Friday, July 26, 2024

How To Quit Alcohol Addiction

Eating A Healthy Diet Eases Alcohol Cravings

How Do You Beat Alcohol Addiction? Ask The Stop Drinking Expert!

Great natural ways to stop alcohol cravings is eating a healthy diet. A healthy diet will include lean proteins such as chicken, eggs, and fish. It also contains lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, potatoes, beans, and whole grains.

Eating every three hours helps avoid hunger which can lead to alcohol cravings. And, once the shakes set in, the alcohol cravings become more intense. Avoiding sugary snacks can also help in easing alcohol cravings.

Open The Lines Of Communication

The person you are concerned about is never going to know youre concerned unless you voice that. This may be an uncomfortable conversation for you and the drinker, but it is a necessary one. You could call this an intervention, or simply a conversation. Interventions are typically more serious and have more concerned people in attendance, so it depends on the specifics of the situation. Whether an intervention or a conversation, the desired end result is the same: bring attention to a loved ones drinking, and hope they can understand where your concern is coming from. If they can, they are one step closer to recovery.

Reasons To Stop Drinking

There are lots of reasons to quit drinking. Some people need to stop drinking as a result of developing an alcohol-related medical condition such as liver disease, or because they start taking medication that reacts badly when used in combination with alcohol. Others choose to do so for religious reasons, or simply as a move towards a healthier lifestyle.

If you think you have a serious drinking problem and are experiencing any of the associated symptoms of alcohol dependence, you should consult your doctor or another medical professional about it as soon as possible. There are also a number of national alcohol support services that you can go to for advice. Resources can be found at the bottom of the article.

Giving up completely may not be easy especially if youve been a heavy drinker in the past. The following tips and techniques are good reasons to quit drinking:

Also Check: Do I Have An Addiction

The Impact Of An Alcohol Addiction

There are many reasons to quit alcohol if you have become addicted. An addiction to alcohol can have devastating implications for your health, your relationships, and your future in general. If you continue to abuse alcohol, your quality of life will deteriorate. You will be more likely to suffer from both physical and mental health problems and your relationships with those you love will be deeply affected.

It is simply not possible for an alcohol addiction not to cause problems. Alcohol is a toxic substance a substance that affects every part of the body and one that has been linked to hundreds of illnesses. Those who suffer from alcohol addiction have a higher likelihood of developing illnesses such as heart disease, liver disease, and some forms of cancer. Alcohol abuse has also been linked to mental health problems such as anxiety, depression, and Alzheimerâs disease.

As addiction to alcohol progresses, the need for it grows and takes over to the point where everything and everyone else fades into insignificance. This can have a deep impact on relationships with family members, friends, and even work colleagues.

As your life continues to spiral out of control, you might find yourself in danger of losing everything that you hold dear. This can include your friends, family members, job, money, and home. It is therefore important that you learn how to stop alcohol addiction and get your life back on track.

Get Into

Preparing For Withdrawal And Detox

How to Quit Drinking

Symptoms vary in intensity and duration, with some lingering for a few weeks and others lasting longer. There have been cases of post-acute withdrawal symptoms that persisted for years.

The withdrawal symptoms depend on the type of drug you are trying to quit.

  • Opiate withdrawal: can cause flu-like symptoms including nausea, vomiting, runny nose, cold sweats and aches and pains.
  • Stimulant withdrawal: may include insomnia, depression, irritability and changes in appetite.
  • Alcohol, barbiturate and benzodiazepine withdrawal: can be both uncomfortable and dangerous. It is strongly recommended that a medical professional closely monitor your withdrawal symptoms. Severe symptoms can include hallucinations, shakiness and confusion, and seizures.

Factors That May Affect Withdrawal Symptoms

  • Type of drug.
  • How frequently and long the drug was used.
  • Body weight.
  • Overall physical health.

