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Home Remedies For Drug Addiction

Detox At Home: How To Detox From Drugs At Home Correctly

From Rehab to a Body Bag | Dying for Treatment: VICE Reports (Full Length)

Reviewed by Michael Espelin APRN

Drug and alcohol detoxification can be an expensive and time-consuming process. Intensive inpatient programs to detoxify with 24-hour medical supervision are highly effective in alleviating the discomfort of withdrawal symptoms, but they do not come cheap. For many recovering addicts, a home drug detox is a tempting option compared to the cost of treatment at rehab facilities.

However, self-treatment can be dangerous. To detox from drugs, home remedies can prove fatal in some situations. The physical symptoms of withdrawal from substances can be quite distressful. In addition, recovering addicts have to battle psychological demons during recovery, especially in the initial stages of addiction treatment.

Is it possible to do a heroin detox at home?Can someone quit drinking without enrolling in a supervised program with detox protocol? Learn if detoxing from drugs is possible in privacy and comfort without putting ones life in danger.

Get Professional Detox Treatment At Desert Hope

If you are seeking help with addiction for yourself or helping a family member with an addiction, know that there are many different levels of rehab. If you are seeking an alcohol or drug rehab in Las Vegas for detox and withdrawal or looking to find out what types of outpatient programs might be available to help with withdrawal and detox, Desert Hope can offer you quality treatment provided by caring, compassionate, and experienced staff.

Call Desert Hope today to find out more about how to start addiction treatment, what to expect in inpatient rehab, outpatient rehab options that might work for you, as well as using insurance to pay for rehab, as well as rehab payment options. The staff at Desert Hope is available 24/7 to answer your questions about detox and rehab for alcohol or drug use disorders.

Natural Ways To Help Beat Drug Addiction

By Andrew Macia | Published 9/12/2017 5

The American Society of Addiction Medicine defines addiction as a primary, chronic disease of brain reward, motivation, memory, and related circuitry. They characterize it as the inability to consistently abstain, impairment in behavioral control, craving, diminished recognition of significant problems with ones behaviors and interpersonal relationships, and a dysfunctional emotional response. In this day and age, this can be applied to far more than just drug and alcohol abuse.

This definition and characterization can also be applied to certain individuals behavior as it pertains to something as commonplace as food, or shopping, or watching TV. Therefore, even if youve never touched drugs or alcohol before, you can still be an addict.

Addiction is often born of a need to escape certain stressors or circumstances. It can also be caused by the need to feel a certain high or rush that is hard to find in anything else. More often than not, addiction is merely a symptom of a number of other underlying issues such as depression, PTSD, anxiety, and so on.

Addiction is a chronic disease, which means that it is a condition that you will have to learn to manage for quite a long time. There is no one-stop shop when it comes to sobriety as there are many layers of healing that need to be dealt with in order to reach true success. Fortunately, there are many strategies that you can comfortably combine to help you get there.

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Why Medically Managed Detox Is Safe And Effective

Detoxing under the supervision of a healthcare professional means that an expert can evaluate your risk factors and plan accordingly to keep you as healthy and comfortable as possible. If you have other health conditions or take other prescription medications, you are much more likely to have complications in detox than an otherwise healthy person.

Doctors can prescribe medications that will reduce withdrawal symptoms and shorten the length of time it takes for your body to fully detox. The better treatment you get for withdrawal symptoms, the less likely it is your withdrawal will cause long-term health complications.

Medically-managed withdrawal also allows you to focus on recovery, rather than stressing about which over-the-counter medication combinations are safe.

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What To Expect From Meth Withdrawal Treatment

Coming down from meth is a very unpleasant process. The symptoms make it very difficult to quit. A person going through withdrawal should seek professional help for addiction treatment at a detox center before they get worse. Some of the meth withdrawal symptoms are mental, while others are physical. These may include:

  • Loss of appetite

The timeline of these recovery symptoms can be as little as a few days, or up to a few weeks. Those who have been using meth for longer typically experience more prolonged symptoms. Attempting to use meth withdrawal home remedies is common, although it comes with the risk of using the drug and relapsing again.

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Begin Your Rehabilitation Journey

Once youve conquered the dangers of drug withdrawal, youre ready to begin the rehabilitation process. Understand that although you dont necessarily have to enroll in a program, you must still do all of the work that you would have done had you undergone treatment.

