Friday, July 26, 2024

Prayer For Addiction To Alcohol

Morning Prayer For Sobriety

He was an alcoholic until this happened in a bar…

God, direct my thinking today so that it be empty of self-pity, dishonesty, self-will, self-seeking and fear. God, inspire my thinking, decisions and intuitions. Help me to relax and take it easy. Free me from doubt and indecision. Guide me through this day and show me my next step. God, show me what I need to do to take care of any problems. I ask all these things that I may be of maximum service to you and my fellow man. In the spirit of the Steps I pray. Amen.

Prayers For Alcoholics #9

Dear Lord, we come to You on behalf of those who are suffering due to alcohol abuse. Father, Your Word tells us that we should live soberly, righteously and godly in this present age. God, I therefore come to You on behalf of those who are suffering due to alcohol abuse. We ask that they break free from their addiction and come to know and experience Your Love, in Jesus Name. Amen.

Thanksgiving For Deliverance From Alcoholism

Heavenly Father, so many people have fallen into the devastating, downward spiral of alcoholism, and yet in Your grace and mercy we see so many that are being freed from their addiction to alcohol and many more that are coming to faith the Lord Jesus Christ, as a result of a crisis point in their lives, which has so often taken them to the depths of despair. Thank You, Lord, for all who have been rescued from alcoholism and for those that have supported them through it. We know that the enemy comes to steal and to kill and to destroy men and women, by enticing them into a life of alcoholism and other evil addictions, but we thank and praise You that Jesus came to destroy the works of the evil one and promised to give life abundantly, to all who trust in Christ as Saviour. We thank You for all those who are currently being helped to leave their life of alcohol addiction behind, and we pray that each one will come to a saving knowledge of Christ. This we ask in Jesus’ name,

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Forgiveness Prayer From Addiction

Father, Im trapped in this prison of drug and alcohol addiction and dont know how I can get out. Please come to my rescue. Lord, extend your hand and help me to get out of this rut. Thank you for your love and mercy. I am washed with the blood of Jesus Christ and cleansed from all the harmful effects of alcohol and drugs. Your generous spirit will help me not to fall back into addiction. I pray in Jesus name. Amen.

Rebuking The Demon Of Addiction

Prayer Of The Day

Almighty creator of heaven and earth, we can upon your Holy name today to lead us into a righteous battle. As more and more of your flock struggles to overcome the curse of alcohol addiction, we lift up all those ensnared by this ungodly dependence on drink.

Dear Lord, my own son has become a slave to the bottle, and unable to shake the demon from his shoulders no matter how hard he tries. We pray you may shine your Holy light upon him and chase away all the demons hidden in the shadows. The Book of Isaiah 40 reminds us how you give power to the weak, for they shall not grow weary or utterly fall no matter how tough the journey.

In your grace Lord Jesus, we ask that you grant our boy strength to face his addiction head on. Draw out the slavery to alcohol and replace the vice with an all new dependency on Jesus, Who died on the cross so that all those who believe in Him will be saved from damnation and in Whose name we pray and believe,


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Prayers To Break The Curse Of Alcoholism

40 Prayers To Break The Curse Of Alcoholism.

What is Curse Of Alcoholism?

The curse of Alcoholism is the evil and demonic curse of the devil and his evil agents. The curse of Alcoholism is the power of evil fighting the children of God and causing them to indulge in taking alcohol. The curse of Alcoholism is the evil power responsible for the bad behaviors of children of God that makes them take alcohol for unexplainable reasons.

Prayer For A Husbands Salvation

Almighty God, I come before you today because my husband is an alcoholic and is headed towards destruction if something isnt done immediately. Please God save him from this addiction inflicted upon him by the enemy. Let my husband become sober once again so that he may enjoy life with me here on earth until we meet up in heaven, in Jesus name I pray, Amen.

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Prayer For A Child Caught Up In Addiction

Dear Lord Jesus, our heart is breaking with grief because our precious child has gone down the route of addiction. They have left home and are now living rough in the streets and seem to have become an entirely different personality. Lord, we have not seen them now for many months and we are filled with great sadness. But we are trusting You Lord to work a miracle. Look down Lord Jesus in pity on our dear child, convict them of their wrongdoing and restore a right mind within them. Protect them Lord, from the dangers that surround them and bring them home Lord we pray. Lord, there is nothing that we can do but to trust You, and we do trust You Lord to turn our child right round and return them home. Into Your hands we commit this great sadness and pray that the return of our precious prodigal will take place very soon, and we will give You all the praise and glory, Amen.

