Friday, July 26, 2024

Can Alcohol Addiction Be Cured

Help Is Available At The Hills Treatment Center

How I overcame alcoholism | Claudia Christian | TEDxLondonBusinessSchool

Now that you know the answer to, Can alcoholism be cured?, its time to seek help. At The Hills Treatment Center, we have a staff of caring and trained professionals. Alcoholics who attend rehab at our luxurious, 4-acre property can keep their identities and treatments confidential. They can also invite furry family members to join them.

After treatment, we help our guests integrate back into society to give them a better shot at sobriety. They can enroll in our Sober Living program directly following inpatient rehab. Some of the program benefits include

  • Short distance to gyms, restaurants and shops
  • Support from other sober members
  • Weekly meetings
  • Wireless and satellite access

Dont let alcoholism hinder your or a loved ones life. Its possible to overcome alcoholism when you have the right tools and support. Call now to find out how we can provide a path to recovery.

What Happens After Treatment

When you or your loved one completes an inpatient or outpatient alcohol treatment program, this is a time for celebration.

However, even with this great accomplishment, its also important to remember that this is just the beginning. For many people, staying sober is a lifelong process. Even though the University of Pennsylvania Health System states that 70% of alcoholics who spend at least a year participating in a treatment program end up maintaining lifelong sobriety, many alcoholics find that they need to remain engaged in some kind of long-term maintenance program in order to stay sober. Having consistent accountability and support can make all the difference when it comes to abstaining from alcohol long-term.

Long-term maintenance programs take many forms. Most reputable treatment centers have aftercare programs, which gives their former patients access to amenities such as:

  • Sober Mentoring
  • Educational Programs
  • Alumni Activities

Many alcoholics also choose to participate in 12-Step or Non-12-Step Programs for continued support after they leave treatment. Some even stay with these programs for life. Alcoholics Anonymous is the most well-known 12-Step program for those with an alcohol use disorder. There are also several Non-12-Step programs for alcoholics, such as:

  • Secular Organizations for Sobriety

Factors That Contribute To Alcoholism

Evaluating whether alcoholism is a disease requires an examination of the factors that contribute to alcoholism.

Genetics seem to play a role because research has shown that a good portion of those who have a close family member with a drinking problem will develop one, too.

Some of this could be due to the example that was set for them regarding how they should respond to stress and difficulties.

For example, if a set of parents tends to have a few beers every time they have a bad day, their children are more likely to develop this habit because it was taught to them over time.

That being said, there are many cases of people developing an addiction to alcohol when they had no previous family history of it.

Usually, this is due to the way that they started out having a few drinks because they were feeling depressed or anxious over a situation.

Then, when they notice the depressant properties that the substance has on the body, such as deep relaxation and euphoria, they begin to drink more often.

Some people develop alcoholism because of pressure from their peers who are heavy drinkers too.

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Persistence Never Give Up

Recovering from alcoholism is rarely easy. It is a long, time-consuming journey that requires continually putting one foot in front of another. If we could offer recovering alcoholics only one piece of advice, it would be this: never give up. Be persistent in reaching your goal of alcohol recovery. It is like running a marathon you keep running until you reach the finish line.

Like a marathon runner benefits from the support and encouragement of others, you can benefit from the support provided by your treatment providers, counsellors, friends, and family. Lean on that support whenever the road to recovery gets hard. And it will get hard. But with a combination of your persistence and the support of those around you, you can make it.

Symptoms Of Alcohol Use Disorder

Home Remedies to Cure Alcoholism

It can be difficult to identify the signs of a growing problem early on with alcohol abuse that is blossoming into alcohol addiction because they are not always obvious. If you are not paying close attention to the changes in someone elses or even your own behavior, you may not start to realize there is a problem until the signs of alcohol addiction have begun to interfere with life in a way that is impossible to ignore.

One means of early self-diagnosis involves four simple questions known as the CAGE Questionnaire. These questions can be used by a doctor on a patient as well and are as follows:

  • Have you ever felt you needed to Cut down on your drinking?
  • Have people Annoyed you by criticizing your drinking?
  • Have you ever felt Guilty about drinking?
  • Have you ever felt you needed a drink first thing in the morning to steady your nerves or to get rid of a hangover?
  • While this is a very simplistic means of diagnosis, giving a yes answer to at least two of the questions is a sign of a growing dependence on alcohol.

    As obtaining and drinking alcohol becomes the highest priority in someones life and the driving force behind nearly all of their major decisions, there are many behavioral signs of a growing addiction, including:

    • Domestic arguments and violence
    • Broken capillaries on the nose and face
    • A very sudden increase in age spots and wrinkles
    • Yellowed skin and eyes from liver damage
    • Injuries that were sustained while intoxicated

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    When Is It Time To Get Help

    The latest NHS guidelines, published in 2016, advise that you shouldnt be drinking more than 14 units of alcohol per week, and this should be spread over three days or more. You should also regularly have several alcohol-free days per week. If you think that you are drinking a lot more than this, regularly, and dont feel able to cut down, you should go to a doctor to get diagnosed. However, the NHS also recommends looking into outside sources of help such as treatment centres and Alcoholics Anonymous right away, without waiting for a diagnosis.

