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Food Junkies The Truth About Food Addiction

This Can Lead To Complicated Addictive Behaviors

Food Junkies: The Truth About Food Addiction, book trailer

Over time, food addiction can cause severe physical and psychological problems.

Many people who have been struggling with food addiction for a long time keep their eating habits a secret. They may also be living with depression or anxiety, which can contribute to addiction.

This is compounded by the fact that most people arent aware theyre experiencing food addiction. They may not realize they need help to overcome food addiction and that getting treatment for depression and anxiety can also help with addiction treatment.


People experiencing food addiction often hide their behavior from friends and family. Depression and anxiety often play a role in addictive behaviors.

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Food Addiction Recovery Options

Recovery from food addiction is different from recovery from alcoholism or drug addiction in one simple way. You cannot simply refrain from eating all together as a part of your recovery. Humans need to eat to live, so there has to be some form of behavioral change. One thing is certain. Food addiction is a problem that is unlikely to be solved without help.

There are several food addiction recovery options available if you or a loved are suffering from this eating disorder. Treatment for food addiction includes therapy, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy , nutritional therapies, and group support. Contact us to learn more about our food addiction recovery program or to discuss admission options.

Help For Food Addiction

Science is still working to understand and find treatments for food addiction.

Some argue that recovery from food addiction may be more complicated than recovery from other kinds of addictions. Alcoholics, for example, can ultimately abstain from drinking alcohol. But people who are addicted to food still need to eat.

A nutritionist, psychologist, or doctor who is educated about food addiction may be able to help you break the cycle of compulsive overeating.

There are also a growing number of programs that help people who are addicted to food. Some, like Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous, are based on the 12-step program that has helped many people addicted to alcohol, drugs, or gambling.

Others, like Food Addicts Anonymous, use the principles of the 12-step program along with strict diets that advise people to abstain from problem ingredients, like sugar, refined flour, and wheat.Ã

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What Did I Think Of The Book Food Junkies The Truth About Food Addiction

I found this book to be very informative and motivational. Packed with informative information on how to prevent, treat, and overcome food addiction including a beautifully written epilog empowering people with food addictions to take the next step to overcome their addiction.

Dr. Vera Tarmans book, Food Junkies: The Truth About Food Addiction gave me the insights to understand food addiction. The easy-to-follow guide is a clear, concise book providing the reader with detailed information about food addiction including advice and support to help someone overcome this disorder.

One important factor I learned from this book is that you need to understand the facts about addiction. In order to overcome a disorder, you need to learn about what it is and if you have it you then need to take the next step by accepting that you have an addiction to food. Once those two steps are achieved then you can take the next step by learning how to overcome food addiction and go on by creating a healthy, happy, and productive lifestyle. Vera Tara provides all this information in her book.

It is critical for someone with food addiction or a family member who lives with him or her to read this book.

Understanding the complete issues of food addiction and learning the seriousness of the disorder can, wake you up, to take control. The advice and guidance provided in this book highlight what you can do to live with and overcome food addiction.

About The Author Dr. Vera Tarman, MD

Book: Review Food Junkies: The Truth About Food Addiction

Pin on sweets + treats

March 9, 2015 Posted by Ken Swann

Although my personal eating habits have improved greatly in the last 5-years it was not always like this for me. Actually for most of my life as I remember it my eating habits were terrible and I survived for years on eating all the wrong things and in quantities greater than any of my friends or family members.

I have always loved candy, cake, pie, and chips, and on many occasions these are the things I substituted for my regular meals. I got away with it for years because I had always been pretty skinny as a kid and it didnt really seem to have much of an effect on me until I started to get older and decided to quit smoking. I didnt know what to do with myself I was dying for a cigarette but instead kept running back and forth to the fridge eating one thing after another all night long. I was out of control and quickly gained a lot of weight around my stomach. After a few short months I had gained almost 30 pounds and my pants were-bent forward in the front where my belly stuck out, I was in trouble and I knew that if I didnt make changes soon that my situation was only going to get worse.

This month I have chosen to do a book review on Food Junkies by Dr. Vera Tarman and Philip Werdell whose purpose is to present a fact-based examination of food addiction and offer vital information to the many individuals who struggle with unwanted eating behaviors.

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Symptoms Of Food Addiction

There are no blood tests or laboratory exams that can diagnose the existence of food addiction. Like other addiction disorders, the diagnosis of food addiction is based on the persons behaviors. Here are the symptoms of food addiction:

  • Frequent food cravings despite being full
  • Eating big servings of the craved food much more than the intended serving
  • Eating certain foods up to the point that you are excessively full or about to throw up.
  • Feeling guilty after overeating but excessively eats again
  • Making excuses why giving in to a food craving is a good idea.
  • Repeatedly trying to quit food addiction but is unsuccessful in doing so
  • Hiding from others when eating unhealthy foods or hiding certain foods from their partner or family
  • Finding it hard to control themselves from eating unhealthy foods despite knowing the negative consequences caused by food addiction
  • Can you relate to at least four signs above? You should start to worry about having a food addiction. But if you have six signs or above, go seek professional help because its most likely food addiction.

