Friday, July 26, 2024

Treatment For Addiction To Weed

What Are Some Negative Consequences Of Cannabis Use Disorder

What Treatment For Weed Addiction Is Like

Regular or heavy use of cannabis can result in the development of tolerance and dependence. A person will need more and more marijuana to achieve the same effects.

Adolescence, a period during which the brain is undergoing major changes, is an extremely poor time period for young people to try the effects of marijuana. Cannabis use in adolescence has been reported to increase the risk for schizophrenia.

Because cannabis is typically smoked, long-term use may harm the lungs. Marijuana also appears to be associated with deficits such as memory and attention problems.

For people trying to quit, withdrawal symptoms may include irritability, restlessness, difficulty sleeping, and hot flashes.

Mental Health Disorders And Marijuana Addiction

Researchers have found a link between marijuana use disorder and an increased risk of co-occurring psychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia, depression, and anxiety disorders, but theyre not entirely sure whether and to what degree marijuana use plays a role in causing these conditions.9 The NIDA reports on research that indicates daily use of high-potency marijuana could potentially result in a higher risk of developing psychosis compared to people who have never used marijuana.9 One item to note, however, is that the development of psychosis can be influenced by a combination of different risk factors, such as genetics, the amount of the substance you use, and the age at which you started using it.9

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration says that having a substance use disorder and a mental health disorder can complicate diagnosis and treatment.10 They report that integrated treatment, which means coordinated mental health and substance use treatment, can be helpful for improving treatment outcomes and quality of life, and potentially increase the possibility of a complete recovery.10 Treating the marijuana use disorder and the co-occurring psychiatric disorder may involve a combination of medication and behavioral therapies, which have been shown to reduce marijuana use, especially in those who have been heavy marijuana users or who have chronic psychiatric disorders.7

Signs And Symptoms Of A Marijuana Addiction

It can be difficult to know when marijuana use becomes problematic, especially since most people can use cannabis without any complications. There are, however, some specific signs and symptoms of marijuana addiction that you can keep an eye out for.

Here are some of the symptoms youd experience:

  • Heightened anxiety, irritability, depression
  • Physical side effects such as sweating, chills, restlessness
  • Consistent cravings, hoarding behaviors, or spending money on it that was intended to be for bills, groceries or other necessities
  • Dramatically increased tolerance

Here are some additional signs to watch out for in you or a loved one:

  • Unable to feel happy or have a good time without cannabis
  • Withdrawing from or dismissing relationships or social gatherings
  • Upping doses and/or using multiple times a day
  • Irresponsible or inappropriate use, taking risks while under the influence
  • Ignoring responsibilities, and lacking motivation or drive to pursue goals

If you think you or a loved one may have developed a psychological addiction to marijuana, you might be wondering what marijuana addiction treatment looks like, especially since it isnt a conventional addiction.

Were going to walk you through the whole process of marijuana addiction treatment and recovery.

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Find Marijuana Addiction Treatment Near Me

You may be wondering, can I get marijuana rehabilitation? or how can I find marijuana treatment centers near me? Perhaps you are looking for a marijuana detox center near you. You could be in search of adolescent or teen marijuana addiction treatment. If you or a loved one is struggling with marijuana addiction and you need to find inpatient or outpatient marijuana treatment centers near you, there is hope for recovery. Reaching out is a courageous step in starting your new life, and our caring admissions navigators are ready to help you find the right local or out-of-State treatment facilities. If you think you might need weed rehab, know that cannabis rehabilitation is possible. Contact us for free 24/7 at to confidentially discuss your treatment options and have us answer any questions you may have.

To learn more about marijuana addiction and treatment, check out our other articles:

The Side Effects Of Marijuana

Understanding Marijuana Abuse, Addiction and Rehab

Popular culture, even way back to the 1950s and 60s, has depicted the typical marijuana consumer in certain ways, both accurate and inaccurate. These depictions range from the desperate livewire in cautionary movies such as Reefer Madness to the low-energy weed lover in films like Half Baked.

While the truth is somewhere in between these depictions, there are definite side effects to marijuana consumption that can affect different people in different ways.

There are many reasons why a person may consume marijuana. Most people will say they like marijuana because it makes them feel good or helps them cope with environmental stressors at home or work. While the legality of marijuana may imply it is safe, its consumption is certainly not without significant side effects.

Some of these common side effects include:

  • Increased sensitivity to sight, sound, taste, and touch
  • An altered sense of time
  • Feeling humorous or giddy
  • Impaired thinking, judgment, and memory
  • Difficulty thinking and making decisions

Its also very possible, and common, for people to overindulge in marijuana. This is especially common when talking about potent marijuana edibles, commonly available at marijuana dispensaries in states where the drug is legal. Consuming too much THC can result in hallucinations , intense paranoia , delusional thinking, and even psychosis .