    How Is Alcohol Use Disorder Diagnosed

    A person who regularly consumes alcohol who has two or more of the following signs and symptoms within a period of one year may be diagnosed with AUD:

    • Consuming alcohol in greater quantities or for longer than planned
    • Unsuccessful attempts to reduce or manage alcohol use
    • Expending a lot of time acquiring, using, or recovering from alcohol
    • Feeling compelled to consume alcohol
    • Alcohol use recurrently hinders ability to successfully complete important tasks at home, work, or school
    • Continuing alcohol use despite problems it causes in interacting with others
    • Foregoing or limiting participation in important activities at home, work, or school
    • Repeated use of alcohol in physically dangerous circumstances
    • Continuing to use alcohol despite knowing that it is the cause of or exacerbates mental or physical problems
    • Developing tolerance to alcohol, meaning that greater quantities of alcohol are required to become intoxicated
    • Experiencing symptoms of withdrawal if alcohol use is stopped, or consuming alcohol to alleviate symptoms of withdrawal

    The severity of the disorder ranges from mild to severe, depending on how many signs and symptoms a person has experienced:

    • Mild: 23 symptoms
    • Severe: 6 or more symptoms

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    What Are Treatment Options For Alcoholism

    Treating alcohol addiction can be complex and challenging. In order for treatment to work, the person with an alcohol addiction must want to get sober. You cant force them to stop drinking if they arent ready. Success depends on the persons desire to get better.

    The recovery process for alcoholism is a lifetime commitment. There isnt a quick fix and it involves daily care. For this reason, many people say alcohol addiction is never cured.

    Will I Relapse After Treatment

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    When a person finishes either an inpatient or outpatient course of treatment, many will continue to participate in an aftercare program to help maintain recovery. Aftercare efforts, such as attendance of 12-step meetings like Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous or other mutual-support groups, may help people who have gone through treatment maintain their recovery trajectory.7

    Relapse rates for alcoholism are similar to rates for other chronic medical illnesses such as diabetes or asthma.8 Even if youve followed your medical treatment plan, relapse may occurbut that doesnt mean youve failed. It just means you need to speak with your doctor to resume rehab, modify your aftercare plan, or try another treatment.8

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    When Should Someone Seek Help

    Individuals often hide their drinking or deny they have a problem. How can you tell if you or someone you know is in trouble? Signs of a possible problem include having friends or relatives express concern, being annoyed when people criticize your drinking, feeling guilty about your drinking and thinking that you should cut down but finding yourself unable to do so, or needing a morning drink to steady your nerves or relieve a hangover.

    Some people with drinking problems work hard to resolve them. With the support of family members or friends, these individuals are often able to recover on their own. However, those with alcohol dependence usually can’t stop drinking through willpower alone. Many need outside help. They may need medically supervised detoxification to avoid potentially life-threatening withdrawal symptoms, such as seizures. Once people are stabilized, they may need help resolving psychological issues associated with problem drinking.

    There are several approaches available for treating alcohol problems. No one approach is best for all individuals.

    What Causes Alcohol Use Disorder

    Scientists are still trying to understand what causes alcohol use disorder. It appears to be a combination of one or more of the following:

    • Attempts to relieve emotional pain.

    People are more likely to develop alcohol use disorder if they:

    • Consume alcohol often, in large amounts or start early in life.
    • Experienced trauma, such as physical or sexual abuse.
    • Have a family history of alcohol use disorder.
    • Have mental health issues, such as grief, anxiety, depression, eating disorders and post-traumatic stress disorder.
    • Have had stomach bypass surgery for weight issues.

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    What Are The Symptoms Of Alcoholism

    Alcohol addiction can be difficult to recognize. Unlike cocaine or heroin, alcohol is widely available and accepted in many cultures. Its often at the center of social situations and closely linked to celebrations and enjoyment.

    Drinking is a part of life for many people. When is it common in society, it can be hard to tell the difference between someone who likes to have a few drinks now and then and someone with a real problem.

    Some symptoms of alcohol addiction are:

    • increased quantity or frequency of use
    • high tolerance for alcohol, or lack of hangover symptoms
    • drinking at inappropriate times, such as first thing in the morning, or in places like church or work
    • wanting to be where alcohol is present and avoiding situations where there is none
    • changes in friendships someone with an alcohol addiction may choose friends who also drink heavily
    • avoiding contact with loved ones
    • hiding alcohol, or hiding while drinking
    • dependence on alcohol to function in everyday life
    • increased lethargy, depression, or other emotional issues
    • legal or professional problems such as an arrest or loss of a job

    As an addiction tends to get worse over time, its important to look for early warning signs. If identified and treated early, someone with an alcohol addiction may be able to avoid major consequences of the disease.

