Thursday, July 25, 2024

Stones To Help With Addiction

Healing Crystals For Addiction

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Healing Crystals for Smoking Addiction

People who become addicted to smoking do not see their addiction as a big deal, but smoking is extremely toxic for the body and can lead to fatal results such as lung cancer or even death.

The following crystals can replace the use of tobacco and smoking as a means to alleviate stress.

Black onyx is a good stone as it provides supportive energy that helps deal with withdrawal symptoms and thereby facilitates the process of recovery. The user of this crystal will also experience calming effects as this stone will centre and ground them, which will in turn have a balancing effect on the body.

Another good stone is the aquatic agate. This stone puts a stop to self-harming behaviours such as smoking and other addictions. It is able to go to the root of the underlying causes of a smoking addiction and resolve repressed traumas which may have led to this habit.

Lastly, there is snowflake obsidian which calms the user from the inside and can thereby help stop tobacco cravings as well. It instils powerful rejuvenation in the cells of the user and can therefore relieve the users stress, dampen the urge for nicotine and reveal the truth behind smoking.

Healing Crystals for Drug Addiction

People who indulge in drugs are those who become obsessed with the feelings of euphoria and energy that the drug produces in the body. Good gemstones for drug addiction include the following.

Healing Crystals for Food Addiction

Sobriety Crystals To Help You Overcome Addiction

INSIDE: No matter what type of addiction you may be struggling with, sobriety crystals are one of the easiest and natural tools for turning a new leaf. Discover our 12 favorite addiction recovery stones and how to use them here!

We’re all probably addicted to something, whether it’s a substance, a particular person, or even an object. In fact, according to the Addiction Center, “almost 21 million Americans have at least one addiction.”

You might be addicted to pizza or chocolate. Most people can’t live without caffeine. And I have to admit, I’m completely addicted to lip balm.

In this rapid and competitive race of life, addictions, such as drug addictions and alcoholism, are also escalating heights never dreamt of before!

You may know that the human body works in mysterious ways. There are times when medicines help you feel healthy again, while at other times, it can be the unique smell of nature that will nurse you back to feeling new and better again.

But you might not realize that healing stones can help as well. While there are many crystals available in nature, some are particularly helpful when it comes to addiction-recovery and sobriety.

Best Healing Crystals For Addiction Recovery


Some people may use crystals as a complementary form of healing for addiction and during recovery.

Addiction is a disease that challenges you mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. Before you can even realise whats happening, youve lost connection with yourself and the world around you.

If you are spiritual and interested in crystal healing, you may wish to try this form of holistic therapy. Crystals are said to have powerful healing properties by those that practice crystal healing.

Being in recovery requires of healing on every level. This means healing…

  • The physical body from the damage inflicted upon it by substances.
  • The mental body from the toll it has taken on our thought processes and behaviours.
  • The emotional body from feelings that were never processed.

Whether its your final step or your first step, healing the spiritual body can help restore your sense of wholeness, and connect you with you who you are. Using crystals for addiction recovery may help you with this process.

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Crystals To Help With Addiction

Q. Are there crystals to help with addiction, or that can help me with, or better still, recover from addiction?

A.Amethyst is said to be a stone of spirituality and transformation. Also, I believe that most twelve-step programs recognize it is as the sobriety stone.

Amethyst derives its name from the Greek word, amethusos, meaning not drunk. According to an ancient myth, Bacchus turned a young maiden into a stone statue, and then in remorse, he poured wine onto the statue, staining it purple and creating Amethyst. Thereafter: allegedly drinking from an Amethyst Goblet would prevent the drinker from being fraught by the drinks spirit. Today all those trying to overcome any addictions, especially alcohol addiction, may use the healing powers of Amethyst as an aid for dealing with addictions.

Amethyst calms your mind and encourages connection with your spiritual or real self. It also helps to replace anxiety and confusion with calmness and clarity. It fosters your intuition, your feelings and your values. This ancient detoxifier helps to deal with compulsive and obsessive behaviour related to alcohol, drugs, tobacco, food, sex, and other addictions.

Amethyst is wonderful calming crystal for those whose addictions lead to them being overworked, overstressed, or overwhelmed. Many people also sleep with an Amethyst under their pillow for this reason.

You might also like to consider using our Addictions Kit which contains five crystals known to helpful for addictions.

What Are Healing Crystals For Addiction

ADDICTION RECOVERY Tumbled Crystal Healing Set 4 Gemstones

Crystals are natural objects comprised of many different minerals. Some crystals are made of one mineral, while others are made of many minerals.

The atoms that make up crystals are repeated and perfectly laid out through the crystal in a lattice structure.

As an alternative form of healing, crystals for addiction and other ailments can be used because of the energy they are believed to emit.

The healing power that comes from crystals is said to be due to the crystalâs unique vibrational frequency.

For example, the quartz stone, which is also in many other stones, is widely used for healing.

If you were to take two quartz stones and rub them together, youd see glimmers of light appear. This occurs as a result of the energy the two crystals create

All crystals are said to have different vibrational frequencies and different properties, with unique energies.

Many people use crystals as a tool to gain energetic and spiritual support in areas that they struggle with.