The Detox Process

During a medically supervised detox, doctors may prescribe medications to ease unpleasant withdrawal symptoms, which reduces the likelihood of relapse. Cravings are also common during detox and may feel unbearable at times. A doctor may prescribe medications to help you manage cravings.

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Why Abstinence If Your Goal Is To Moderate Your Use

Every time you drink alcohol, you begin to build tolerance.The frequency of drinking, the amount you drink, the age at which you began use, and your family history all affect how fast your tolerance will grow.The higher your tolerance, the more difficult it is for your body to gauge what is normal. Most people who try to moderate use without lowering tolerance do not find much success. You are already aware that it takes more alcohol to get the same buzz you used to get. As you build tolerance, you become quite skilled at acting relatively normal even though you may have a very high blood alcohol concentration . Students will engage in poor judgment or risky dangerous behaviors because they feel they are fine. Your body needs to change this. In order to moderate use, temporary abstinence is the best way to get there.

“First, man takes a drink, then the drink takes a drink, and then the drink takes the man.” – Chinese Proverb

What You Need To Know About Alcoholism

Alcoholism is one complicated problem. There are millions of people struggling with alcohol addiction all over the world.

Once you are an addict, almost every aspect of your life feels the adverse impacts. An alcoholic undergoes all kinds of suffering from mental, emotional and eventually physical. Its at this point where almost all the victims want to know ways of quitting alcohol, and its related products.

We dont have a standard profile of an alcoholic. Everyone, men, women of different professions, racial, and financial background, all walks of life, suffer or at least have suffered from the same conundrum.

If youre reading this, its likely that youre looking to help yourself or someone around you.

In this guide, we offer tips on ways to quit drinking alcohol and discover the best methods of treatment.

A report by the Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse declares alcoholism is a National Priority because it causes the most harm. Its only second to tobacco. The yearly economic cost of damages related to alcohol across Canada is $14.6 billion.

Alcohol abuse disorder is diagnosed by a professional using a book referred to as the Diagnostic and Statistical Manuel of Mental Disorders .

As earlier mentioned, we have three stages of alcohol addiction going by the DSM: mild, moderate and severe. So that you are diagnosed, one must meet a minimum of two of the 11 symptoms within 12 months.

Also Check: How Alcohol Addiction Affects The Brain

What Is Alcohol Detox

The best way to conquer addiction to alcohol or any other substance is to stop using. When someone undergoes alcohol detox, they deliberately abstain from drinking to give their body time to adjust to functioning without alcohol. Alcohol detox can be painful, distressing, and dangerous because it requires a person to experience the full range of withdrawal symptoms. Withdrawal often causes a person to relapse, but detox affords them the opportunity to stop drinking safely and less painfully. Someone who resolves to experience withdrawal and not suppress it by having another drink will take the process most seriously, but the gain is lost if they endanger their life by using again.

Since some symptoms of alcohol withdrawal are dangerous, people should undergo alcohol detox under medical supervision at a rehab facility. People who detox from alcohol with professional help are more likely to weather the process safely and successfully. Detox may not be pleasant, but it is a necessary first step for anyone who wants to recover from alcoholism. After detox is over, a person in recovery can begin therapy in a treatment program.

Featured Centers Offering Alcohol Detox

  • Sweating

The Importance Of Aud Treatment

Alcoholism and How to Quit Drinking Alcohol

Alcohol use disorder can lead to social and emotional problems as well as serious health issues. That’s why it’s crucial to seek treatment if you experience symptoms like these:

  • A strong urge to drink
  • An inability to limit how much alcohol you drink
  • Cravings
  • Physical dependence, including nausea and sweating when you don’t drink
  • Tolerance, or a need to drink more alcohol to feel the same effects

Without treatment, you could have complications like these:

Alcohol use disorder has also been linked to a higher risk of several cancers, including colon, breast, oral, liver, and throat cancers.

It’s important to seek AUD treatment only from a qualified healthcare professional or facility.

