Seek Help For Yourself
The recovery process can be just as hard on you as it is on your loved one. Whether you convince them to seek treatment or not, its important for you to take care of your own mental health.
Consider seeking one-on-one counseling or attending a support group like Narc-Anon or Al-Anon. This will help you face your feelings and give you the tools you need to navigate through this difficult time.
Remain Patient And Flexible
The best thing that you can do for an addict who is trying to get clean but isnt quite ready yet is to remain patient and flexible. Dont expect too much too soon otherwise, youre setting yourself up for disappointment if/when they dont follow through with getting help. You always want to make sure that your loved one feels comfortable enough to come forward when they are ready even if its not right away. If you keep pushing them, theyll feel like everything is all about them doing something instead of just being there for them during a difficult struggle which could eventually lead them to resent you and want to leave treatment.
Remember To Care For Yourself First
If you do not focus on your wellbeing first and foremost, your efforts to foster recovery likely wont work. Its important to establish healthy boundaries. When an addicted persons behaviors and lifestyle are having a negative impact on your emotional wellbeing, its okay to take a step back. Your responsibility to yourself should come first.
In the end, helping an addicted person can be a long and tricky process. If you remain steadfast in adhering to these guidelines, though, you can have a greater chance of helping your loved one recover.
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S To Take If An Alcoholic Or Addict Refuses Treatment
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Common Questions About Rehab
Am I covered for addiction treatment?
Have a confidential, completely free conversation with a treatment provider about your financial options.
Dont Force Them To Go To Treatment
Some individuals battling addiction face denial as they believe they dont have any major problems in their addiction. Addiction can often be seen as a disease or a maladaptive coping mechanism, so the idea of getting someone to stop can be difficult. Forcing the issue of rehab on someone who has not yet admitted to their need for treatment would most likely be unsuccessful. Instead, discussing the solutions of getting detox may help. This step may require the family member to do research in order to educate their loved one about costs, scholarship information, and rehab benefits. Remembering to be non-judgmental about this topic may help encourage positive change.
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Reach Out To A Professional
The next step you should take is to talk to a substance abuse counselor or other medical professional. This medical care provider may have ideas about how you can talk to your loved one or even just verify that your concerns are warranted. This professional may be able to give you information on substance abuse programs near you, so you can have a program ready when your loved one is ready for treatment.
The professional can also give a screening to your loved one. This is necessary to identify the substance abuse problem and to identify problems with your loved ones health.
Substance Addictions Treated At San Antonio Recovery Center
At San Antonio Recovery Center, we treat a wide variety of substances. No matter what substance youve abused, were ready to help you start your road to recovery. From alcohol to cocaine to prescription drugs, San Antonio Recovery Center has the treatment you need to succeed. Substance addictions treated at San Antonio Recovery Center include but arent limited to:
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Things You Can Do To Help The Substance Abuser Get Treatment
Guardian Iop & Addiction Recovery
Staging an intervention is a good idea if your loved one refuses treatment and is at risk of serious health-related complications or other serious consequences. At Guardian IOP we work closely with several experienced interventionists who we will gladly put you in touch with as soon as you reach out. Our intensive outpatient program serves as a step-down level of care for people who have recently completed residential inpatient treatment, or as a standalone treatment option for people looking to attend treatment while still working or attending school. To learn more about which level of care is right for your loved one, contact us today. Our Treatment Advisors are standing by to answer any additional questions you may have and to help you get started with our simple, straightforward admissions process as soon as you are ready.
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Understand What You Can And Cant Do When An Alcoholic Refuses Treatment
When you decide to help someone with their addiction, its important to keep in mind what you can do for them and what you cannot. While you may feel the need to admit someone to a rehabilitation or treatment center, you may not be able to do against their will. Depending on the state you live in and the state of their addiction, you may or may not be able to admit them without their consent.