How We Used To Pray

“I was Face-Down in the Presence of Jesus Christ”- Instantly Delivered from Drug Addiction

Often, people in recovery recall praying when they were addicted to drugs or alcohol. The prayers usually sounded something like please let this work outplease let my dealer answerplease let me get high just one last timeplease let me score this. Alcohol and drug addiction will hijack your brain, and really make all of your thoughts and behaviors revolve around using drugs or alcohol above all else. Our prayers were once pleas for the next fix, and as we enter a drug rehab program, our substance use disorder can finally take a seat we now begin praying with true meaning, for true meaning. Our daily prayers will transform the way we think and feel no longer obsessed with drug abuse, we are able to pray with gratitude for the opportunity to change our lives.

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Prayer For Alcoholic Wife

Oh Lord, I am devastated, as the wife, I love so dearly has become almost estranged from me. She has started drinking.. and it is a habit that is almost out of control.

Forgive me Lord for not seeing the tell-tale signs earlier, but I have been so busy with my work schedule, that I have only really begun to understand the devastating effect that alcohol has had on my dear wife.

I have to call it what it is alcoholism and it grieves me that she has changed almost out of recognition and has little interest in the home, or me, or the children or anything else.

I pray with all my heart that You would help me to help my wife reverse this destructive habit, and return her to the loving, caring wife I remember.

Give me the strength and wisdom to support her so that she may be set free from her alcohol addiction I believe Your grace is sufficient even to cope with this and I pray that whatever it takes.. You will bring her back from this dependency on drink and to return her into Your loving arms and mine this I ask in Jesus name,


Recovery Prayers For Serenity Healing And Peace

  • General Biblical Studies, Interdenominational Christian Training Center

The Serenity Prayer is one of the most well-known and dearly loved prayers. While remarkably simple, it has impacted countless lives, supplying them with God’s strength and courage in their battle to overcome life-controlling addictions.

This prayer has also been called the 12-Step Prayer, the Alcoholics Anonymous Prayer, or the Recovery Prayer.

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What Is An Addiction

An addiction is a strong compulsion to have or do something that harms your health. When youre addicted to something, you feel compelled to pursue it even though you know its unhealthy for you. Your addiction tempts you with a temporary good feeling but ultimately hurts you by leading you away from the only true source of fulfillment: God.

Addictions are often fueled by stress since they have a numbing effect on our emotions. Numbing ourselves is a popular way to manage stress in our society. My book Wake Up to Wonder describes the most common types of addictions that can numb our senses, blocking our ability to feel our emotions and preventing us from noticing the wonder that is happening all around us. Those addictions include alcohol, drugs , pornography, gambling, unhealthy eating, shopping too much, watching excessive TV, and constant busyness. God has wired us to feel our emotions including difficult feelings such as sadness, anger, and loneliness so we can learn important lessons from working through them. While numbing ourselves can temporarily soothe the stress of feeling our challenging emotions, the more we try to escape our feelings through numbing methods, the more we put our souls to sleep. This significantly limits the amount of Gods wonder that we can notice and enjoy. When were numb, we simply miss out on much of what God is doing in our lives.

Here are 5 powerful prayers for addiction deliverance that you can use anytime you need them:

For Those Addicted To Alcohol

Pin on AA

Dear Lord Jesus, all forms of addiction ruins so many lives, and addiction to alcohol can cause such devastation in the lives of individuals and their relationships with the family, friends, neighbours and work colleagues.Dear Lord, I lift up to You all those that have become addicted to alcohol, which Satan so often uses as a tool to damage and destroy the lives of so many people. Lord, I pray for all who have been afflicted with this terrible disease. May they be released from the ruinous way that it affects so many, and be set free of this addiction.Lord, I know that there is no freedom except in You. I pray that in Your mercy, You would meet each of Your children at their point of need. In the power of the Spirit living within, I pray that they may break free of this destructive addiction.And Lord for those that are not believers, I ask that in Your grace, You would convict them of their damaging behaviour, both in their own bodies and in the lives of those that they know and love. Turn them away from alcohol addiction to a right relationship with the Lord Jesus, in Whose name I pray,Amen.

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Prayer And Mental Health

Praying has also been proven to reduce stress and increase a persons sense of inner peace. Those who participate in regular group or solo praying experience slower breathing and decreased blood pressure. This can give a person struggling with drug abuse or alcoholism the power to overcome mental health difficulties like depression and anxiety.

Prayer has also been proven to increase a persons feelings of hope and compassion, two powerful emotional tools on the recovery journey. Whether or not you were raised with prayer as part of your daily life, the benefits are undeniable.

Prayer For The Straight Path

Dear God, there are so many young people who are addicted to drugs and alcohol. They believe that addiction is the road that fate has chosen for them. But, Lord, that is not the case since you have wonderful plans for them. The enemy has given them lies in order to keep them addicted to narcotics and alcohol. Please assist them in understanding their worth and seeing themselves as you do. Remove all the lies about their identity that the enemy has implanted in their minds. Lead them in the proper direction and assist them in becoming free. I pray in Jesus holy name. Amen.