It is critical that you begin by identifying the root cause of your addiction. You may be using substances to escape reality, get away from depression or anxiety, or to cope with something in your past.

It will be very difficult to stop using if you dont understand why you started in the first place.

If you believe the problem is related to a separate, underlying mental health issue, then it is imperative that you seek out professional help to guide you through rehab. Co-occurring disorders are extremely difficult for fully trained professionals to treat, let alone an individual performing self-guided rehab at home.

Addressing your mental health via therapy or the right prescription medication, however, may enable you to eventually tackle the rehabilitation process on your own.

Whats The Difference Between At

Opioid Withdrawal: What It’s Like to Detox from Opiates | MedCircle

Outpatient rehabilitation for an SUD lets patients continue living at home but requires them to check into treatment at scheduled times, sometimes every day. Patients may receive MAT, undergo therapy, and create a continuing care plan. The main difference between at-home treatment and outpatient rehab is that at-home treatment does not require someone to travel to a facility. The treatment is brought to their doorstep. Daily check-ins are there to hold patients accountable, and some may submit to urine screening or GPS tracking. These extra measures work as a way to hold patients responsible and to not seek out drugs or alcohol once their last session of the day is over.

Common Questions About Rehab

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What Happens During Heroin Withdrawal

When a person takes opioids consistently and for a period of more than a few weeks, their body either reduces some of its natural ability to make room for the opioids, revs up certain functions to overpower the opioids, or both.

One example of this relates to fluid production. Our bodies work to regulate things like saliva, eye moisture, sweating, etc. When opioids enter the body, they decrease sweat production, saliva, lubrication in our eyes, and other fluids. Because of this, they are known to be drying the body. In turn, the body increases the production of fluids in these areas to maintain its balance.

However, when a person stops using opioids suddenly, the body does not immediately recognize this change, so it continues to overproduce fluids for a short period. This is why a person may have runny eyes, a runny nose, and excessive sweating during opioid withdrawal because there is an imbalance in this bodily system.

Once the body readjusts to the absence of opioids, it reduces the amount of fluid production back to its usual levels, which is why the withdrawal symptoms subside after a few days.

This is just one example of how the body reacts to the presence and subsequent discontinuation of opioids, but the story is similar for all symptoms of opioid withdrawal.

Here are some questions people often ask about stopping opioids and heroin.

A Outpatient Behavioral Counseling

This technique involves the addict visiting the expert at their premises per the agreed timeframe. The patient can see the expert alone or as part of a group of people undergoing similar challenges. Experts offer outpatient behavioral treatment in the following forms:

  • Motivational Incentives Use Rewards to Encourage Abstinence from Drugs. The recovering addict receives positive reinforcement for every milestone achieved. This reward makes them look forward to the next significant step to get the subsequent prize.
  • Motivational Interviewing lasts a short time. It seeks to build motivation to alter the pattern of drug abuse. The participants identify the potential benefits and disadvantages of overcoming addiction. They also develop a program for recovery and strategies to ensure that the recovering addict follows it.
  • Multidimensional Family Therapy involves the members of the family and the addict. It seeks to deal with the problem as a unit. This treatment comprises solving problems that drug abuse causes. It also strives to find the right framework to support recovery from addiction.
  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy occurs between the therapist and an individual or small group. It identifies the situations and feelings that lead to drug abuse. The treatment seeks to change how you cope with these triggers.

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The Natural Drug Detox Process

The natural drug detox process will involve consuming a variety of high-quality vitamins and nutrients while abstaining from all drug use. To get a high quantity of the recommended vitamins and minerals for detox youll follow a strict diet and add support by consuming additional supplements.

The natural drug detox process can also be done as an at-home detox, meaning you dont have to attend a facility or treatment program. Even though this option can be enticing, it tends to have a higher failure rate as its easy to relapse when you dont have the support of a treatment team.

Try Meditation And Yoga

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Withdrawal symptoms and cravings are undoubtedly one of the worst parts of abstaining and recovering from addiction and substance abuse. Meditation and yoga are both characterized by breathing exercises, as well as the focus on being totally and completely present in the moment. Many recommend yoga and meditation exercises as a way to incorporate both exercise and mental self-care into your recovery journey. Meditation allows you to slow down and focus on your goals, successes and motivations, while yoga encourages a healthy body and relaxed state of mind.