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Encourage Communication Connection And Community
Connecting to a loved one suffering from alcohol abuse can be a challenge if they are defensive or avoidant. However, it is still worth the effort. Sometimes individuals enduring alcoholism or drug addiction may be isolated, moody, and may need connections from loved ones. Being there to listen and offer support can be a strong method of establishing a connection. Secondly, encouraging open communication if the loved one with alcoholism is willing to express can bridge the gap between misunderstanding and feelings of isolation.
Compassion should be part of the process, being sure to not judge, criticize and control, but listening, connecting and empathizing during communication. Building community through group support whether that includes churches and support groups outside of rehab can act as a strong base for like-minded people to support and uplift those facing addiction.
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Why Do Addicts Refuse Help
This is a deep and difficult question. Feelings of vulnerability, denial and confusion often play a role in addicts refusing help, but it also helps to understand where the person is coming from.
Here are the top seven reasons addicts refuse to get treatment for drug or alcohol abuse:
- Theyre in Denial
This may be the biggest reason people struggling with addiction decline treatment. Most dont think they actually have a problem. They tell themselves they can quit anytime, and they actually believe it.
The problem is, they cant and theyre scared to admit to themselves that they might have a serious problem.
- Theyre Scared of Detox
Detox, the process of getting the alcohol or drugs out of the persons system, can be frightening for an addict. Although detox can be frightening, it is manageable. Unfortunately, individuals struggling with addiction can build it up so much in their heads that they believe continuing to suffer through substance abuse is preferable to a few days of detox.
- They Dont Want to Change
Change is terrifying. If a person has always had the same circle of friends, who also happen to be drug addicts, they may be scared to seek help. They may worry theyll be pushed out of the group or shunned. Its more the fear of that looming change, and the threat of having to start over and find new friends, that keeps people from seeking help.
- They Fear They Will Fail
- They Dont Want to Be Vulnerable
- They Want to Keep Using
- Unemployment
Signs Your Loved One Is An Alcoholic
Alcoholism is the most severe form of problem drinking. It describes an intense and often uncontrollable desire to drink alcohol.
Those experiencing alcoholism will often place drinking above all other obligations and responsibilities, including work and family. They may also develop a physical tolerance to alcohol or experience withdrawal symptoms if they quit drinking.
It can be challenging to spot the signs of alcoholism, as those suffering from the condition may be secretive about it. They may also become angry if confronted.
The following are signs and symptoms of alcoholism:
- A lack of interest in previously enjoyed activities
- Appearing intoxicated more regularly
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Can You Force Someone Into Rehab
This is one of the biggest questions parents, spouses, and others want an answer to immediately. It is always best when an individual seeks out care for his or her own health without having to be forced into it. During the recovery process, this self-motivation becomes essential. If they do not want and will not try to work through the recovery process, it is quite difficult for success to occur.
Can you make them go to treatment? In some states, this is possible. In others, it is much more difficult to do. Often, you need to take a closer look at why they are refusing. In some situations, their body may be so addicted to the chemicals from the drugs or alcohol that they cannot see past it. They cannot make a logical decision to stop using or to get help. This is when detox becomes absolutely essential. This is when taking measures to force detox may be necessary.
In other situations, the user may be in denial. They could be facing other health concerns, such as depression or anxiety, that are making it harder for them to move away from use. And, in still others, they may feel they are doing a good enough job at maintaining their responsibilities and life. When there is not a life-threatening situation occurring, it is quite difficult to legally force the individual into alcohol and drug addiction treatment.
Enlist People They Trust
The nature of addiction is that many people tell themselves they dont have a problem, that they can handle it. They often dismiss the concerns of those closest to them. Sometimes it takes the words of a professional or someone on the outside for the right words to get through. For example, a physician or someone else they trust can have an impact.
If your addicted loved one refuses to believe their substance use is an issue, try to get them in for a regular checkup. Tell them if they dont think they have a problem, whats the harm in talking to someone? A physician can relay information in a factual way, removed from the emotions that a friend or family member may bring to these conversations. Theyll assess their physical health and talk to them about the long-term effects of their drug and alcohol abuse. They can speak in clear terms about whats considered normal and problem drinking and risk factors that come with it. A medical professional can tell them whether their drug or alcohol use qualifies as a substance use disorder diagnosis. They can also refer them to a mental health professional to diagnose potential co-occurring mental illnesses like depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, or personality disorders that can fuel drug and alcohol abuse.