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How To Quit Marijuana Abuse

If you or a loved one is trying to quit using marijuana and is struggling to do so, it may be time to seek help. Though rarely requiring emergency medical attention, cannabis withdrawal can be unpleasant, presenting a challenge to early recovery efforts. These symptoms may arise within a week of stopping or slowing use and can take 1-2 more weeks to resolve.1, 3

Though they might not be inherently dangerous, supportive medical care and behavioral strategies can help people manage withdrawal symptoms, helping them be more comfortable at the start of treatment.13

Some people who have marijuana use disorder may also have co-occurring mental health disorders, which are best addressed at the same time with an integrated treatment approach.7 If not well managed such as at specialist dual diagnosis rehab facilities co-occurring disorders can influence the treatment outcomes of both disorders, potentially impacting recovery progress if they arent treated together.1, 7

Though relapse in recovery is not uncommon, it shouldnt signal the end of continued recovery efforts. If occurs, it may mean that a person and their recovery program need to be reassessed and potentially readjusted to provide the appropriate level of care.7

Receive 24/7 text support at your convenience with American Addiction Centers. Our team is well prepared to advise on all things treatment and help you find the care you need. Weve helped thousands recover from addiction and we can help you too.

Harmful Effects Of Marijuana Use

If youre wondering why you need to learn how to overcome marijuana addiction, think about the harmful effects. People who abuse weed will feel the need to sustain that maximum high. In order to do so, they inhale the smoke more deeply and hold it in their lungs for a longer period of time.

It irritates the lungs which may lead to asthma attacks, bronchitis, and chronic cough. The effect of smoking weed in pregnant women affects the unborn baby and may cause problems such as premature birth and abnormal size.

In worse scenarios, marijuana, when taken in higher and larger dosage, can also result in toxic psychosis and hallucination that makes most people paranoid. It affects your concentration, reaction to stimuli, and your coordination, making it dangerous for you to drive a car and even ride a bike.

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What To Do If Someone You Love Is Abusing Marijuana

If someone you love is abusing marijuana, they may be in denial about the drugs potency, or their addiction. Through open communication, you may be able to help them realize they need to quit using. Here are some reasons to quit marijuana:

  • Physical reasons to stop smoking pot to feel better, reduce the risk of lung cancer, and be more energetic
  • Psychological reasons to stop smoking pot to reduce anxiety, get back to being happy without pot, and reduce depression
  • Relationship related reasons to stop smoking pot to get out of the relationship rut that comes from smoking too much pot, find new friends, and heal from the fights or pain that marijuana has caused you and your loved ones
  • Financial reasons to stop smoking pot to free up the money spent on marijuana, so you have more money to spend, put into savings, or use to pay bills
  • Legal reasons to stop smoking pot to stay out of trouble with the law

Treatment For Marijuana Addiction

Quit Smoking Weed: Detox

Therapy is the cornerstone of treatment for marijuana addiction, which is designed to help a person recovering from marijuana use disorder keep from slipping back into behaviors that trigger their desire to use marijuana. A variety of behavioral therapies, which are forms of psychotherapy, can help an individual avoid and cope with triggering situations and build a satisfying life that doesnt require the use of marijuana.

One common therapy for the treatment of marijuana addiction is cognitive behavioral therapy, which teaches strategies to identify and correct bad behaviors so you can stop your drug use and enhance your self-control. Contingency management is another therapy intended to monitor target behavior and either provide or remove positive rewards when the target behavior either occurs or doesnt occur, depending on the situation. Motivational enhancement therapy is a structured form of intervention designed to motivate your internal resources for engagement in treatment and positive lifestyle changes.

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What Are The Risks Of Marijuana Addiction

These prolonged symptoms of marijuana abuse will require professional treatment and a lot of time and patience to overcome:

Mental Effects of Marijuana use include:

  • An anxiety that does not go away or gets worse as a result of smoking pot
  • Depression or a depressed state
  • Social intolerance or a lack of desire to be social
  • Paranoia or feeling like everyone is out to get you
  • Acute psychotic reactions

Effects of Marijuana on the Heart:

  • Increased heart rate by 20-100%
  • Increased risk of heart attack
  • Increased risk of cardiovascular vulnerabilities

Effects of Marijuana on the Lungs:

  • Carcinogenic toxins create lung cancer
  • Increased exposure to disease
  • A productive cough

Paranoia is also a common symptom of marijuana use, although friends and family members of the individual suffering from marijuana addiction are more likely to notice this effect than the user. Only after they are in recovery do most individuals realize the degree to which marijuana-induced paranoia has been negatively impacting their lives.

No longer using marijuana after a prolonged phase of marijuana use can lead to the following withdrawal symptoms:

What Are The Side Effects Of Marijuana Addiction

Immediate short-term effects of marijuana abuse may include:

  • Impaired learning
  • Lack of coordination and balance
  • Memory problems

Psychological problems associated with marijuana addiction and abuse include:

According to the NIDA, individuals who frequently use large amounts of marijuana also report lower satisfaction in life, poorer physical and mental health, and more relationship problems than those who do not use marijuana.A study published in 2004 also found that consistent use of marijuana was associated with lower educational attainment. Heavy use can also cause time distortions and judgment impairment, making users more likely to participate in risky or dangerous behaviors while under the influence.