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Addiction Is A Treatable Disease

The most important thing to remember is that addiction is not a personal choice or a sign of weak moral standingaddiction is a treatable disease. It is a little more personal than most but it is important that the focus be on healing and treating the causes and symptoms rather than placing blame. Its a long road ahead but with support and dedication, it can most definitely be done.

The Treatment Definitely Helps

At Profound Treatment, we offer those going through the crystal meth/opiate withdrawal process a safe environment in which to recover. The right treatment involves supervision from health care providers who can get you the care you need in the case of a medical emergency. Opiate withdrawal is nothing to take lightly.

Our treatment and recovery for addiction involve professional help in the form of support groups, therapy, and a guided rehab process during recovery. Most people respond to drug recovery differently.

Thats why its important to have a path laid out for you that is custom to your life, and the way your brain works. Over a few weeks or months, you can be free from drugs and experience a life-changing recovery without depression, cravings, relapse, or other risks.

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How To Cure Drug Addiction Naturally

Clinically Reviewed:


Drug addiction can be a debilitating condition that takes over your life and destroys your health, career, and family. The loss of control that addiction brings makes it all but impossible to stop abusing substances. While there are many available rehab options, most of them dont use methods that cure drug addiction naturally.

If youre struggling with a mild or moderate substance abuse problem, a natural addiction cure may be all thats needed to help you live a drug-free lifestyle. Natural approaches focus on helping you work with your mind and bodys own self-healing systems. There are, however, a few things to keep in mind when considering natural addiction cures.

What Should Treatment Be Like

Alcohol/Drug Addiction, Treatment & Recovery | David Streem, MD

For the safest and most successful outcomes, alcoholism treatment should take place in a safe, controlled environment away from the distractions and temptations of life. During medical detox, a person has a team of experienced medical professionals to identify and manage issues that arise during withdrawal and treatment.

When detoxing from alcohol at home, alcohol may be on hand or quickly obtainable, making the process more challenging and likely to fail. The home may also have several addiction triggers that sabotage the process.

Addiction professionals can prescribe medications to treat alcohol withdrawal symptoms, which can be uncomfortable and sometimes life-threatening. Some examples of alcohol withdrawal symptoms may include:

  • Anxiety and nervousness
  • Tremor of the hands or other body parts
  • Trouble sleeping

Prescription medications have the advantage of evidence to support their usage. Home remedies often are promoted by word-of-mouth or weak evidence.

In treatment, the right environment is vital. People may not realize that something as simple as sitting in the same chair they used to drink in may sabotage their detox. The brain is designed to create associations and the things a person used to do while drinking will remind them of the positive feelings they had at the time.

Detox in a controlled environment can improve the chances of treatment success because there are no learned habits in a treatment setting.

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Volunteering Is Great For Breaking The Alcohol Habit

Home remedies to stop drinking alcohol can also benefit your community. Volunteering is a great way to get your mind off what you are dealing with and think about others. Besides volunteering within your recovery community, you can also:

  • Help the homeless
  • Build homes for organizations such as Habitat for Humanity
  • Help a local animal shelter

Underlying Effects Of Drug Addiction

Drug abuse introduces the body to toxic substances which displace the nutrients in the bloodstream. The underlying effect is that body gets addicted to the replacement nutrients, which leads to less food craving and more of the drug craving.

To boost recovery from addiction, a regular dose of food has to become the norm for the impairment of the organs to be stymied and for regeneration of tissues accelerated. This is the pathway to the regaining of a healthy mind and actively protected body framework.

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Coping With Drug Cravings

Sometimes craving cannot be avoided, and it is necessary to find a way to cope:

Get involved in a distracting activity. Read, see friends, go to a movie, immerse yourself in a hobby, hike, or exercise. Once you’re interested in something else, you’ll find the urges go away.

Talk it through. Talk to friends or family members about craving when it occurs. Talking can be very helpful in pinpointing the source of the craving. Also, talking about craving often helps to discharge and relieve the feeling and will help restore honesty in your relationship. Craving is nothing to feel bad about.

Challenge and change your thoughts. When experiencing a craving, many people have a tendency to remember only the positive effects of the drug and forget the negative consequences. Therefore, you may find it helpful to remind yourself that you really won’t feel better if you use and that you stand to lose a lot. Sometimes it is helpful to have these consequences listed on a small card that you keep with you.

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