Healing crystals can also prompt feelings of strength, positive energy, grounding, focus, clarity, and love in those that use them.

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How Should You Use Crystals For Treatment Of Alcoholism

To treat alcoholism you should wear crystals as jewelry. Wearing a crystal makes it easy to have it with you at all times. You can wear them as rings, necklaces, and even bracelets. Treatment of alcoholism with crystals has also become more common because its affordable and easy to access for everyone.

What Amount of Crystals Should You Use for Alcoholism?

When it comes to using crystals for alcoholism you should use as much as you need. You can start with your favorite crystals but if those dont work you can always make a change. For crystals, its also not about the size of the crystal. While it should be large enough to be noticeable, even small amounts of a crystal can help with alcoholism recovery. That said, the amethyst is a good example of a crystal that can be used in small amounts. In fact, the ancient Greeks believed that placing a small amethyst in your mouth was enough to prevent drinking.

Where can You Place the Crystals to Overcome Addiction?

There are several places you can place crystals to overcome addiction. While some crystals have unique placement requirements, most crystals can be placed in the locations listed below.

Chevron Amethyst Crystals For Alcohol Addiction

If you started drinking because of a broken heart, job loss or any depression, chevron amethyst will discipline you. The order and organization chevron amethyst can bring to an alcohol-stricken life is great. If your loved one is gripped in the craving for alcohol, gift an chevron amethyst wand or anoint them every day.

Amethyst with its mind detox abilities will also open your directions in the life. It is a gemstone that an help in alcohol recovery by working on the higher chakras.

Read more about Gemstone Amethyst in detail!

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National Harm Reduction Technical Assistance Center

SAMHSA is also collaborating with CDC on their National Harm Reduction Technical Assistance Center to provide a comprehensive approach to harm reduction through syringe services programs and to improve access to prevention and intervention services to prevent infectious disease consequences of drug use. Going beyond education and technical assistance efforts related to needle exchange, SAMHSAs support of CDCs existing National Harm Reduction Technical Assistance Center will enable the Center to also address also a variety of other individual and community factors related to harm reduction, such as, for example, naloxone distribution and administration, safer sex kits, HIV and viral hepatitis testing, COVID-19 response, community stigma, and opportunities for collaboration between harm reduction and other community efforts . Through the collaboration with SAMHSA, the TA Center will support efforts to expand capacity, increase effectiveness, and strengthen the performance and accountability of harm reduction services. This will be done within a comprehensive prevention strategy at the state and community levels and will provide technical assistance and consultation services to support implementation of effective, evidence-based harm reduction programs, practices, and policies in diverse settings.

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The Healing Effects Of Crystals For Addiction

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According to science, crystals have no proven healing powers. But, the alternative medicine community believes otherwise. According to cosmic energy healer Eva Antoniadou, Crystals have potent healing powers, and when you touch them, healing is immediately activated.

Holding crystals or placing them in specific spots on the body can promote physical, emotional, and spiritual health. Crystals work by activating the bodys chakras or energy field, which helps alleviate stress, improve concentration, and encourage new perspectives.

Crystals can provide a multitude of benefits to everyone in addiction recovery. Although each person experiences addiction differently, most people struggle with anxiety, depression, and other mental disorders that can benefit from healing crystals.

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How To Use Crystals For Healing

There are several ways to utilize crystals for overall healing:

Wearing Them

This is the most common and simple way to use crystals. People typically wear the crystals on their bodies as jewelry or carry the crystals with them. Wearing a crystal gives you benefits wherever you go, as you are constantly surrounded by the coping mechanisms it can offer. It also can help you constantly rid yourself of negative energies.

Have Them Near You

Infusing Your Water

Infusing your drinking water provides you with a portable way to use crystals that heals you from the inside, out. Known as âcrystal elixirs,â you receive the benefits through ingestion.


While meditating, holding, wearing, or just having the crystal near you can serve as a vessel for bad energies to leave your body. This clears your mind as you practice mindfulness through meditation to be more aware of your surroundings. It is recommended to cleanse them of the negative energies that they may attract between uses.

Holistic therapies are becoming ever more popular in todayâs world of modern addiction treatments. Crystal healing is no exception, with its growing popularity spreading across the world. When used alongside other forms of therapy, recovering addicts are able to treat their whole body, opening themselves up for more opportunities and treatment. To learn more about holistic therapy options, call NorthStar Transitions today at .

Set Of The Best Stones For Addictions Or Bad Habits

Set includes Amethyst, Chrysoprase, Carnelian, Citrine, Clear Quartz, Garnet, Hematite, Peridot and Tiger Eye in a white organza pouch. Peridot is a number of smaller chips rather than a single stone.

Set of 9 of the best healing stones for supporting you in recovering from addictions or wanting to give up a harmful habit. Their combined energetic healing properties can give you the extra strength & help you need.

Included with purchase is a brochure about how to use & care for them, as well as information about their individual healing properties.

Information about theirHealing Properties

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Best Crystals For Addiction Youre Missing Out On

When youre addicted to something, you can physically, emotionally or spiritually live without it. Thats why, you need to use external energies to make you realize youre bigger than the addiction.