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Addiction Healing Prayer For Your Children

O Lord, save your children from the bonds of drugs and alcohol. Heal their minds from the lies the enemy has been feeding. You can see what kind of slavery they are living in. You can rescue them from their addictions and bring them back to light. Help them to stop relying on drugs and alcohol, and give them the tools they need to live a happy and healthy life. I believe in Jesus amazing and powerful name I pray. Amen.

Prayers For Alcoholics #5

“God, I can’t Stop” – God Delivered him from Drug Addiction

Oh Lord, please bless every alcoholic and I pray that You will help them to not be conformed to this world, but please help them to be transformed by the renewing of their minds. I pray that they will experience Your power and Shekinah Glory over their lives and their families. Break the bondage of sin by your blood and grant them joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, meekness and self-control, in Jesus Name. Amen.

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Samhsa’s Current And Future Support For Harm Reduction

SAMHSA has awarded 25 grants for the first-ever SAMHSA Harm Reduction grant program. This funding, authorized by the American Rescue Plan, will help increase access to a range of community harm reduction services and support harm reduction service providers as they work to help prevent overdose deaths and reduce health risks often associated with drug use. SAMHSA accepted applications from State, local, Tribal, and territorial governments, Tribal organizations, non-profit community-based organizations, and primary and behavioral health organizations.

SAMHSA will distribute $10 million between 2022-2025. Grant recipients receiving federal funding must adhere to applicable federal, state, and local laws, regulations, and other requirements as specified in federal grant terms and conditions of award. Other SAMHSA grants may also support harm reduction activities . The following harm reduction services/supplies are allowable costs that may be covered with certain SAMHSA funds:

*The Harm Reduction grant program is authorized under Section 2706 of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, which is not subject to the same syringe funding restrictions as other federal grants. Syringes to prevent and control the spread of infectious diseases are allowed for purchase with grant funds authorized by ARPA for SAMHSA Harm Reduction programs.

Prayer For Addiction Deliverance From Alcoholism

God, Im drawn to drink alcohol even when I know its hurting me. I want to be sober, but I still find myself drinking, because Im overwhelmed with cravings for my favorite alcoholic beverages. Im pained by how my drunkenness has harmed me and the people I love. So, Im asking you to help me stop completely stop buying alcohol in stores, stop ordering it in restaurants, and stop accepting it at social gatherings. I commit to doing whatever it takes to heal from alcoholism. I will join a support group, work with medical professionals and counselors, go to rehab, or anything else thats necessary to achieve sobriety. Please guide me to the best people and resources to support me on my healing journey. Holy Spirit, renew my mind so I can think in healthy ways about everything that had previously triggered me to drink alcohol. Heal my emotions and give me your peace, Jesus. Strengthen my faith so I can believe in the hope of the better future that you promise me, God. Thank you for your grace and mercy. I look forward to celebrating sobriety with you. Amen.

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Prayer For Recovery And Healing

Dear Lord of Mercy and Father of Comfort,

You are the One I turn to for help in moments of weakness and times of need. I ask you to be with me in this illness and affliction.

Psalm 107:20 says that you send out your Word and heal your people. So then, please send your healing Word to me now. In the name of Jesus, drive out all sickness and affliction from his body.

Dear Lord, I ask you to turn this weakness into strength, this suffering into compassion, sorrow into joy, and pain into comfort for others. May I, your servant, trust in your goodness and hope in your faithfulness, even in the middle of this struggle. Fill me with patience and joy in your presence as I breathe in your healing life.

Please restore me to wholeness. Remove all fear and doubt from my heart by the power of your Holy Spirit, and may you, Lord, be glorified in my life.

As you heal and renew me, Lord, may I bless and praise you.

All of this, I pray in the name of Jesus Christ.


Prayer For Those Addicted To Drugs

Prayer: The Sting Of Alcohol

Oh Lord, I come to You to pray for all who are weighed down with some form of addition. Lord, You are the One Who came to set the captives free and to release the sinners from the chains that bind them. So I lift before Your throne of grace all those that have become addicted to drugs. Lord, I know some personally and others that I know nothing about, but You know everyone that is enchained by the curse of drug-addiction. Look with compassion on all that are ensnared by any form of addiction, and send help and freedom to all who would accept help. Lord, I pray that they may be released from this imprisonment and returned to a life that has dignity and meaning. Give wisdom to their family members and those that care from them, that they may be given the support and help to put them back on the road to recovery. Endow them with patience, understanding and perseverance, knowing that this can take time to address. More than anything Lord, I pray for their salvation. You died for every drug addict and it was Your love for them that caused You to die on the cross of shame that they might be lifted up and seated with Christ in heavenly places. Save them Lord, in Jesus’ name I pray,Amen.

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