Friday, July 26, 2024

Can You Get Addicted To Marijuana

Hash Thc Content Did You Know

Can you get addicted to Smoking Marijuana?

According to a report by the Drug Addiction Treatment Centre at Lund University Hospital, marijuana may contain from 0.35 to 30 percent THC content. Hashish typically contains about 4 to 10 percent THC, although this may be higher in some cases. Hash oil may consist of up to 60 percent THC content.

An addiction to any substance is difficult to struggle with alone, but we can help.

Do I Need Residential Rehab For Marijuana Addiction

According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration , more than 215,000 people aged 12 and older attended treatment for marijuana addiction in 2015. This figure represents about 14% of all treatment admissions that year.

In fact, the only substances people sought treatment for ahead of marijuana were alcohol and opioids.3 It is a common misconception that users cannot get addicted to marijuana, but they can develop a problematic pattern of abuse, similar to other drugs.

Is The Rising Potency Of Marijuana Contributing To Overuse Or Addiction

From 1970 to 2017, the strength of THC in marijuana increased. This may be due to the fact that more countries and states have legalized medical or recreational marijuana. We have very limited research to show whether the rising THC level in marijuana contributes to overuse or addiction.

One study performed in the United Kingdom looked at about 1,000 people who were 24 years old to see if marijuana with a lot of THC also called high-potency cannabis had any effect on how frequently they used cannabis or their mental health. The study showed increased cannabis use, problems related to cannabis use, and increased likelihood of anxiety disorder in individuals who used high-potency THC products. However, these results are from one study only. More studies are needed to determine whether the higher strength of THC in marijuana contributes to overuse or addiction.

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Signs You Might Have A Weed Addiction

Just like with any other sort of addiction, there are two main factors that indicate a problem may be at hand.

  • You Cannot Go Without It
  • You Use Excessively Despite Consequences
  • For most people, especially those who do not struggle with addictive patterns, the occasional or even moderate daily use of marijuana does not in any way, hinder their lives. This is the same with normal alcohol drinkers.

    However, and this also goes for alcoholics, when the behavioral pattern of use begins to affect or create negative consequences in a persons life, and they still choose to participate in the behavior, it could be the beginnings of an addiction.

    So with weed, while there have never been any overdoses, severe medical disorders, or apparent physical or emotional disturbances recorded from using it, it can still have a negative impact on someones life when they become addicted to it. For example:

    • Hindering Ones Ability to Move Forward in Life: We all know that weed is relaxing and euphoric, hence why most people use it. However, the danger with this comes when a person chooses to get high more than they choose to live their life. For example, when it interferes with someones education, or their career, or even their relationships with friends and loved ones.
    • Getting High Despite Consequences: If a person gets a DUI, or flunks out of school, or gets jumped, etc., and still continues to actively and aggressively seek out weed to smoke, this could be a sign of addiction.

    The Mechanism Of Addiction Explained

    Is Marijuana Addictive?

    Addiction experts define it as a complex psychological and physiological response to certain stimuli. Addiction is associated with changes in brain function and structure and scientists have outlined three parameters that can influence addictive processes.

    Below we have a brief overview of each factor:

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    How Long Is Rehab For Marijuana Addcition

    Inpatient marijuana rehab centers generally offer the ability to customize program lengths to accommodate individual needs and insurance coverage.

    Residential programs are typically available for one, two or three months. It is important to understand that addiction is a chronic disease and people may relapse. However, according to National Institute on Drug Abuse, the overwhelming belief is that 90-day residential treatment programs offer the greatest promise of long-term success.

    Is It Possible To Take Weed Without Getting Addicted

    Todays marijuana is quite a bit different than the marijuana that people used 25 years ago. It contains about three times the amount of THC, the main ingredient that creates the high sensation, than it did just a couple of decades ago. While theres no research demonstrating the effects that these higher THC levels have on the brain, many scientists and healthcare professionals believe that it leads to higher rates of dependency and addiction.

    Even with these higher levels of THC, a majority of users dont develop an addiction to weed. Theyre able to use weed when they want to, and their use doesnt jeopardize their job, harm their relationships, or affect their quality of life.

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    How To Help Someone Who Is Addicted To Marijuana

    Either a person who is abusing marijuana is able to quit smoking or they cant. If they can, then helping them becomes mostly a matter of finding alternative solutions to the problems that the marijuana use seemed to solve for them. This may include helping them set meaningful goals for themselves and encouraging them on their way to the accomplishment of those goals.