    More Symptoms Of Food Addiction Expressed By The Food Addict

    What are the symptoms of food addiction?

    The Cleveland Clinic reports that only the food addict can determine whether there is food addiction. Here are questions that potential food addicts might ask themselves:

    • Have I tried but failed to control my eating?
    • Do I find myself hiding food or secretly bingeing?
    • Do I have feelings of guilt or remorse after eating?
    • Do I eat over emotions?
    • Is my weight affecting my way of life?

    Food addicts also might have symptoms including headaches, insomnia, irritability, mood changes, and depression. They can relieve these symptoms â but only temporarily â by eating the foods they crave.

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    Food Junkies Summit Day 4

    Phil Werdell, MA, was a college teacher and innovator in liberal arts and graduate education for 25 years. After finding recovery from late-stage food addiction, he became a lead counselor at Glenbeigh Psychiatric Hospital of Tampas residential food addiction program and Rader Institute of Washingtons outpatient eating disorders program. Mr. Werdell is cofounder of ACORN Food Dependency Recovery Services and the Food Addiction Institute. He has written eight books on food addiction including Physical Craving and Food Addiction: A Review of the Science. Phils most recent writing is a second edition of the Disease Concept of Food Addiction. He is currently working on a summary of outcome evaluations of food addiction treatment and a three-volume set of books on food addiction denial.

    Types Of Food Addiction

    Vera Tarman: Food Junkies

    Food addiction is a type of eating disorder. Two types of food addiction are binge eating and bulimia nervosa. Binge eating is compulsive overeating with the inability to control food intake. The food addict may have attempted at control through dieting, which often leads back to overeating in response to some emotional trigger. Bulimia is a dangerous cycle of overeating combined with purging to prevent weight gain. A bulimic person is often secretive about the disorder and obsessed with weight gain.

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    What People Are Saying About This

    For all those who have struggled with weight loss and failed, here is a wise book that applies the addiction model to food. Tarman tackles the neurobiology of pleasure and the epidemic of obesity, and makes sense of both. With a no-nonsense approach, Tarman offers a thoughtful, groundbreaking exploration of a subject that plagues the majority of readers.

    Are you one of those people who thinks food addiction isn’t real? Then you might be what Dr. Vera Tarman describes in her new book as a Food Junkie! I was addicted to sugar and other processed carbohydrates over a decade ago and found my way back to health and recovery thanks to some basic lifestyle changes that made me whole again. Dr. Tarman walks you through all the necessary steps to make that happen for you too. Addiction is real, but it’s not inevitable. Grab back control of your health NOW!

    From the Publisher

    Are you one of those people who thinks food addiction isn’t real? Then you might be what Dr. Vera Tarman describes in her new book as a Food Junkie! I was addicted to sugar and other processed carbohydrates over a decade ago and found my way back to health and recovery thanks to some basic lifestyle changes that made me whole again. Dr. Tarman walks you through all the necessary steps to make that happen for you too. Addiction is real, but it’s not inevitable. Grab back control of your health NOW!”

    Excerpted From Food Junkies: The Truth About Food Addiction Copyright @2014 Vera Tarman All Rights Reserved Wwwdundurncom


    Epilogue: A Happy Ending, One Day at a Time

    In the spring of 2013, the struggle with food was back. Did I really think it had gone away?

    The impact was startling. I looked at the tablespoon of almond butter and felt a surge of warmth and excitement. After the third tablespoon, I groaned and put the jar away. I knew I was in trouble. I had been here before and I could feel the dread beneath the exhilaration.

    The next day I picked up the nut butter jar and morosely stared at it. Then, despite my misgivings, I ate three more tablespoons. But I hardly noticed the taste or the size of my servings . The old chorus had already started: Why not savour just one more spoonful? Just one more to really taste the delicious sweetness of the nuts, the succulent smoothness of the texture? I managed to confine myself that day to only those three mouthfuls, but I wanted more.

    The scale became a terror. After noticing the first few extra pounds, I promised myself I would stop once I gained five pounds. Then it was ten pounds. The scale kept climbing as my binges continued. By the time the scale indicated that I had gained fifteen extra pounds, I knew I needed a new strategy. I planned to cut back my nut butter splurges to only once a week, just on Saturdays. I reserved cashew butter for special occasions. That plan lasted three days. I couldnt possibly hold out until the weekend.

    It is our job to avoid the first bite.

    A relentless, inescapable want.

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    Our Emerging Treatment Program

    Were also creating new holistic approaches to manage addictive eating. We recently trialled an online intervention tailored to individuals personalities.