    Alcohol addiction can result in heart disease and liver disease. Both can be fatal. Alcoholism can also cause:

    • increased risk of cancer
    • suppressed immune function

    Can Alcohol Addiction Cause Night Sweats

    Alcoholism  A Natural Cure

    As a depressant, alcohol slows down activity in your nervous system. Heavy drinking can even lower your body temperature and lead to hypothermia, especially if you are outside and exposed to the elements. However, alcohol withdrawal will cause the opposite effects, including an elevated body temperature. Someone with an alcohol use disorder may start to go into withdrawal symptoms during the night, which can cause night sweats.

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    How Addiction Relates To Other Progressive Diseases

    When thinking about addiction, one must realize that its similar to other progressive diseases such as diabetes. Diabetes cannot be cured, but making good day-to-day choices manages symptoms, lengthens the lifespan, and promotes a better quality of life. Yet if a person lets down their guard and begins binging on sweets, they can undo the good theyve accomplished.

    What makes addiction particularly challenging is that it cannot be screened for. Other diseases can be detected through a blood test or lab work, but addiction cannot. This makes it more difficult to identify, treat and manage. Rather, most of the warning signs come in the form of actions and words. This means that both a recovering addict and their family need to be on high alert.

    Why Is There No Cure For Alcoholism

    There is no cure for alcoholism because of the way that the disease develops. At first, a person will be able to choose whether they drink alcohol.

    As their condition progresses, their brain chemistry, gray matter, and the specific areas of the brain that are responsible for reward will become permanently altered.

    This will result in an addiction to the substance that cant be cured because there is no way to reverse the damage that has already been done.

    Any physical dependency issues that cause withdrawal symptoms contribute to the problem as well.

    However, if a person is willing to get the treatment they need at an alcohol rehabilitation center, they have a much greater chance of becoming sober than they would if they attempt the process alone.

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    No Fix For Alcoholism Doesnt Mean No Expectations

    Many diseases and disorders are incurable however, antiretroviral drugs have been developed that can help people who are living a long, stable life, meaning that these people have a fixed condition. Similarly, an alcoholic can be treated with medical attention and recovery with determination and responsibility. The Public Organization on Liquor Misuse and Alcoholism summarizes the types of drugs that can help a person learn to control alcohol consumption and build the tools and skills to stay calm. These include:

    Medication for alcoholism: Finding out how to identify the underlying causes of craving for alcohol, and how to incorporate alternatives to alcohol is one of the most important steps in treating alcoholism. Social therapies can also include therapies aimed at improving the motivation to stay calm and that help the individual plan for confidential matters that can add to the drinking.

    Family therapy: Often the battle to stop drinking is rooted in relationship problems. By involving the family in counseling at meetings, all relatives can learn how to help that person stay motivated and provide needed love and support to keep the balance going. General help or 12-step circles: Alcohol treatment room stone support from other people facing similar problems. Common bunches help by providing training, supplies, and responsibility to help that person focus on recovery and stay focused on long-term recovery.

    Can Addiction Be Cured

    ALCOHOL ADDICTION patients treated with HOMEOPATHYKnow How ???-Dr.Sanjay Panicker | Doctors’ Circle

    When reading about treatment and recovery for a drug or alcohol addiction, you may come across terms like overcome, conquered or defeated. These words indicate that addiction is curable. But is this true? Can a person who once dealt with a drug or alcohol problem really put the past behind them?

    While there is no cure for addiction, the disease can be successfully treated and managed. Yes you CAN live a life that is free from drugs and alcohol.

    Here at The River Source, we try to avoid using words like overcome because we dont want patients to think that they can stop working at their recoveries one day. People who assume they are cured may be more at risk for relapse than those who admit they have a vulnerability and need to continue working at it.

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    Can Drug Or Alcohol Addiction Be Cured

    There are some addiction rehab centers that insist they can cure alcohol and drug addiction. Is this claim realistic? Can drug and/or alcohol addiction be permanently cured?

    Extensive research attributes addiction largely to changes in brain structure and function. Because these changes make it much harder for the addict to control substance use, health experts recommend professional treatment and complete abstinence.

    Today, most experts agree that drugs provide an instant shortcut to our brains pleasure center. They flood our brains with dopamine and condition us to seek the next high. As a result, our bodies begin reducing their natural dopamine output. With repeated drug use, pleasure dissipates but the cravings remain. Thus, drugs hijack our natural drive for pleasure. Addicts pursue drugs despite the fact that the pleasure they experience from them progressively diminishes.

    Vaccines and medications like naloxone, which block the rewarding effects of drugs, have increased the likelihood that addicts can stay off drugs or alcohol. In addition, the federal government recently revised drug policies to recognize addiction as a disease and has emphasized treatment over punishment. Will any of these developments, by themselves, cure addiction? Probably not. Nevertheless, they are steps in the right direction.

    Effective treatment can result in lifelong sobriety

    It Is Possible To Lead a Drug-Free Life

    Substance Abuse Treatment At Sierra Sage

    So just because there is no alcohol addiction cure doesnt mean this disease has to win. If youre willing to work together, what we can do is cure the habits that lead so many to alcohol addiction. Contact Sierra Sage Recovery Services at to learn about our substance abuse treatment, and let us help you fight for a better future.

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