    For a person to start using a drug like marijuana, there had to be some problems in life that marijuana seemed to help with. Social shyness? School problems? Abuse? Difficulty holding a job? Difficulty learning? Or simply boredom? If you can find out what problems seemed to go away when the drug was used, then you may be able to support the person as they learn the skills they need to overcome that problem. Isolating the problem through can go a long way to reducing the pain associated with it. Knowing ones friends or family supports you as you learn to these difficulties can go make one feel less isolated.

    What Is Marijuana Addiction

    Can You Get Addicted To Weed? (Kinda…)

    is a risk for some people. Also known as a marijuana use disorder, it occurs when chemical dependency occurs. If you stopped using the drug for any length of time, you may experience withdrawal symptoms. These include:

    • Irritability
    • Restlessness
    • Physical discomfort or pain

    According to the National Institutes on Drug Abuse, its expected that about 30 percent of those who use marijuana will develop some level of marijuana addiction. You do not necessarily have to use a lot of the drug to reach this level. Rather, marijuana works to change the brains chemistry, making it dependent on the drug in order to function normally.

    As the brain adapts to it, it needs more of the drug either on a more frequent basis or in a higher dose to get the same results. When this occurs and how much of the drug it takes to reach this level depends on many factors, including a persons endocannabinoid neurotransmitters.

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    More Young People Become Addicted

    One thing supporters of marijuana legalization do not mention is the higher rate of addiction among young initiates. Among all people who use marijuana, one in nine will become dependent on the drug. But when young people start abusing the drug in their teens, the rate is one in six. Just to reinforce that statistic, this means that out of six youth who begin smoking dope in their teenage years, one will become addicted. Parents should understand this clearly.

    High levels of harm also occur among those youth who abuse the drug daily. In recent years, the number of youth using the drug daily has increased. According to the National Institutes of Health, more than six percent of high school seniors smoke the drug every day. Nearly one in four are current users . Studies funded by the National Academy of Sciences show that heavy marijuana use results in a significant drop in IQ and that some impairment from using the drug does not go away when the use of the drug stops.

    At the time of their life when the ability to learn and think clearly is the most vitalwhen they are getting their educations and starting careersmillions of youth are damaging their ability to succeed. While there are no statistics on this point, anecdotal information indicates that loss of abilities in this area has led many people to abandon their educational and career goals.

    Can You Become Physically Dependent On Weed

    Once someone is addicted to marijuana, they cannot stop using the substance even though it interferes with various aspects of their lives. Such individuals also find that their THC tolerance is far higher than it once was.

    After using any drug for long enough, the brain becomes resistant to the drugs effects to keep itself protected. The next time the person uses the drug, the effects arent as strong. A 2014 study published in PNAS found a decreased response to dopamine in people who misuse marijuana. Their brains werent producing less dopamine. However, the brain didnt know what to do with the chemical.

    • Irritability

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    Adolescents And Young Adults

    Most information on marijuana treatment efficacy among young people derives from trials that have included users of various drugs and have not focused specifically on marijuana use. Nevertheless, most patients in these studies have been primary marijuana users. Empirical support for group or individual CBT and family-based treatments has begun to emerge . The CBT interventions studied have been similar to those studied for adults in scope and duration. Specific forms of family-based treatment that have been tested include functional family therapy , multidimensional family therapy , multisystemic therapy , family support network intervention , and brief strategic family therapy . Description of these models is beyond the scope of this paper. However, they each involve structured, skills-based interventions for family members and are well described in their respective manuals.

    Other Faqs About Marijuana

    Can You Get Addicted to Weed?
    • Brick: A large, compacted block of marijuana
  • Does marijuana help anxiety or cause it?

    Its difficult to say whether or not . It depends on a few factors. First and foremost, your mental state and the environment youre in when using marijuana play a big role in how you react. Marijuana and anxiety can go hand-in-hand for some people. You may not get a pleasant or relaxing experience when using it. In fact, your experience could be quite the opposite. Many people feel that marijuana can bring symptoms of anxiety or heighten their existing anxiety, particularly if they use it in a situation that isnt pleasant or trying to conceal their use of the drug.

  • For more information on how you or a loved one can begin on the road to a marijuana-free life, call The Recovery Village. With an abundance of rehab centers located nationwide, our treatment teams can help you gain the skills needed to live your life without relying on any sort of substance. Our representatives are eager to answer any questions you may have about addiction treatment and recovery. Each call is free and confidential.

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    Early Intervention And Secondary Prevention

    Although more people are seeking help for problems with marijuana today, they still represent only a small percentage of those who may benefit from treatment. Of the approximately 4 million persons in the United States who reported problems consistent with a marijuana use disorder in a 2005 survey , only about 7 to 8 percent received treatment. Adolescents who report signs of problematic usea relatively small percentageseldom present for treatment. Those who do almost never self-refer they are typically forced into treatment by parents, the juvenile justice system, or their school administration, and most do not admit that their use is problematic . Responding to this situation, one group of researchers recently developed check-up interventions to reach marijuana users who have not sought treatment, either because they are ambivalent about stopping or do not perceive their use to be a problem, or at least not a problem severe enough to warrant treatment .