If you or a loved one are struggling with substance use or addiction, contact the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration National Helpline at 1-800-662-4357 for information on support and treatment facilities in your area.

Treatment often starts with detoxification. That’s a period where you don’t drink so your body can begin recovering.

Some programs offer you a chance to live in a facility where you can have more intense treatment. With other programs, you live at home but visit a treatment center daily.

Natural solutions may be useful additions to these traditional programs, but it’s something to discuss with your care team.

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Your Heart Gets Healthier

You might think that a regular glass of red wine or other alcoholic beverages might be good for your heart. But that may not be true, or true only for light sippers . If you use more than that, cutting back or quitting may lower your blood pressure, levels of fat called triglycerides, and chances of heart failure.

Understanding Alcohol Use Disorders And Their Treatment

People with alcohol use disorders drink to excess, endangering both themselves and others. This question-and-answer fact sheet explains alcohol problems and how psychologists can help people recover.

Understanding alcohol use disorders and their treatment.

For many people, drinking alcohol is nothing more than a pleasant way to relax. People with alcohol use disorders, however, drink to excess, endangering both themselves and others. This question-and-answer fact sheet explains alcohol problems and how psychologists can help people recover.

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How To Help An Alcoholic Quit Drinking

If someone you love is struggling with an alcohol addiction, it will be tough to watch and your every instinct will be to do all you can to help this individual. You probably already know that getting this person to quit will not be easy, especially if he or she is not even aware of how serious the problem is.

Communicating with your loved one is key to getting him or her to accept the illness exists and to consider treatment. It is really important to talk to the individual to raise your concerns though however uncomfortable this might make you feel. Nevertheless, before attempting to discuss the issue of alcohol abuse or addiction you should ensure that he or she is sober. Stay calm, avoid getting angry, and be sure to show your support you may find that the affected person is prepared to accept the problem exists and is willing to consider help.

You could also consider staging an intervention where you gather a group of individuals who your addicted loved one loves or respects. Together you can meet with your addicted family member or friend to discuss the impact of the illness on all involved. The aim of an intervention is to encourage him or her into treatment it should not be seen as a chance to gang up on the person.

How To Quit Alcohol On Your Own

Quit Drinking Alcohol On Your Own With These 7 Powerful ...

Quitting alcohol at home should only be done through a slow taper with the support of your primary care doctor. For someone who has an AUD, abruptly stopping alcohol can result in life threatening withdrawal symptoms. With that being said, a few strategies for quitting alcohol on your own are to seek out alternatives to drinking, avoid your triggers, create a plan to handle urges, learn how to say no, seek out support.

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Mindfulness And Meditation Can Ease Alcohol Cravings

Mindfulness is a form of non-judgmental observation. When you are mindful, you are focusing on the present moment.

Meditation allows you to calm your mind and body and connect with yourself. Mindfulness and meditation can help avoid reacting to alcohol cravings and help in breaking the alcohol habit.

You Might Dodge Accidents

Alcohol plays a role in at least half of all serious trauma injuries and deaths from burns, drownings, and homicides. Itâs also involved in four out of 10 fatal falls and traffic crashes, as well as suicides. You donât have to go completely dry to be safer. Even cutting back your drinking by a third can lower the number of injuries and sick days.

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Addiction And Recovery Services

Our addiction and recovery services help adults and teens quit drinking, stay sober, and feel good again. Our team of specialists including doctors, nurses, therapists, and counselors can help you safely and comfortably stop drinking.

Because addiction affects the whole family, we also offer support for family members who may be distressed.

Depending on your needs, your addiction and recovery care options may include:*

  • Individual and group therapy
  • Day treatment and residential treatment
  • Medical management of withdrawal symptoms
  • Crisis intervention
  • Self-help and skill-building classes and support groups

In therapy, youll discuss topics such as relationships, work, family, and stressful life events. Youll also learn strategies to recognize and deal with situations that can trigger alcohol cravings.