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What Is Marijuana Addiction

You are likely struggling with addiction if you canât stop using marijuana, even when it interferes with your daily routine. Being addicted to marijuana makes it harder to stay focused and learn new things. It can also affect your memory, and increase forgetfulness. If a young person starts using marijuana before age 18, theyâre up to seven times more likely to have trouble quitting, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse.

If you think you may be addicted to marijuana, ask yourself these questions:

  • Have you tried to quit using marijuana, and canât stop?
  • Does marijuana interfere with your life at home, school, or work?
  • Is using marijuana more important than spending time with family or friends?

If you answered âyesâ to any of these questions, you may want to speak to someone about possibly getting help.

Lets Take A Look At Cannabis Use

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So how do people use it? They may have hand-rolled that in cigarettes, that they call joint. They may smoke in pipes, waterpipe, they often call these things bongs.

They may roll it in cigar wraps, which they call blunts. They may take it as a tea. They may mix it with food, that people call edible. They may use a vaporizer or e-cigarette pen. They may take it as a tincture.

In oils, cream and lotions, patches, beer and coffee.

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Residential Marijuana Addiction Rehab Centres

Trafalgar Residential Facility provides 30, 60 or 90-day residential treatment for weed addiction and offers the most comprehensive and effective cannabis addiction treatment and mental health program in Canada. We treat the addiction along with the underlying mental health issues like depression, anxiety, PTSD and other psychiatric disorders.

What Causes Cannabis Addiction

The calming, relaxed state that cannabis produces can be enticing if you struggle with certain untreated mental health conditions such as anxiety or depression, or if you struggle in social or professional situations. If you find yourself requiring cannabis to function or to avoid discomfort, it is likely that you have developed an unhealthy dependence on the drug that will require professional help to overcome.

While the chances of developing an addiction varies from person-to-person and some people can use the drug without developing dependence, certain factors such as the amount of THC consumed when taking cannabis can determine the intensity of the high. Different strains of cannabis contain higher amounts of THC in others, with particularly strong types of cannabis believed to contribute towards a greater likelihood of you developing an addiction. Different strains of cannabis can also stay in the body for longer, so the symptoms experienced may vary.

Some people argue that cannabis is a safe and harmless drug, although misusing cannabis and developing an addiction occurs in 10% of people who are exposed to the drug. If you begin using cannabis in your teens, the chance of becoming addicted rises to 16%, with the long-term damage to your mental health increasing as greater amounts of the drug are used in order to achieve the same effects.

Other factors which may play a role in whether you develop an addiction to cannabis include:

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Alternative Marijuana Treatment Payment Options

If your insurance company doesnt cover the full amount of rehab, or you prefer to avoid using insurance to pay for therapy, you may have access to a variety of alternative payment options. Intake coordinators at The Recovery Village can help you assess your situation, estimate treatment costs, and work closely with you every step of the way. Our primary goal is to connect you or someone you love to the necessary treatment.

If you or someone you love is ready to take the next step in addressing an addiction, The Recovery Village is here to help. Contact us today to learn more about our personalized, evidence-based programs that can fit your unique situation and needs.

Outpatient Marijuana Rehab Centre

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Our outpatient addiction counselling centre located in Toronto treats clients who are unable to attend residential treatment. Our 4-week Intensive Outpatient Program allows clients to receive weed addiction treatment similar to what they would receive in our residential treatment facility, but allows them the opportunity to continue working and go home at night.

With our unique and effective weed addiction recovery and mental health programs, we can make sure that your road to recovery is safe, effective and tailored to your precise needs. We are dedicated to helping you overcome your struggles. If the Intensive Outpatient Program does not fit into your schedule, or if you need to focus on a specific area of concern, we will tailor a program for you based on your schedule, needs, and budget.

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How Common Is Marijuana Addiction And Abuse

Marijuana is one of the most widely abused drugs in the world. Marijuana addiction in the United States is also very common. According to SAMHSAs 2016 National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 36.7 million people reported that they used marijuana over the past year. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse , marijuana use is also widespread among young people, and the number of middle and high school students who believe marijuana use is dangerous is steadily decreasing.

The medical use of marijuana to treat various illnesses and physical conditions is still being studied. Although the FDA has approved some medications that contain cannabinoids, the marijuana plant has not been recognized or approved by the FDA for medicinal purposes. Scientists are still conducting preclinical and clinical trials to determine the efficacy of the marijuana plant to treat illnesses and other conditions.

Although the topic of marijuana addiction is one that is highly debated, research suggests that between nine and 30 percent of individuals who use marijuana may develop some degree of marijuana use disorder. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services also reports that one in every 11 marijuana users will become addicted.

Treatment Near Home Vs Different City Or County

Where you receive treatment may be affected by your personal preferences: you may wish to attend a treatment facility close to your home, perhaps because you may prefer to feel close to loved ones and friends on the other hand, you may prefer to put a great deal of distance both geographical and mental between your treatment and your daily life. If you have any particular preferences regarding the location of your cannabis addiction treatment, speak with an addiction specialist.

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