If you’re wondering how to battle addiction with crystals, we heard you. Thats why our total 9 crystals for addiction are aimed at helping you step-by-step with gemstones.

Keep Crystals In Your Environment

Crystals for addictions

Another way to use crystals is by placing them in your immediate environment.

You can create an altar in your bedroom where you keep all of your crystals together.

Alternatively, you can purchase crystals for your home and place them in different areas.

Place a crystal on your bedside table, on the kitchen counter, or anywhere else that you frequent often. You can even keep a crystal visible in your car.

Placing crystals in different areas increases the energy of these areas. Not only that, but seeing the crystals can be a powerful reminder of your healing and what you’re trying to achieve.

For instance, if you place a rose quartz in your bathroom cupboard, every time you see it can serve as a reminder for you to take a few seconds tofeel loved, and to feel love towards yourself. This can be a powerful tool when practised consistently.

Another way to use crystals in your environment is by placing them underneath your pillow before going to sleep at night.

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Best Crystals For Addiction

Amethyst for Addiction

This is known as the stone of sobriety, as it is exceptional when it comes to dealing with an alcohol addiction. It literally translates to a Greek word which means not drunk. This rich, purple stone helps one to resist the urge to drink by increasing their willpower. It can also be used as a detoxifying agent when alcohol consumption has stopped, as it can help the user physically heal faster.

It aids in addiction by alleviating the withdrawal symptoms, as it weakens pain on a physical, psychological and emotional level. It is known for clearing negative energy and instils the wisdom needed to overcome any negative thought patterns.

Carnelian for Addiction

This is another stone of sobriety which motivates the user and also enhances endurance. It allows the user to make better decisions, which is perfect when it comes to addiction as the user needs to be motivated not to carry on destroying their life. This gives the user the power to break off bad habits and start the day on a good first step.

This stone is very good at curing marijuana addictions, as it inspires the user to live their lives to the fullest, which is what someone who is trying to stop smoking marijuana would want due to their low mood and lack of energy.

Lepidolite for Addiction

Crystals For Addiction Can Help Manage Drug And Alcohol Use Disorders

I know I know, you think were crazy. How are crystals for addiction supposed to help addicts overcome addiction? Is there any science behind it? Well, yes and no. Everything has an energy, and certain crystals and gemstones are touted to have certain metaphysical properties which communicate with energy in such a way certain attributes are supposed to be augmented. This is the foundation of vibrational medicine, which continues to gain traction in 2021.

If theres a problem, theres a gemstone for that! Supposedly. Because there are innumerable minerals and crystals abundant on our planet, there is said to be a stone for relationships, communication, career success, strength, and in our case, crystals for addiction. Following the theory of crystal therapy, each minerals electromagnetic field communicates with our own to help bring out our highest potential. Theres more to it than that, but thats the theory in a nutshell! If you need a more tangible example, think of crystals for addiction similar to the spiritual and emotional anchor a rosary serves as.

Many people who participate in crystal therapy immerse themselves in the healing arts of Reiki in combination with yoga. Crystal healers meditate with crystals atop certain areas of the body for cleansing and spiritual balance. The same practice applies to specific points on the body with crystals for addiction.

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What Are Crystals & How Do They Aid In Recovery

Crystals are objects that are formed from natural minerals. They have a lattice structure with repeated atoms that are perfectly laid out throughout the entire structure. The healing powers of crystals are explained through their âvibrations.âFor example, quartz is one of the most important and popularly used crystals for healing, because it can produce electricity. By rubbing two pieces of quartz together in a dark space, sparks of light become visible from the produced electricity. Manipulating these vibrationsâor electrical capabilitiesâis possible by using piezoelectric, a mechanical energy discharge method. This technology is used in various cigarette lighters and buttons on gas grills.The theory of crystals helping in addiction recovery comes from the belief that addiction is a spiritual affliction. It throws off the balance of your mind, body, and spirit, which crystals can help restore.

Crystal Therapy: Stones And Crystals To Help Curb Intense Cravings

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For hundreds of years, mankind has always believed that some crystals and tones are conduits of energy that will affect ones behavior and spiritual force.

Nikola Tesla considered one of the greatest minds of all time, believe that all forms in the universe have their own energy that will alter the pulsation and vibration of similar or contrasting forms of energy.

Unfortunately, Eastern mystics are dismissed by Western medicines as nothing more than quacks when for millennia, they have helped patients even before the word alcohol and drug rehab entered the lexicon of substance abuse.

With that said, here are some crystals and stones that can help with addiction treatment:

  • Amethyst This crystal has been dubbed the sobriety stone for its powers to help individuals turn a corner in their struggle to curb their cravings. What it does is to elevate your consciousness and link you up to a higher astral plane. This Amethyst will help you relax your mind and forget all your stress.
  • Smoky Quartz This crystal, meanwhile, will help lift the veil of depression and loneliness. This is known to soothe and calm nerves. Its also a good stress buster. The smoky quartz will link you with the earths energy, which means you are grounded. Its also best to help provide relief for pain, headache, and muscle tension.

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