    What Is Samhsa’s National Helpline

    SAMHSAs National Helpline, , or TTY: is a confidential, free, 24-hour-a-day, 365-day-a-year, information service, in English and Spanish, for individuals and family members facing mental and/or substance use disorders. This service provides referrals to local treatment facilities, support groups, and community-based organizations. Callers can also order free publications and other information.

    Also visit the online treatment locator.

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    Do I Need Health Insurance To Receive This Service

    The referral service is free of charge. If you have no insurance or are underinsured, we will refer you to your state office, which is responsible for state-funded treatment programs. In addition, we can often refer you to facilities that charge on a sliding fee scale or accept Medicare or Medicaid. If you have health insurance, you are encouraged to contact your insurer for a list of participating health care providers and facilities.

    Approaching A Loved One

    Is Weed Physically Addictive?

    If your loved one is struggling with a marijuana addiction, you may have a deep feeling in your gut that something is wrong however, when you try to broach the topic they may be angry, defensive, and in denial. In the case of marijuana, changing laws and legalization may hinder your loved ones ability to see that theres any issue with their use. This makes expressing your concern and finding out just how bad the problem is extremely challenging.

    If you are worried about your loved one and their marijuana addiction, the best way to approach them is with empathy and compassion, preferably at a time when they are not intoxicated. Try to avoid judgmentremember, addiction is a disease that requires treatment.

    Here are some tips to keep in mind as you approach your loved one about getting help:

    • Be on their side: Avoid using blaming language. Show them that you care about them and are worried about them. Help them find their own reasons for wanting to get treatment.
    • Be specific: Remind them of the specific consequences they have already suffered from their addiction and how it is negatively impacting you or other loved ones.
    • Ask if they are willing to get treatment: Listen to what they have to say and remain calm avoid emotional pleas. If they are not ready yet, dont push it. After a little time passes, you can try approaching them again about getting help.

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    Can I Get Addicted To Marijuana

    Drug addiction is defined as a chronic, relapsing disorder in which you seek a certain drug or substance despite it having harmful consequences on your body, brain, or social life. Using this definition, we can determine that marijuana is an addictive substance. According to the CDC, studies have shown that 2 out of every ten users of marijuana in one form or another will get addicted to it.

    For those who started using marijuana before the age of 18 or who use it every day, no matter the form, the odds of getting addicted are even higher. Additionally, manufacturers and growers are putting higher levels of THC in their weed, which increases the odds of addiction.

    Weed is so addicting that the user grows dependent upon it to cope with everyday life. Those who struggle with anxiety, depression, pain, or sleep disorders often begin using marijuana to combat those issues. Unfortunately, they too can become addicted to the feeling of relief that weed gives them.

    Easy Access Leads To Tolerance

    When its more convenient for marijuana users to get high, the risk of developing a habit can go up accordingly.

    Medical marijuana dispensaries allow patients to bring in a card showing a physician has made a recommendation that the drug can provide relief for a health problem.

    Recreational dispensaries make it readily available with convenient delivery services, where people can simply tap their choices on a smartphone screen.

    And as people consume marijuana on a regular basis, the risk for marijuana abuse tends to increase. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that marijuana tolerance is likely when its easily accessible and used frequently.

    This means that people may need to smoke more to achieve the same effects of marijuana, increasing the risk of cannabis addiction. The person may have to smoke, vaporize, or eat increasingly larger amounts to feel the same way.

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    Parents May Just See The Effects Of Drug Abuse

    It is very typical for a young person who is abusing drugs to hide his habit from his parents. Very often, parents know nothing about the drug use. It is common for drug users to become skilled at diverting their parents attention from any indicators of drug abuse. Lying becomes routine. Those drugs you found in my backpack do not belong to me, I was just carrying them for a friend.

    Parents often dont want to believe that their son or daughter was using drugs because of the many years of trust. And in order to keep the drugs coming, youth will hide their use, knowing well that in many cases their parents would put an end to it if they were honest.

    Comparison With Other Substances

    Ok anyone who says you can

    All substances that affect the mind carry their own set of risks and harms, some unique to the substance. The most well-established, long term harm of regular cannabis use is addiction. It is often difficult to compare risks and harms between substances. Nevertheless, based on what is currently known, the risk of cannabis addiction is lower than the risk of addiction to alcohol, tobacco or opioids. And, unlike substances such as alcohol or opioids where overdoses may be fatal, a cannabis overdose is not fatal.

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