Note: In group therapy, you don’t have to share your feelings with others unless you feel comfortable doing so.

All services are confidential.

Is Breaking The Cycle Of Drug Addiction Possible

How Do You Get The Motivation To Quit Drinking Alcohol For Good?

How can we stop the cycle of addiction? Why is it that people who develop a substance use disorder enter an addictive cycle, where they return to their addictive behavior over and over again?

When someone develops an alcohol addiction, prescription drug addiction, or an addiction to illegal substance use, they find themselves unable to stop. They feel shame, as they obsess over their drug of choice, struggling with maintaining sobriety, and often giving in to relapse.

People who have not experienced a drug addiction or alcohol addiction may not be able to related to the difficulty in overcoming active addiction. Why would someone who has suffered through the pain of withdrawal symptoms from opioids or alcohol ever want to go back to alcohol abuse or drug abuse?

It seems as if someone who enters addiction recovery, for example with opioid addiction treatment or alcohol addiction treatment, would want to continue with a drug-free life of sobriety. Feeling healthy and waking up clear-headed every morning in recovery feels great.

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Ways To Reduce Alcohol Use

Here are nine ways to reduce, or cut back on alcohol use:

1. Commit to Reducing Alcohol in Writing

List the reasons why you want to cut back and refer to the list for motivation.

2. Set a limit goal.

For example, commit to changing your drinking habits. Limit yourself to two drinks per week or only drink one day a week. Or approach this strategy from the reverse and schedule alcohol-free days.

3. Journal about your drinking for a few weeks

Keep track of when you drink, how much, what youre doing, and how you feel before, during, and after drinking.

4. Dont keep alcohol at home

This will naturally reduce cravings and urges to drink.

5. Drink slowly

Set a time for how long it will take you to sip a drink and try not to finish a drink sooner than this time.

6. Counter each alcoholic drink with water, soda, or juice

This can also help reduce the number of drinks you consume in a night.

7. Schedule activities that dont revolve around drinking

Instead of meeting friends for a drink, go for a walk, see a movie, or play sports.

8. Let friends and family members know

Also, ask them to support your efforts. A support system greatly increases your chance of success.

9. Avoid places and people that test your willpower

Try to go places that do not encourage drinking.

How To Form Good Habits & Quit Undesirable Ones

Whether youre starting a new habit or breaking an old one, success hinges upon three things:

  • Changing your behavior either starting a new behavior or stopping one
  • Willpower being physically and mentally resilient against weak moments and temptation
  • Often you must change the way you see yourself in the world

Alcohol addiction recovery is a whole different animal, but there is some overlap. Quitting drinking, specifically, has three distinct phases:

  • Detox get all of the nasty stuff that built up from years of drinking out of your system
  • Become abstinent
  • Start the path of holistic recovery

With the understanding that you need all of these to work together, you can put together your plan to drop the bottle.

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How Do Addictions Differ From Good Healthy Habits

Do you remember the first time you were able to ride a bicycle successfully? Many people remember the first time they were able to balance and ride forward, without falling.

With your first successful bicycle ride, your brain put together the complex actions that your body used to propel the bicycle forward, keep the wheels straight, and maintain balance. Your brain rewarded itself with pleasurable neurotransmitters, and new pathways of reward and memory.

But, drug abuse is harmful to the body, and riding a bicycle is healthy. How is it that a person can develop a habit of using an illicit drug?

Unfortunately, addictive drugs are able to hijack the reward system, providing rewarding feedback, and strong new connections of reinforcement in a very short time. Imagine, back on the beach, as you dig new channels in the sand with your hand to allow water to escape from the water-filled hole, someone hands you a large shovel.

With the shovel, you can quickly dig a deeper channel with little effort. Or, to take it to an extreme, you are giving a powerful hydraulic excavator. Climbing into the drivers seat of the excavator, you are able, within seconds, to dig a channel in the sand that is so deep, the small hand-made channels are barely visible, by comparison.

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