    Delivered by dietitians and based on behaviour change research, participants in the trial received personalised feedback about their symptoms of addictive eating, diet, physical activity and sleep, and formulated goals, distraction lists, and plans for mindfulness, contributing to an overall action plan.

    After three months, participants reported the program as acceptable and feasible. The next step in our research is to trial the treatment for effectiveness. Were conducting a research trial to determine the effectiveness of the treatment on decreasing symptoms of food addiction and improving mental health.

    This is the first study of its kind and if found to be effective will be translated to clinical practice.

    If you feel you experience addictive eating, talk to your GP or contact an accredited practising dietitian for assessment and support.

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    Complications Associated With Food Addiction

    Food Junkies: The Truth About Food Addiction (English Edition) eBook ...

    According to the Centers for Disease Control, 35 percent of the adults in the U.S. are considered obese, which indicates that overeating is a serious problem nationally. Not everyone who suffers from food addiction is overweight, however. Regardless of whether a food addict is obese or not, this is a serious disorder that can have some lasting consequences.

    Obesity and poor nutrition can lead to such issues as type 2 diabetes, increased risk of heart disease, and digestive issues. Bulimia can cause heart failure, tooth decay, and damage to the esophagus. These are just the physical complications. Often a food addict also suffers from depression, anxiety, and may even have family or financial troubles associated with overeating.

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    Food Junkies: The Truth About Food Addiction Coming This November

    Learn to tackle overeating, binge eating, bulimia, obesity, even anorexia.

    Food Junkies tackles the complex, poorly understood issue of food addiction from the perspectives of a medical researcher and dozens of survivors. What exactly is food addiction? Is it possible to draw a hard line between indulging cravings for comfort food and engaging in substance abuse? For people struggling with food addictions, recognizing their condition to say nothing of gaining support and advice remains a frustrating battle.

    Built around the experiences of people suffering and recovering from food addictions, Food Junkies offers practical information grounded in medical science, while putting a face to the problems of food addiction. It is meant to be a knowledgeable and friendly guide on the road to food serenity.

    Food Junkies: The Truth About Food Addiction

    Health Expert, Writer and Author

    I found this book to be very informative and motivational. Packed with informative information on how to prevent, treat, and overcome food addiction including a beautifully written epilogue empowering people with food addictions to take the next step to overcoming their addiction.

    Dr. Vera Tarman’s book, “Food Junkies: The Truth About Food Addiction” gave me the insights to understand food addiction. The easy-to-follow guide is a clear, concise book providing the reader with detailed information about food addiction including advice and support to help someone overcome this disorder.

    One important factor I learned from this book is that you need to understand the facts about addiction. In order to overcome a disorder you need to learn about what it is and if you have it you then need to take the next step by accepting that you have an addiction to food. Once those two steps are achieved then you can take the next step by learning how to overcome food addiction and go on by creating a healthy, happy and productive lifestyle. Vera Tara provides all this information in her book.

    It is critical for someone with food addiction or a family member who lives with him or her to read this book.

    Understanding the complete issues of food addiction and learning the seriousness of the disorder can, “wake you up,” to take control. The advice and guidance provided in this book, highlights what you can do to live with and overcome food addiction.

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    Cravings Can Sometimes Turn Into Binges

    When acting on cravings, the brain gets a reward a feeling of pleasure associated with the release of dopamine. The reward is what cravings and food addiction are all about.

    People with food addiction get their fix by eating a particular food until their brain has received all of the dopamine it was missing.

    The more often this cycle of craving and rewarding is repeated, the stronger it becomes and the greater the quantity of food thats needed each time .

    While four scoops of ice cream were enough 3 years ago, today it may take eight scoops to experience the same level of reward.

    It can be almost impossible to eat in moderation when satisfying an addiction-driven craving.

    Thats why its often impossible for people to just have a small slice of cake or a few M& Ms. Its like telling a smoker to only smoke one-fourth of a cigarette to cut back. It simply does not work.


    Cravings and food addiction can lead to overeating, binging, and obesity.

    Food Junkies Summit Day 8

    Healthy Living LIVE with Dr. Vera Tarman on Food Addiction (part I)

    Dr. Lerner is the Executive Director of the Milestones in Recovery Eating Disorders Program located in Cooper City, FL.

    A graduate of Nova Southeastern University, Dr. Lerner is a licensed and board-certified clinical psychologist who has appeared on numerous national television and radio programs that include The NPR Report, 20/20, Discovery Health, and ABCs Nightline, as well as having authored several articles related to eating disorders in professional publications, national magazines, and newspapers including USA Today, The Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Miami Herald, Orlando, and Hollywood Sun-Sentinels. Dr. Lerner has written a book, A Guide to Eating Disorder Recovery.

    ~ Vera Ingrid Tarman

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