has a doctor or a family member ever approached you with concern about your eating habits or weight?
  • Do you eat large quantities of food at one time ?
  • Is your weight problem due to your “nibbling” all day long?
  • Do you eat to escape from your feelings?
  • Do you eat when you’re not hungry?
  • Have you ever discarded food, only to retrieve and eat it later?
  • Do you eat in secret?
  • Do you fast or severely restrict your food intake?
  • Have you ever stolen other people’s food?
  • Have you ever hidden food to make sure you will have “enough?”
  • Do you feel driven to exercise excessively to control your weight?
  • Do you obsessively calculate the calories you’ve burned against the calories you’ve eaten?
  • Do you frequently feel guilty or ashamed about what you’ve eaten?
  • Are you waiting for your life to begin “when you lose the weight?”
  • Do you feel hopeless about your relationship with food?
  • If you answered YES to any of these questions, you may be a food addict. YOU ARE NOT ALONE. Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous offers hope through a long-term solution for food addiction.

    Some Experts Question The Validity Of Calling Any Food Your Drug Of Choice

    Are you a food addict? Certainly all of us have had the experience, at one time or another, of being unable to resist eating more than a recommended serving of cookies and cream, coconut custard pie, or chocolate anything. If youre a big fan of sugary snacks and desserts, or you love fried foods, for example, you know how strong the urge can be to devour extra helpings of forbidden foods. You may even joke about your cravings as you find yourself thinking about little other than your next indulgence and feeling as though you have no control over how much you eat.

    Does that mean that food is your drug of choice, as Oprah once admitted about herself? Are you a “food addict” if you knowingly eat calorie-dense but nutritionally questionable foods that can contribute to weight issues and could potentially harm your health? Are you a “food addict” if you overeat any foods for the sake of comfort and pleasure, however fleeting? It depends on who you ask.

    For years, researchers have shown that high-calorie, sweet, and fatty foods can cause changes in the structure and circuitry of the brain. Studies show that many regions of the brain, including those involved in anticipation of and the satisfaction derived from rewards, are altered in similar ways by drug use and by consumption of certain high-carb and high-fat foodsand especially combination foods that are rich in both carbohydrates and fats.

    Also Check: What Types Of Addictions Are There

    Addicted To Fatty Foods

    Hi Bitten!

    Ive been overweight all my life , have lost weight and gained it back several times. Ive been addicted to many food items, and have been eating low carb for years. However, over a year Ive gained an addiction to fat! Butter, lard, you name it.

    It is very weird that I crave butter/fatty foods since usually people crave carbs, and obviously Im ashamed of this. I almost get a high when I eat butter. What could cause this craving and how do I get rid of it?

    Thank you so much!Sarah

    Dear Sarah,

    To be addicted is something you should not feel ashamed of. It is due to our sensitive brain chemistry and we need to learn a lot about our addicted brain in order to recover. We can easily be addicted to so many intake things for example sugar/flour, fat, but I explain that below, alcohol, nicotine, drugs, pills so on and process drugs, for example eating behavior, starving, bingeing, gambling, love, sex, work and so on.

    Fat is interesting, it does not cause a flood of dopamine as sugar/flour does but I suspect it causes saturation in the stomach and releases oxytocin, which has a strong calming effect. And the brain needs fat. Many of us have been denying ourselves fat for years and when we start eating it, our body loves it.

    You might need to weigh and measure your food for a while and I advice you to contact a professional to get help with a proper individual meal plan just for you.

    I wish you to be free of this,Bitten

    First Steps In Overcoming Food Addiction

    The Truth About Food Addiction

    A few things can help prepare for giving up junk foods and make the transition easier:

    • Trigger foods. Write down a list of the foods that cause cravings and/or binges. These are the trigger foods to avoid completely.
    • Fast food places. Make a list of fast food places that serve healthy foods and note their healthy options. This may prevent a relapse when hungry and not in the mood to cook.
    • What to eat. Think about what foods to eat preferably healthy foods that are liked and already eaten regularly.
    • Pros and cons. Consider making several copies of the pro-and-con list. Keep a copy in the kitchen, glove compartment, and purse or wallet.

    Additionally, dont go on a diet. Put weight loss on hold for at least 13 months.

    Overcoming food addiction is difficult enough. Adding hunger and restrictions to the mix is likely to make things harder.

    After taking these preparatory steps, set a date in the near future like the coming weekend from which point onward the addictive trigger foods wont be touched again.


    To overcome food addiction, its important to plan. Make a list of trigger foods and know what is going to be eaten instead.

    Also Check: How To Rid Of Addiction

    Unable To Quit Despite Physical Problems

    Which foods you choose to eat can significantly affect your health.

    In the short term, junk food can lead to weight gain, acne, bad breath, fatigue, poor dental health, and other common problems.

    A lifetime of junk food consumption can lead to obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, Alzheimers, dementia, and even some types of cancer.

    Someone who experiences any of these problems related to their intake of unhealthy foods but is unable to change their habits likely needs help.

    A treatment plan thats designed by qualified professionals is typically recommended for overcoming eating disorders.


    What Causes Food Addiction And What Are The Signs

    People with food addiction struggle every day with a loss of control or inability to stop eating foods that are high in carbohydrates, fat, salt, sugar, or artificial sweeteners. They also suffer from painful feelings of shame and embarrassment when it comes to their food behaviors.

    Food addiction is a relatively new topic. But, its a complex condition that has similarities to other types of addiction, such as drugs, alcohol, shopping, or gambling. However, help is available.Understanding the causes and signs of food addiction can help you lower your risk and change potentially problematic behaviors.

    Read Also: What Do Addiction Counselors Do

    Icular Foods That Drive A Greater Dopamine Reward

    Getting a dopamine hit from food is a good thing. We should enjoy the food that nourishes us. Although these hyper-autumnal foods can play a role in our lives , we should be able to trust our cravings for food that help us seek out what we need at a particular time.

    Experiments back in 1990 demonstrated that rats experience hyperphagia when they are exposed to foods that are a combination of energy-dense foods that contain a similar amount of energy from fat+carbs.

    Our analysis of MyFitnessPal data shows a similar trend. We tend to eat significantly more when our food matches the autumnal carb+fat profile.

    This 2018 paper in Cell Metabolism showed that we get a supra-additive dopamine hit from foods that are a mixture of fat+carbs. We are willing to part with more money for these foods on a calorie for calorie basis. From an evolutionary biology perspective, you can see how these foods would have been highly valued because they enable us to consume a lot of energy quickly.

    Energy was hard to come by, and energy-dense foods that quickly filled our fat and carb fuel pathways were rare and highly valued. This double dopamine hit ensures that these fat+carb comfort foods have a special place in our hearts. We go out of our way to get them if they are available. And when you start, you probably wont stop until theyre all gone.

    Rather than telling yourself I am addicted to food it may be more useful to say to yourself:

    Are You A Food Addict

    Addicted to Food: Sharon’s Story – Part 1

    Are you wondering if you are a food addict?

    Do you start the day promising yourself you will not binge, only to give in to another day of overeating?

    Are you ashamed of how much you eat?

    These are important questions and the answers to them will help you to decide whether or not you are addicted to food. Unfortunately, there is no simple laboratory test to determine if you have a food addiction or any other type of addiction. But you can take our quiz to help you decide. If some of the answers to these questions are yes, it can indicate the condition of food addiction.

    This set of questions is based on a preliminary screen developed by Bitten Jonsson, Reg. Nurse, LegSSK, a Swedish food addiction professional.

    Recommended Reading: How To Combat Sugar Addiction

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