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Things To Remember About Addiction
If your loved one doesnt want help for their drug or alcohol addiction, there are a few things you should keep in mind. First, many factors influence your loved ones inclination toward substance abuse. Long-term drug or alcohol use is a disease that changes the way their brain functions. This makes it extremely difficult to contemplate giving these substances up.
You also cannot force someone into rehab. An addict who refuses treatment must decide they want to recover to take the next step toward successful addiction treatment.
Finally, know that help is always available. Once your loved one is ready to move forward, the team at Gateway will be with them every step of the way with an individualized program to address their specific needs. Contact us today to learn more.
Addiction Can Not Only Damage Someones Mind And Body But It Can Damage Relationships That Were Once Healthy
Addiction can not only damage someones mind and body, but it can damage relationships that were once healthy. If your loved one is suffering from substance abuse, you may have confronted them about seeking help. You cant force someone to get treatment when they are not willing to accept their problem. This denial can cause someone to reach rock bottom before realizing the damage they have created. If your loved one refuses treatment at first, there are actions you can take to help this person realize that they need professional help in order to turn their life around. Our drug rehab in South Florida provides you with the steps you should take when your initial intervention doesnt convince your loved one that they need to re-evaluate their lifestyle. It may be a difficult journey before treatment, however it will be all worth it in the end.
Plan an Initial Intervention for Addiction Treatment
Follow Through with Consequences
Plan a Second Intervention with Different People
In another attempt to help your loved one, you should plan a second intervention with different people present. You should use the first intervention for addiction treatment as a guide to preparing for the second one. Examine what you said that may have set your loved one off and this time you should try a different approach. Dont give up hope this time around. It can be very exhausting, however your loved one may need that extra push before seeking treatment.
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Learn As Much As You Can About Their Addiction
If you dont know a lot about the addiction that your loved one is dealing with at the moment, youre likely going to say and do the wrong things when you try to discuss it with them.
For example, there are many parents who will ask their kids why they cant just stop using a drug like heroin. They dont have the slightest clue how difficult it is for those who are addicted to a drug like heroin to get off it.
There are also many teenagers who watch their parents go back to the bottle over and over again due to their alcoholism. And they struggle to understand why they do it. They cant wrap their heads around why mom or dad is drinking again after all the chaos their drinking has caused in the past.
Take the time to read about addiction and what it can do to a person. There are so many books and online resources available to you. Theyll teach you how to live with an addict and how to talk to that addict about their problem.
Prepare For Potential Fall Out After An Alcoholic Refuses Treatment
Its not always easy to help someone get sober, especially if they dont want to. If you must enforce consequences, you may experience a falling out between you and the person youre trying to help. As alcoholism often comes with its own set of mental health and anger issues, you may have to step away if they get aggressive or are breaking too many of the rules youve put in place.
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Finding Help And Support For Your Family
After an intervention, your loved one may still refuse to enter treatment. This can feel devastating for the family. As difficult as it may be, the best thing you can do is remain patient and hopeful. Unfortunately, sometimes people suffering from alcoholism delay treatment until they have a social or legal consequence .
While you are waiting for your loved one to consider getting help, there are things you can do to take care of yourself. Alcoholism is a disease that impacts the entire family, and finding support is a key part of recovering from alcohol addiction. Twelve step support groups like Al-Anon can be extremely helpful for family members of alcoholics.
At Vertava Health, we acknowledge the deep pain that families feel for loved ones suffering from alcoholism. Our compassionate treatment teams regularly work with friends, spouses, and family members to ensure they get the help they need as well.
You do not have to carry the burden of family alcoholism alone. To learn more about what to do if an alcoholic refuses addiction treatment, reach out to one of our specialists today.